
The inhabitants of the aniverse (and some foreigners)
N/A in the Season One category means the character was introduced in the Web Series.
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Air Marshal, The
Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: an unnaturally short, squat toad of high military rank, just below KOMPLEX and Toadborg.
Season One: The Air Marshal has always considered Bucky O'Hare his archenemy and will go to any lengths to destroy him (conversely, Bucky doesn't seem to care about the Air Marshal and focuses more on KOMPLEX).
Season Two: His past still shrouded in mystery, the Air Marshal remains an important factor in the Toad Wars -- at least, in his opinion.
Season Three: The Air Marshal, Amadeus, formed an odd but strong friendship with Willy after the human was brainwashed by the toads. He protected him from Toadborg's fury as long as possible ("The Journal") and let the UAC take Willy back when he realized the human would be better off with the mammals than with the toads ("... That Ends Well").
Season Four: The Air Marshal spearheaded the toad invasion of Genus and killed a surprised Pigton ("The Decline and Fall"). He gleefully tortured Bucky O'Hare when the toads captured him, but O'Hare later returned the favor ("Best-Laid Plans"). The Air Marshal now has an eyepatch where one of his eyes used to be ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: Having lost an eye and gained several scars, the Air Marshal spearheads the toads' plan to enact covert operations rather than open aggression ("Battle Fronts"), though he is still concerned about Willy's safety ("Fowl Play"). It's revealed that Amadeus Mosswater was a gentle toad who taught violin, and only followed KOMPLEX so fervently in order to gain the approval of his ill-tempered father ("Loyalties"). He saves Willy's life during the final battle of the Toad Wars ("The Beginning"). |
Aldin, Quintis [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a balding, beardless humanoid man with purple growths on his temples.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Quintis was Thoras Ignatius's right-hand man (ie, Death) when Thoras was the living incarnation of Frith, much like Kadaf is Fritz's Death ("Journey in the Dark").
Season Five: Appears in "Rabbit Season" as a ghostly figure. |
Archer, WIA Chairman
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Home Planet: Warren
Physical Description: a contemplative white hare in his forties.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Chairman Archer runs the Warren Intelligence Agency, which became more prominent during the toads' occupation of Genus. Appears in "Infiltration," "Blood in the Water," and "Pieces in Place."
Season Five: N/A |
Armored Artificer, The
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Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a male Aldebaran cat wearing black and red, with an expansive set of pure black spell gems
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: Sarradel, the Armored Artificer, is freed by the disciples of Arkool, mistakenly believing him to be their savior, Moashk'Arkool ("The Armored Artificer"). He nearly succeeds in conquering Aldebaran before he is killed by Felicia ("The Day of Reckoning"). One of his pure black gems is obtained by the toads, who use its power to nearly conquer the aniverse ("Overrun"). |
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Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: an Abyssinian with mocha fur and blood-red dreadlocks
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: The Head of the Combat Order, Artemisia was Jenny's combat instructor ("Loss of Faith"). She has a son, Harrison, through Tommy, and several daughters who are adept fighters. She later becomes the Aldebaran ambassador to Genus ("The Armored Artificer"). Once the Armored Artificer is defeated, she is appointed Queen of Aldebaran ("The Day of Reckoning"). |
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Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a chocolate- and cream-colored cat in silken robes with aqua eyes and green spell gems.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: Aura is the head of the Healing Order. Appears in "Blood Ties."
Season Four: Appears in "Symptoms," "Louder Than Words," and "Justification."
Season Five: Appears in "The Day of Reckoning." |
Barnett [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a weasel in a brown jumpsuit with an orange collar
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Barnett was one of Pigton's main henchmen ("Vulnerable"). He barely escaped with his life when the toads invaded Genus. He set Dogstar free after the toads stymied the mammals' rescue attempt, then killed himself ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: N/A |
Billings, Renfield
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Home Planet: ostensibly Warren; actually the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: a young and fresh-faced green hare in a business suit and tie
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: Renfield was assigned by Chairman Dogstar to be his liaison to The Righteous Indignation ("Battle Fronts"). He was later revealed as a toad spy named Zaysen who was altered to resemble a hare ("In Death") but turned against his fellow toads to help the mammals ("A Toad in Mammal's Clothing"). Renfield helped Bucky with the final assault on the Toad Homeworld ("The Beginning"). |
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Home Planet: Kanopis III
Physical Description: a four-armed pirate in traditional clothing.
Season One: Appears in "The Corsair Canards."
Season Two: Appears in "Nothing but the Truth" as one of the main pirates involved in the mission to expose a spy among the UAC investigators.
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Appears in "Friends Like These."
Season Five: Appears in "Fowl Play." |
Blade, John [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a tiger in a leather jacket
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Blade was one of Roedecker's partners ("Drastic Measures"). He was killed by the toads during the invasion of Genus ("The Decline and Fall").
