The Outsider Author Psykorabbit2000 (Note; Continued from Harsh Realities) Scene 1 Space The capsule gently floats through space. It has a bright green flashing light and a bright red flashing light. It seems to be flying on a set course Inside it, lies a healthy looking leopard in a black jumpsuit. His eyes are closed and he doesn’t seem to be breathing. The capsule continues on its course, nearing Aldebaran. On Aldebaran… QUEEN KATRINA looks up as PRINCESS FELICIA comes running into the throne room out of breath. Queen Katrina (concerned) ”What is wrong Felicia?” Felicia (panting) ”Regens… kidnap…Ariel and…her mom!” Katrina (stunned) ”Regens? Are you serious?” Felicia walks up and hands Queen Katrina a piece of paper. Katrina looks at the paper in shock as she reads it. Queen Katrina (reading) ”We are demanding that the black furred cat who killed our operatives on Genus be delivered or we will kill both females!” Queen Katrina lowers the paper and takes a deep breath. She looks around the room and her eyes focus on a nearby guard. Queen Katrina (quietly) ”Send for Kinjite.” The guard bows and leaves the room immediately. Felicia watches shocked. She turns to the Queen in shock. Felicia (shocked) ”Your going to give Kinjite to the Regens?” Queen Katrina (turning from Felicia) “I have to protect my subjects.” Felicia (anger in her voice) ”They will kill Ariel and Samantha, even if they get Kinjite! You know this Grandmother!” Queen Katrina (turns and glares at Felicia) ”Yes I know that! I also know that there are very few mammals that can fight against a Regen on their terms, but Kinjite is one of them!” (softly) ”I don’t like this choice, but I also know that Kinjite would never forgive me if I didn’t attempt to save Samantha or Ariel. I’m sorry.” Felicia watches as her grandmother walks from the throne room. She chews her lower lip and storms out a different door. On Kinjite’s Shuttle… KINJITE sits back and listens as the Aldebaran Guard fills him in. Kinjite (when the guard is finished) ”Tell her highness that I will be there in a few hours. Is there any word as to where I am suppose to meet them at?” Guard (on screen) ”No. I was just told that I was to send for you.” Kinjite nods and severs the link. CASSIE walks in and looks at him. She sits in the copilot seat as he turns to her. She studies the bandages all over his body and shakes her head. Cassie (leaning back) ”So who was on the signal?” Kinjite (sighing) ”We are heading to Aldebaran. The Queen needs my help.” Cassie (interested) ”Really and how long will we be on the planet?” Kinjite (turning to the flight controls) ”As long as it takes for Regens to come for me.” Cassie sits up shocked as he punches in a flight path. Cassie (stunned) ”Regens!? You are still trying to heal from the fight with that Anglosax! Now you plan on fighting Regens?” Kinjite punches a few last buttons and stands up. He walks down the hall and Cassie follows him. Kinjite (as he walks) ”I told Queen Katrina that I would help the throne and race, no matter what. I plan on keeping that promise.” He walks into the dining area and punches a few buttons on the food dispenser. A second later, a tray with a few mint leaves slides out. He takes them and walks over to the table. Cassie (sitting at the table) ”What are you going to do with those?” Kinjite “Don’t play stupid with me Cassie. I know you are wanting to learn about Alchemical Magic and I need to heal myself. So what better way to teach you.” Cassie (ears perking up) ”What about the toxin?” Kinjite (placing a leaf in front of her) ”The healing spells produce no toxins, because you are suppose to keep it in your body. That is why it is done with herbs safe to consume. Pick up the leaf and study it.” Cassie picks up the leaf and scans it with her eyes. She then looks at Kinjite. Kinjite (shaking his head) ”Not with just your eyes. Smell it, feel it, and taste it. If there is something you can hear from it, then hear it. You need to know every little detail about it. Alchemical involves more than sight.” Cassie nods and turns her attention back to the leaf of mint. Kinjite watches as she does what he said. When she is done, she looks at him and he nods. Kinjite (picking up a leaf) ”Now watch how this spell works before I go any farther. I will need the time to get the full effect before we get to Aldebaran.” He places his paw on the table, palm up with the leaf on it. He closes his eye and his breathing slows. Suddenly the leaf melts and sinks into his palm. As Cassie watches, she can see green streaks flow across his palm and disappear into his black fur. He opens his eyes and sees her watching with interest. Kinjite (calmly) ”If you want to learn Alchemical magic, you will learn to feel some kind of pain. You will need to learn your body as well. I can start teaching you the healing arts of it.” Cassie (smiling) ”I’m ready.” Kinjite reaches across the table and gently takes one of her paws and lays it palm up. Before she can say anything, he slides a claw out and rips it across her palm, tearing her skin. Cassie (yelling) ”OWWW! What was that for?!” Kinjite keeps a hold of her paw as