Bucky O'Hare Fan Fiction by Psykorabbit2000
(updated 4/10/07)
Shadows from the Past
A memory from the Aldebaran Queen's past steps forward and decides to get involved in the fight for the throne.
True Limitations, Part 1
When a crew of explorers are killed by a shadow attack, Fritz cals on Kinjite to help protect Genus. But what will happen when Kinjite faces one of his kind?
True Limitations, Part 2
Having been defeated, Kinjite makes a choice and pursues the other male. His choice leads him down his path of ...
Dark Hero and Warm Heart, Part 1
A couple of months after his last fight for Aldebaran, Kinjite now faces regens and his greatest emotional challenge ever: a six-year-old female Aldebaran.
Dark Hero and Warm Heart, Part 2
Having met Ayami, Kinjite discovers his past and his real home, but can a single cat answers all of the calls of life and war?
A Week of Friends
With his wedding approaching, Kinjite is snagged by Bucky and the guys. Meanwhile, Ayami spends time with Jenny and meets someone new.
Darker Views
When a mysterious figure breaks into Fritz's office and a cat that looks like Kinjite massacres several mammals, Kinjite is brought away from his wife and baby daughter. What can a slight alteration in history do to one's life?
The Unsheathing of Claws
With the fall of Genus, Atlantis makes a choice and chooses to remain silent no longer.
Tempering of Bravery
After the fight with the toads, Kinjite and his family are trying to settle down and try to live peacefully. Unfortunately, someone else has a different opinion.
The Forbidden One Cometh, Part 1
When Felicia comes to Atlantis to ask for help, Kinjte and his friends step forward. By the end, one will die to save the Queen.
The Forbidden One Cometh, Part 2
With Shar's death still on his mind, Kinjite defies the King's orders and returns to Aldebaran to finish the fight.
New Emotions and Blood
After her dad was exiled, Allura stepped up to help the throne. On her first mission, an accident makes her land on a strange planet, with a strange bat race.
Harsh Realities
Two weeks into exile, Kinjite and Cassie come across an old enemy of Kinjite. Cassie gets her eyes opened to the capabilities of a single black cat when the past collides with the present.
The Outsider
Finding out that Ariel was taking by regens, Kinjite races back to Aldebaran. What is with the unknown capsule, and what is going through Cassie's head?
A Christmas Wish
Arriving at Aldebaran for the Winter Festivals, several events and wishes occur: Kinjite finds a female who knows the pain of betrayal, and Cassie makes a choice as well.
New Allies
With the mammals getting ready to retake Genus and a new enemy rising up for a shot, Kinjite disappears. In a place he is truly afraid of, Kinjite finds a new ally.
The Unleashing
Kinjite is gone, and the mammals march on Genus. Is this the Aniverse's darkest hour, or are there other plans in motion?
Fallen Angel
Genus has been freed, and Kinjite has gone to the Outer Rim to heal. During a patrol, Jenny and Bucky meet a new guy, and he takes a stand against one of his own.
Let's Get Ready To Crumble
Emerald has been captured by Awik, and Cobra is marching on the toad mother ship with two partners. The toads get a taste of real combat.
The Limit Of The Heart
Cobra learns the nature of the Izumi Ninjas.The Emblem Assassins are attacked, and Cobra learns how far he will go to save someone he loves.
Facing Your Past
After meeting a young Atlantean, Allura's past comes forward to haunt her. While facing her past, Allura gives Kinjiite a sample of real skill and power.
Future Echoes
With the discovery of a strange shuttle, Cassie and Kinjite get a slight glimpse of a possible future.
A Match Made in Heaven ...
With a wedding approaching, Kinjite reflects and realizes how the past has played and how happy things are. What can go wrong now?
Matches Made in Hell
With the interruption of a wedding, several foes are faced with each other. What is to happen now?
Clash Of Races
When Bucky and Jenny come up missing, Fritz asks Kinjite for help. What happens when worlds get mixed up?
Younger Allura
A little dabbling by Younger Allura.
Hounds of War
A war of ages arrives and catches everyone in its grip. Can Bucky and the races of Atlantis and Aldebaran deal with it, and who is behind the attacks?
Flames of War
With Ayami wounded and Kinjite an emotional wreck, Younger Allura takes action. Kinjite is also forced into a confrontation.
Pains of War
With the possession of Ayami and Kinjite being reawakened, the Great Purge reaches toward its final point. What is the cost for saving billions of lives?
Track and Hearts
Months after the Purge on Aldebaran, a decision is made to hold Track and Field between some planets. Some more happens than expected for a small shrew, though.
Drinking with Canards
With Younger Allura feeling depressed about her age, Deadeye does something to liven her up a little bit.
When Hearts are Tested, Part 1
When three females are snatched from the aniverse, all of whom have an emotional impact on Kinjite, it starts a whole new adventure with new villains.
When Hearts are Tested, Part 2
Aldebaran is under attack by a human, and Kinjite is tearing up a human city. Younger Allura takes her stand against everything, with some help.
Closing Darkness
After thousands of generations, Atlantis has come full circle. It is a dark day for the powerful race.
Righteous Fury, Part 1
Atlantis is gone and Kinjite is dead; the UAC is doing nothing and a newcomer is found. Things look new for the universe.
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