she tries to pull away. Kinjite (calmly) ”I told you that you would feel pain.” Cassie (muttering) ”You could have warned me first.” Kinjite (meeting her eyes) ”Listen and do as I say. Close your eyes and feel the blood flowing in your palm study it through your senses of touch and smell.” (watches as Cassie closes her eyes) ”Feel it on your palm, as it slowly spreads across your skin. Smell the iron content of your blood and you will have a slight metallic taste in your mouth. Let me know when this happens.” He slowly releases her paw and sits back and watches her. After a few seconds, she nods and he smiles. He gently takes the mint leaf and sets it on her palm, next to the blood. Kinjite (quietly) ”Do you remember what the mint leaf was like when you studied it? Whole and undamaged? Can you feel it on your injured palm” (Cassie nods her eyes still closed) “Good, I want you to imagine the leaf as a part of your palm and your palm as undamaged as the mint leaf was. As you do this, focus your body’s energy into your palm.” Cassie sits quietly as Kinjite watches her. His eye traces down her arm and to her paw. He nods and looks back up to her face. Kinjite (quietly) ”Now I want you to think of the leaf as a piece of your skin. Mentally move the *skin* back into place and seal up the wound I caused.” He looks down and sees the mint leaf slowly melt and seep into her paw. The wound slowly closes and the blood stops slowly. Kinjite (nodding) ”Good, now I want you to take the extra energy and push it into your veins. Let it flow up through your veins and arteries, healing the rest of your body. When it is in your veins, you can stop focusing on it and open your eyes.” He gets up and walks around beside her to watch her arm. His eye traces the green streams as they disappear into her fur, like his did. Cassie slowly opens her eyes. She lets out a slow breath and looks down at her paw. The wound has scabbed up and the blood has stopped. She slowly wiggles her fingers around and gently closes her paw. Kinjite gently places his paw over hers and squeezes it. She looks up at him in awe. Kinjite (quietly) ”That is the weakest of the healing spells. It will take about an hour for the cut to fully heal, but it will, without a scar.” Cassie (in awe) ”Why did you have to tear my skin like that?” Kinjite (smiling) ”It is the easiest way to get you to study your body, since pain already takes care of most of your senses.” Kinjite lets go of her paw and turns to the hall way. Cassie watches him walk out and looks back down at her paw in amazement. Cassie (thinking) She shakes her head in amazement and gets up. She quickly follows Kinjite to the cockpit. Scene 2 Space Near Aldebaran The capsule slowly orients itself towards the planet and drifts towards it. It picks up speed as it approaches the atmosphere. The front of it begins to glow as it heats up. It streaks towards the planet. Its course is towards the coastline not far from the Royal Palace. It streaks across the sky and slams in to the water about half a mile form the shore line. Waves rush up from the impact area and spray across the area. A few minutes later, a boat is racing towards the area. After a few minutes, a pair of mechanical arms retrieve the capsule and set it on the boat. A couple of females carefully study it and check some readings on a couple pieces of machinery. One of them walks up and looks in through a porthole. She sees the male panther laying there. She looks at the other female and nods. The boat turns and heads back towards the castle. A few hours later at the Castle… Kinjite’s shuttle slowly lands at the Palace landing pad. Jenny and Felicia are waiting as the hatch opens. Felicia runs up and hugs Kinjite as he steps off the shuttle. Jenny walks up behind her. Kinjite (hugging Felicia) ”I wish I got more welcomes like this.” Felicia steps back and smiles. Kinjite nods towards Jenny, who nods back. Kinjite (quietly) ”Any words out of Bucky yet?” Jenny (shaking her head) ”No word yet.” Kinjite nods and turns as Cassie walks out of the shuttle. She glares at Jenny and Felicia, who glare back at her. Jenny (speaking to Kinjite) ”The Queen awaits you in the throne room.” Kinjite nods and motions to head that way. The small group turns and starts walking. Felicia places her self between Kinjite and Cassie as they walk and Jenny walks in front of the group. Jenny (thinking) The small group walks into the castle. No one sees the pairs of eyes watching form a tree or the sudden flash of light as the figure disappears. Inside the Palace… Queen Katrina looks up as the doors swing open. She rises as Jenny steps in, followed by Kinjite and the others. The doors shut behind them and Queen Katrina walks forward. She hugs Kinjite tightly and takes a step back. Queen Katrina (gently) ”I am glad you came as soon as you could.” Kinjite (nodding) ”I made a promise and I will keep it.” Queen Katrina nods and turns to Cassie. She nods to her and Cassie nods back. Queen Katrina (flatly) ”And how have you been, niece?” Cassie (flatly) ”I have been well. Kinjite has done a good job of keeping an eye on me.” Queen Katrina nods and looks back at Kinjite. She takes a deep breath and sighs. Kinjite (quietly) ”Do you want to speak in private, your Highness?” Queen Katrian shakes her head and walks back up to the throne. She sits and lays her head against the back of the throne. Queen Katrina (quietly) ”I can’t believe I am forced to do this.” (she looks at Kinjite) ”I can’t believe I am forced to send you to your death in hopes of saving two females. Unfortunately, they will probably be killed as soon as they get you.” Kinjite nods and looks down. Memories of Ariel flood his mind and his shoulders droop. He lifts his head and looks at the Queen. Kinjite (smiling) ”I have a plan, but I need to make a phone call.” Queen Katrina (hopefully) ”What is this plan of yours?” Kinjite “We set up an ambush or attack the Regens. The problem is that I will need some serious fighters to help me. One on one I can beat a Regen, but any more than that and I am as good as dead.” Jenny (stepping up) ”I will help. Samantha and Ariel are members of the Sister Hood.” Kinjite (shaking his head) ”I appreciate the offer, but no. I want you to watch over the Queen during this. I would expect the Regens to make an attempt on her during this incident.” (looks at Queen Katrina) ”There are two on Atlantis who can help me out. My older daughter Allura and the Ex-assassin Sister Shari.” Cassie (stunned) ”Shari is alive?” Kinjite (looking over at Cassie) ”I don’t kill everyone I fight. Belle is still alive and working for the Queen.” Cassie turns and looks at the Queen in shock. Queen Katrina (nodding) ”During the three days before you were exiled, I arranged that she work as a servant to atone for her crimes and in return, Kinjite reversed the curse he put on her. She has lost the use of her legs as part of the punishment, but she retains the use of her arms and torso.” (looks at Kinjite) ”Make you call, Kinjite.” Kinjite nods and reaches into his belt for his communicator. Scene 3 Kinjite’s House, Atlantis ALLURA and ANDREW are sitting on the couch. Allura is laying on the couch and leaning against Andrew’s shoulder. His wing is draped over her, like a blanket. They are watching a video of a fighting tournament. Andrew (intrigue) ”So your dad actually fought in these tournaments?” Allura (nodding) ”Yeah, he won several of them. A couple of years ago, they had him fight against another Chosen of Ahsika. They nearly destroyed the arena and it took Tenchi Otacon several hours to heal them both.” They both watch as Kinjite launches a tendril on the screen and slams his opponent. Andrew (musing) ”He seems so ruthless and savage in combat. Yet you say he is a gentle and caring father?” Allura (stroking his wing) ”He puts his heart into the fighting. He also puts just as much effort into being a gentle and loving father. It tore him apart when my little sister and mom went to a different dimension.” Andrew nods and lays back into the couch. A few minutes go by in silence, except the sounds from the screen. Suddenly there is a beeping sound and Allura sits up. She gets up and walks over to communication panel, adjusting her shirt as she goes. She punches a button and Kinjite’s face appears on the screen. Allura (surprised) ”Dad!?” Kinjite (smiling) ”Hi, Allura. I hope everything is going all right.” Allura (smiling) ”Of course it is. What can I do for you?” Kinjite (firmly) ”I need your help in a fight against some Regens. I also need Shari’s help as well.” Allura (nodding) ”Just the two of us?” Kinjite (raising an eyebrow) ”Do you have anyone else who can help? If so, bring them. This is going to be a brutal fight.” Allura (nodding) ”Will do. Where am I to meet you?” Kinjite “Aldebaran Royal Palace. Hurry up.” The signal is severed and Allura turns to Andrew. Allura (smiling) ”Time to try on that armor.” Andrew nods and walks up to the room he and Allura have been sharing. Half an hour later on the other side of the town… Shari looks up from her work out bench, when there is a knock on the door. She walks over and opens it. Allura and Andrew are standing outside, in armor. Allura “Suit up. Aldebaran needs our help.” Shari stands there for a second and nods. A few minutes later, she is in armor and following the other two towards a shuttle, waiting for them. Scene 4 Aldebaran Royal Palace, night time Kinjite is standing on a balcony, over looking the gardens. He feels the cool breeze blowing against his fur. Queen Katrina walks up beside him. They both watch as the moon rises. Queen Katrina (quietly) ”You don’t hold much hope for surviving this do you?” Kinjite stands there silently and looks down into the gardens. Queen Katrina gently places a paw on his shoulder and he looks up at her. Queen Katrina (quietly) ”I wish I had a different way or choice. The Regens really want you though.” Kinjite (nodding) ”Just like them to go after Ariel and her mom.” (he looks up at the moon again and continues softly) ”Just like when we were teenagers. A male willing to sacrifice his life to save a female. I gave up an eye back then. I wonder what the price will be this time.” Queen Katrina (quietly) ”I don’t care what the Sister Hood has to say. If you live through this and pull it off, you will always be welcome on Aldebaran and accepted as a defender of the Throne. It is the least I can do for all you have done for this world.” Queen Katrina steps up beside Kinjite and he puts an arm around her and they watch the moon together. Inside the hallway behind them… Cassie is standing there watching. She heard everything and sees them. She turns and walks down the hall. Suddenly Felicia steps in front of her. Felicia (coldly) ”What are you doing?” Cassie (flatly) ”What does it matter to you? Are you my watch dog now?” Cassie steps past Felicia and down the hall. Felicia (calling to Cassie) ”You know I may not have had the honor of being head of an Order, but at least I didn’t lose the title by trying to take over the Throne by force!” Cassie bites her lip and keeps walking off. She quickly enters the room that Kinjite and her shared. She walks over and drops onto the couch. Anger courses through her mind as tears form in her eyes. Cassie (thinking) Cassie curls up and quietly cries into her arms, as the pain of the fact that she will never be accept on her home world again sinks in. On the balcony… Kinjite and Queen Katrina turn as they hear the yelling. A few seconds later, Felicia walks out onto the balcony, smiling. Queen Katrina (turn to face her) ”What was all that about?” Felicia (smiling) ”I just told someone what I thought about them. What are you two doing out here?” Kinjite takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. He turns to the two females. Kinjite (calmly) ”My daughter will probably be here in the morning and she is bringing help with her. I will be waiting for them at Spirit Rock. I should get some sleep now.” Felicia quickly hugs him and takes a step back. He bows to Queen Katrina and she hugs him as well. They both watch him walk into the hallway and down it. Felicia (as she watches him walk off) ”Did I say something wrong?” Queen Katrina (shaking her head) ”I doubt it, kitten. He is facing Death and I am sure he has a lot on his mind right now.” In the room… Cassie lifts her head as the door opens. She quickly wipes her eyes, trying to hide the tears. Kinjite looks over and sees her doing this. He gently shuts the door and steps before the couch. Kinjite (calmly) ”Is there a reason why you are curled up on the couch and crying where I was planning on sleeping?” Cassie (sitting up angrily) ”Sure, make jokes at my pain! You don’t know what it is like!” Kinjite (sitting down beside her) ”Know what is like? Depends on what you are talking about.” Cassie (glumly) ”Having it shoved in your face that you can’t return to your own world without a guard to watch over you.” Kinjite (flicking a hair in his face) ”Nope can’t say I know what *that* is like, but I do know what it is like to not even be allowed on your home world period. After all, I am in exile as well.” Cassie’s jaw drops and she looks at Kinjite. Cassie (stunned) ”Exiled? You? Why?” Kinjite (looking at her) ”I came back here and fought you. Defied my king and to top it off, my younger daughter and wife ended up in an alternate dimension for the next twenty years. So, no I don’t know your pain, but I know a pain that is worse since I am living it.” Cassie just sits there stunned, then things started fitting together. Cassie (realizing suddenly) ”That is why you never wanted to talk about your wife!?” Kinjite nods and yawns. Kinjite (yawning) ”I should get to sleep. Have a busy day of trying to live through my own execution tomorrow.” Cassie gets up and walks over to the bed. Kinjite stretches out on the couch. Cassie lays on the bed and looks over at his still form. She watches him sleep for awhile. Cassie (thinking) ”He is going to give it his all and probably die tomorrow. In return, he hopes to save two females and give up his chance to see his loved ones again? If he does die, then that means he will die…alone.” Cassie lays there for a few seconds. Suddenly she gets up and pulls off the comforter. She walks across the room and slides onto the couch beside Kinjite, waking him up in the process. Kinjite looks at her confused as she drapes the comforter over the both of them. She snuggles up against him and places her head on the pillow, facing him. Kinjite (confused) ”What are you doing, Cassie?” Cassie (shrugging) ”You’re in pain and I am in pain. I figured we could be in pain together, for at least one night. Since you are planning on not surviving tomorrow. I figured you at least deserve to be sleeping beside a female at least tonight.” Kinjite shrugs and lays down. Cassie scoots up against him and places his arm over her shoulders. They both drift off to sleep in the quiet darkness. Scene 5 The Next morning Kinjite wakes up early and looks around. He notices that Cassie’s arm is laying over him and she’s holding him tightly. He gently moves her arm and slips out from under the comforter. Cassie murmurs something and curls up, clutching at the pillow. Kinjite smiles at the sight and stretches. He walks over and looks out the window. The sun is just barely starting to shine over the horizon. Kinjite (thinking) A small black porthole appears beside him and he reaches into it. He pulls out a small pouch and hooks it on his hip. He quietly puts on his armor and starts towards the door. He stops and looks at Cassie, who is still asleep. He walks over and leans down. He gently kisses her on the cheek and stands up. Kinjite (thinking) With that Kinjite turns and walks towards the door. He fades out of sight and vanishes right before the door. Cassie rolls over in her sleep and a smile appears on her face. Later… Queen Katrina looks up as the doors open and three figures walk in. She recognizes one of them. Queen Katrina “Sister Shari, is that really you?” Shari walks forward and bows. Allura and Andrew walk up behind her and bow as well. Shari (bowing) ”Yes my Queen. This is Allura, daughter of Kinjite and this is Andrew Von Nightwings, her chosen.” Queen Katrina stands and walks to stand before Allura. Allura stands up and faces her. Queen Katrina studies her face and nods. Queen Katrian (smiling) ”You have your father’s spirit in your eyes. I do not understand how you could be so old, when he was only released from the World of Darkness only about seven to eight years ago, but I can see the relationship between the two of you. I pray you can help him survive the situation.” Allura (nodding) ”I plan on doing my best to make sure he does live through it. I don’t want to have to be the one to tell my mom of his death when she and my younger sister return.” Queen Katrina nods and turns to Andrew, who is standing beside Allura. Queen Katrina (curious) ”A bat?” (studies him a little closer and she spots the tips of his fangs) ”A vampire bat?! I thought your kind was extinct.” Andrew (shaking his head) ”No your highness,. We are just removed from the light of day. Do not worry though. We don’t number very many.” Queen Katrina (nodding) ”Your kind doesn’t have to number many. I know of your powers.” (she looks at Allura) ”Your chosen?” Allura blushes slightly and Queen Katrina smiles. She walks over to the throne and sits down. Allura (patiently) ”Your highness, where is my father at?” Queen Katrina (quietly) ”He has gone to Spirit Rock and wishes for you to meet him there.” Shari’s eyes widen in shock at the mention of Spirit Rock. Then she nods and rubs her chin thoughtfully. Allura (noticing) ”What is it Shari?” Shari (looking at Allura) ”It makes since about his location. Spirit Rock is a location where our magic is at its weakest. It also makes since that the Regens would set up there with two Sisters as prisoners.” (bows to the Queen and turns to the door) “We need to go now!” Allura and Andrew turn and follow her out the door. In a side room… Cassie is sitting by a door and heard everything. She sits back. Cassie (thinking) Scene 6 Spirit Rock Kinjite steps out of the shadows in front of a cave. He looks around and smells the air. Kinjite (thinking) He quickly dives out of the way, as a dagger slices through the air towards him. It slams into the rocks and sticks. Kinjite rolls across the ground and to his feet. A tendril shoots from his hair and knocks the next two daggers aside. Several Regens appear around him, with swords drawn. Kinjite (growling) ”Release the Sisters!” Regen #1 (sneering) ”We will consider the idea when you are dead!” Kinjite (looking at Regen #1) ”A shame, I guess that makes you number one!” In a blur he lunges towards the Regen and the place erupts into a giant fight. A short distance away… The shuttle is racing across the sky. Shari is at the controls. Allura and Andrew are standing by the rear waiting. Allura (quietly) ”Andrew, I’m worried about my dad. What if we aren’t good enough fighters?” Andrew (placing a paw on her shoulder) ”Don’t worry, Allura. We will make it. You have your tendril magic, Shari has her fighting skills, and I have my magic as well. We will pull this off.” Allura nods and waits patiently. Shari (over intercom) ”Coming up on Spirit Rock. Looks like there is a fight already in process. Dropping your two right on it.” The back doors open and the air is sucked out as the winds whip around. Allura’s hair is streaming all over as she leans towards the door. She sees the Regens attacking her father and Kinjite fighting them off. Rage wells up in her and flames appear in her eyes. Without even thinking she leaps from the door, shortly followed by Andrew, who snaps his wings out and his left paw begins glowing. Scene 7 In a transport Cassie is sitting at a console listening to the transmitter. She leans back and looks up at the driver. Cassie (yelling over the vehicle) “Hurry up! The fight is already in progress!” Assassin Sister #1 (over her shoulder) ”I am going as fast as I can!” Another Assassin Sister steps up beside Cassie. Assassin Sister #2 (calmly) “Master Cassie, why are you so worried about this *male* anyways? He cost you the throne.” Cassie (turning back to the transmitter) ”I have my reasons. Keep an eye out though. The Palace knows I’m gone.” The Assassin Sister nods and returns to her place. At Spirit Rock… Kinjite rolls across the ground and slams into a rock. A Regen leaps at him. Suddenly in mid-air, an icicle appears and stabs through the Regen’s eye. Kinjite looks up , in time to see Allura land on top of a Regen, driving her sword through his throat. She yanks the sword sideways and the head goes flying. Andrew lands in front of Kinjite and the tips of his wings glisten with razor sharp ice across the edge. The Regens stop for a second and examine the two new comers. Kinjite staggers to his feet and steps up beside Andrew. Kinjite (gruggly) ”Not sure who you are, but you are with my daughter.” Andrew (watching the Regens) ”We can talk later, Kinjite. Right now I believe there are two Sisters to be rescued. I would suggest no holding back.” Kinjite (reaching into his pouch) ”Fair enough.” He flips out a ruby and a chunk of white jade into the air. Kinjite (yelling) ”Flames of hell consume the flesh!” He catches both of the stones and crushes them. Suddenly his body erupts into blood red flames He lunges forward and slams into the Regens, quickly followed by Allura with her sword. Andrew snaps his wings out and slices a Regen through his throat. He spins around and slides his glowing fingers across the dirt. Andrew (quietly) ”Honor your ancient back, Kjata, ancient bull of the elements!” Suddenly the ground starts shaking and a large crack appears. A giant blood red bull tears out of the ground and lands in front of Andrew. It snorts a couple of times and he points to the Regens. The bull bellows and charges forward, tearing through the stunned lizards. Meanwhile, Kinjite is giving chase to a pair of Regens, who have darted down the cave. The flames on his body give the tunnel an eerie blood red glow as he runs. He catches the first one as they round a corner. The second one runs even faster as the blood curdling screams of his dying comrade reach his ears. On the surface… Allura rolls out of the way as the giant bull slams down on the Regen she was fighting. She rolls to her feet and deflects a dagger thrown at her. A Regen runs towards her. Suddenly a long spear of solid rock shoot up out of the ground and spears the lizard clear through his body and out his head. Allura looks behind her and sees Andrew touching the ground. She smiles and looks around. She sees the bull chasing off the last few Regens. Andrew runs up beside her. Andrew (panting) ”Where is your dad?” Allura looked around and saw the bunt trail into the nearby cave. Allura (pointing) ”That way!” She lunged for the trail, quickly followed by Andrew. In the tunnels… Ariel and Samantha sit in a small chamber. There is one way in and out and there is a Regen standing there. Samantha (glaring at the Regen) ”I hope you are enjoying this!” Regen (sneering) ”Shut up cat. Your time is limited to however long this black cat can last. I would save your breath for screaming.” Ariel (spitting at the Regen) ”Lance will kick your ass! He’s the best fighter there is!” The Regen laughed and turned as he heard rapidly approaching foot steps. Suddenly the other regen bolts through the door. Regen #1 (panting) ”We need to get out of here! That cat is a demon and is right behind me!” Regen #2 (shocked) ”Where are the others?” Regen #1 (become frantic) ”Their dead! Him and his demon army killed them! We need to get out of…” He suddenly swallows hard as the tunnel begins glowing red. Kinjite comes running down the tunnel. Regen #1 screams and backs up. Regen #2 turns, just in time for Kinjite to ram his claws into the Regen’s eyes and rip them out. The Regen falls to the ground, screaming in pain. A tendril of flames snaps out of Kinjite and wraps the Regen up. The Lizard screams and thrashes as the flames consume his flesh. In a mere seconds, the tendril disappears and a charred skeletal structure drops to the ground. Kinjite (turning to Regen #1) ”Now for you!” The Regen screams and runs towards a wall. He pushes a panel and several little slots open up and several darts shoot out, towards Ariel! Kinjite spins around and time seems to stop. He lunges across the room and throws his body in front of Ariel and Samantha. Just as the darts reach him, the flames covering his body vanish. Ariel and Andrew come through the door, just in time to hear several sickening thumps as ten darts slam into Kinjite’s body and sink in. He drops to the ground in front of a terrified Ariel. Allura (screaming) ”DAD!!” She spins around and leaps onto the Regen and proceeds to rip him apart with her bare claws. Andrew quickly runs up and quickly examines the wound. He begins removing the darts and using parts of his shirt as impromptu bandages. Allura runs over and cradles her dad’s head. She feels for a pulse and finds one weakening. Samantha (kneeling beside Kinjite) ”How bad is he?” Allura (tears streaming down her cheek) ”We’re losing him!” (looks at Andrew) ”Can you do anything?” Andrew (shaking his head) ”No, my magic is geomancy meant for combat, not healing. I’m sorry.” Kinjite slowly opens his eye and looks around. Kinjite (weakly) ”Is…Ariel alright…Samantha?” Samantha (nodding) ”You stopped all of the darts. She is scared about you though.” Kinjite (smiling weakly) ”Guess… this was… to much.” He slowly shuts his eye. Suddenly Cassie barges through the tunnel entrance and slides to a stop at the sight. She shakes her head and shoves aside Andrew. Cassie (urgently) ”Open your damn eye, Kinjite! You still have to deal with me on my frelling exile!” Kinjite opens his eye part way and smiles. Cassie sighs and digs into her pockets. She pulls out a handful of mint leaves. Kinjite (weakly) ”Mint…go figure.” Cassie (smiling) ”You only taught me one. Can it be projected?” Kinjite (weakly) “Yeah, instead of forcing… in your veins, you… push it out of…. your fingers. I don’t know… if it is strong enough… though.” Cassie nods and places the whole wad of mint leaves in her hand. The entire group watches her as she performs the spell. Scene 8 At the Palace Queen Katrina is pacing around her Throne room. Felicia and Jenny are waiting by a window. Queen Katrina (worried) ”Do you think he pulled it off?” Jenny (quietly) ”I don’t know. He’s good, but I don’t know if he is good enough.” She turns to Felicia and sees a shadow movement. Jenny immediately dives to the side and a dagger smashes through the window. A pair of Regens leap through the window and land before the stunned females. Felicia darts out a nearby door and a Regen quickly gives chase. Jenny makes to follow, but stops when the Queen cries out in fear. Jenny turns to the Regen and raises her paws to fight. Down the hall… Felicia races down the hall and lunges through a door when a dagger sticks into a nearby door frame. Felicia (as she rolls across the ground) ”What am I going to do? I can’t fight a Regen!” She rolls across the ground and slams into a capsule. She sits up with her back against it and watches as the Regen approaches her pulling out a sword. Felicia curls up in a ball and covers her head with her arms. Felicia (crying) ”Grandmother!” In side the capsule… The leopard lies there in absolute silence. His eye lid shifts and his nose twitches. Leopard (thinking) His eyes snap open and he looks down. He catches sight of the top of Felicia’s hair in the window. He sees the Regen approaching with a sword. His muscles tense and a thin sheet of ice shatters His muscles scream with pain and tension as he raises his arms and curls his paws into fists. He slams them forward, bent on striking his target. Outside the capsule… Felicia keeps her head covered. Suddenly, there is a crashing sound and a loud whack. Several pieces of something shower around Felicia and she opens her eyes. She finds several pieces of broken glass laying around her. She looks up and sees a well toned arm sticking out of the capsule window. It pulls back in and she looks forward and sees the Regen sliding down the wall. Suddenly there is a grinding sound and Felicia feels the capsule shift behind her. She crawls away from it and watches it, as the lid is torn from the casing. The Leopard steps out holding the lid and flings it at the Regen, like a Frisbee. It slices clear through the Lizard’s body and sticks into the wall. The Leopard steps over to Felicia and offers her a paw to stand up with. Leopard (gently) ”Are you alright, young lady?” Felicia (gently taking his paw) ”Yes, thank you.” (Suddenly remembers) ”My grandmother!” Leopard (calmly) ”If you need help, show me where I can help at.” Felicia nods and pulls him towards the door. In the throne room… Jenny ducks under a sword swipe and rolls back. The Queen is hiding behind the Throne as she fights the Regen. The Regen dances out of reach and whips the sword around. Regen (taunting) ”Stupid witch! Thought you could beat a Regen?” Voice (from behind) ”Not her, but I can!” The Regen spins around, in time to have a solid fist slam into his face. He shoots across the room and slams into the windows, shattering them and falling out. Jenny turns and sees a tall leopard standing next to Felicia. Queen Katrina steps out from behind the throne and Felicia runs up to her, hugging her. Queen Katrina (looking at the leopard) ”I’m not sure who you are, but thank you.” Leopard (bowing) “My pleasure your highness.” Outside… The Regen slowly shakes his head and sits up. Regen (groggily) ”Who the hell was that?!” Female Voice (from the side) ”Not sure, but I will find out for you.” The Regen looks to the side and swallos hard. Regen (whimpering) ”Mommy!” Suddenly the ground explodes under him and he is launched upwards. In a flash of light he vanishes. Scene 9 Inside the Throne room Queen Katrina (talking with eh Leopard) ”So who are you exactly?” Leopard (gently) ”I am called MDX2 Alexander. Which world am I on?” Felicia (sitting on the steps by the Throne) ”This is Aldebaran. What does MDX2 stand for?” Jenny (sitting on the steps as well) ”I’ve heard of that before. I read about it in a history text. It means Most Dangerous and Deadly.” (she looks at Alexander) “Which world are you from?” Alexander (looking at Jenny) ”I am from Toxus.” Jenny (raising an eyebrow) ”I don’t remember any leopards on Toxus III. Are you sure?” Alexander (confused) ”Toxus III? I don’t know of this Toxus III. I am from Toxus.” Jenny (standing up) ”But Toxus hasn’t had any one living on it for several thousands of years!” Alexander (rubbing his chin) ”Then I guess the cryo-chamber must have been damaged and kept me sealed away for this long. Interesting. I have much to learn then.” Voice (from the door) ”Trust me, there is enough to keep you busy. I’m still trying to get use to it myself after seven to eight years of it.” Everyone turns and sees Kinjite leaning against Cassie in the door way. There are several bandages all over his body Cassie help him in and he sits on the floor by Felicia. Ariel and Samantha walk in as well, followed by Andrew and Allura. Kinjite looks at Queen Katrina and smiles weakly. Kinjite “Got them back with not a single injury on them, your highness.” Queen Katrina (studying his wounds) ”I can imagine why they aren’t injured. “ She looks around and motions for a couple of servants. Queen Katrina (calmy) ”Set up chambers for all of our guest. The Servants nod and lead people off to the chambers. Scene 10 A couple of days later Kinjite is standing by his shuttle. Cassie is standing by him as well. Allura and Andrew are standing in front of him. Kinjite (facing Andrew) ”You better take damn good care of her. If I hear you hurt her in anyway, I will tear you apart. Do I make myself clear?” Andrew (nodding) ”Yes, sir.” (puts an arm around Allura’s shoulders) ”I have no intentions of hurting her or making the Kinjite of Legends angry with me.” Kinjite (smiling) ”Good. I want you two to think before you do anything like getting married and if you do, I better get enough notice to be there!” Allura laughs as she leans against Andrew. The small group turns as the Queen approaches. They all bow to her. Queen katrian (smiling) ”It is decided. Alexander will stay here until he is caught up with things.” Kinjite (nodding) ”Good. I know what it is like to be in a time you don’t belong in and I can sympathize with the cat.” Queen Katrina (nodding) ”I do have a request for all *four* of you. Felicia and I want all of you here for the Winter Festival.” (looks at Allura) ”Tell the Atlantean Royal family they are invited as well. It is in a couple of months and last for two nights.” Allura (nodding) ”I will, and we will be here.” Queen Katrina nods and looks at Kinjite and Cassie. Cassie (quietly) ”If I am allowed to be here.” Queen Katrina nods and looks at Kinjite and leans in by his ear. Queen Katrina (loud enough for him to hear) ”You are requested to be here, by orders of Princess Felicia.” Kinjite blushes slightly as she steps back. Andrew whistles slights and Kinjite looks at him, shocked. Andrew points to his ears and winks at Kinjite. Allura (elbowing Andrew in the ribs) ”Quit picking on him and come on. Shari is waiting for us in the shuttle.” Allura quickly hugs her dad and bows to the Queen. Andrew nods to everyone and they head towards the waiting shuttle. The small group watch the shuttle lift off and take off into the sky. Kinjite (looking at Cassie) ”We should be going too.” Queen Katrina (gently) ”Don’t forget the offers and Lance, don’t’ forget that your are now a defender of the Throne.” Kinjite (smiling) ”I won’t Katrina. See you in a couple of months.” He hugs her and walks into the hatch. Cassie stands there for a second. She looks at her Aunt. Queen Katrina suddenly steps forward and hugs her as well. Queen Katrina (quietly in her ear) ”Be careful out there, kitten. I wanted you to be with Lance, because I know he would do everything in his powers to protect you. I do want you to come home alive.” Cassie (quietly) ”I will aunt Katrina.” Queen Katrina steps back as Cassie steps through the hatch and it seals shut. The shuttle lifts and streaks off into space. Queen Katrina turns and heads towards the Palace. Later in space… Kinjite is laying on his bed in his sleeping quarters. He is half asleep. Suddenly there is a knock on his door. A tendril reaches over and slides it open. Cassie steps in and shuts the door behind her. Kinjite looks over at her and sees her with a comforter draped around her shoulders and wearing her nightgown. Kinjite (gently) ”I thought you were asleep.” Cassie (quietly) ”I couldn’t sleep.” Kinjite sits up and she sits by him. Cassie (quietly) ”You have been exiled from Aldebaran before. Does it ever get easier to deal with?” Kinjite (leaning against the wall) ”Not really. You just learn to accept it.” (looks at Cassie) ”I have a question for you. Why did you follow me into that fight?” Cassie (leaning against the wall as well) ”I’m not sure. I thought you were just an arrogant male when the exile started. Then I saw how you acted when you went looking for that young ape and then rushing off to fight for the Throne of Aldebaran. I just felt that I had to go and lucky for you I did.” Kinjite (chuckling) ”I guess I am . I owe you for this one. I’m not sure how I can pay you back, but I do owe you.” He looks over and sees her sleeping with her head on his shoulder. Kinjite (quietly) ”I think you couldn’t sleep, because you don’t want to be alone anymore. Finally felt the pain of being alone. Don’t worry, you’re not alone.” He gently lays her down on his bed and lies beside her. She scoots up against him again and places her arm over him. A tendril slides out of his shoulder and flicks off the light. The End