Season Five: N/A |
Blinky, Android First Class
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Inventor: Dr. Wallace
Physical Description: a 3'0" one-eyed android.
Season One: Blinky is a highly sophisticated android, capable of emotions such as fear and curiosity. He is, however, still a machine and was reprogrammed by Toadborg to sabotage the Righteous during a mission to free the koalas ("On the Blink").
Season Two: Blinky's origins have always been mysterious: He was discovered in Dr. Wallace's old labs as the only functioning android after an explosion and brought to Bucky by Wallace's assistant, Bruce. With the help of a robotics specialist, Willy was able to tap into Blinky's memory banks ("Shore Leave").
Season Three: Blinky almost lost his emotion chip to a mysterious ship known only as Enoch ("Metal Flesh"). He's also no longer the only AFC produced by the UAC, though he's never encountered the other one ("Flight of The Rogue Star").
Season Four: Blinky continues to be a valuable ally of the mammals. Unfortunately, he has gotten beaten up a few times, and it appears the toads have done something insidious to him ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: Blinky was again infected by the toads, nearly dooming Bucky and his crew ("Positioning"). He temporarily served as engineer on the Righteous after Mike quit and before Willy rejoined ("Stormbringers"). |
Bottlenose, Major
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a bottlenose dolphin with a British accent.
Season One: Bottlenose is part of S.P.A.C.E.'s cryptology division and mans the secret underwater UAC space station on the planet Sludge ("Kreation Konspiracy").
Season Two: Bottlenose uses a special tank to move around on land. Appears in "Ceremony."
Season Three: Bottlenose continued to run the Sludge Intelligence Agency base until it was destroyed by the toads ("The Journal"). He now runs things from a less powerful auxiliary SIA base.
Season Four: Bottlenose made it out for the Second Annual Engineers' Convention ("Crossover Convention"). He barely escaped with his life when Toadborg destroyed the auxiliary SIA station ("Payback").
Season Five: Bottlenose has retired ("Maneuvers"). |
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Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a charcoal-gray cat with amber eyes and partial spell gems.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Brian serves in the Male Resistance as their chief doctor. Appears in "Traditions."
Season Three: Appears in "Supply Lines," "Thicker Than Water," and "Fallen."
Season Four: Appears in "The Wayward Apprentice," "Louder Than Words," and "Justification."
Season Five: Despite being aged by the power of the Armored Artificer, Brian helps Bucky and crew fight to regain Aldebaran, though he dies in the process ("The Day of Reckoning"). |
Bruce, Engineer
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Home Planet: Betelgeusia
Physical Description: a 5'5" red-furred baboon.
Season One: Bruce was the original engineer of The Righteous Indignation, but a malfunctioning photon accelerator caused him to be zapped into another dimension ("War of the Warts"). Bruce appeared once more as a half-transmission ("The Search for Bruce") to inform his former crewmates that he is indeed alive and is working on a way to transport himself home.
Season Two: Bruce is still out there somewhere.
Season Three: Bruce aided Bruiser on his brother's suicide quest -- maybe as a hallucination, maybe not ("Poisoned").
Season Four: Appears in "Hare At Arms" (in a flashback).
Season Five: Bruce finally finds a way to return to his friends, and his arrival leads to his forming an independent two-man team with Bruiser ("Home Again"). The two baboons save Dr. Wallace from Al Negator ("Teamwork"). |
"Bruiser" [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: Betelgeusia
Physical Description: a 5'4" red-furred baboon.
Season One: The aptly named Bruiser is the brother of Bruce, former engineer of the Righteous. He joined the team after learning of his brother's being zapped into another dimension ("The Good, the Bad, and the Warty"). He received the banana badge of honor from his home planet in recognition of his bravery in the battle of the toads and went on to defend his home planet against a toad invasion ("Bye Bye Berserker Baboon").
Season Two: Bruiser continues to fight the toads as the Righteous's storm trooper. Thanks to one of Blinky's games, "Combat Chess Craft," he's begun learning some military strategy ("Storm Toad").
Season Three: After being poisoned, Bruiser followed the Betelgeusian war custom of going on a suicide mission ("Poisoned"). He imagined Bruce to be at his side the entire time and continued an old spat with his brother. Showing more signs of keen intellect, Bruiser took out a toad base on his mission. Through some means, physical or spiritual, Bruiser was healed at the end of his quest, and he continues to serve the UAC loyally. He's nearly met his match, though, in the toads' latest insidious weapon: the Baboon Counter Bot.
Season Four: Bruiser was both physically and psychologically defeated when the toads used genetic engineering to make themselves unafraid of berserker baboons, but he pulled himself together and decided to augment his strength with munitions ("Tactics"). His real name is Bruce, like all his brothers ("Trapped").
Season Five: Buriser serves as the resident muscle of the Righteous until his brother Bruce returns, when they decide to form a separate two-man operation ("Home Again"). They go on several adventures together ("Teamwork"), but Bruiser ultimately sacrifices himself to defeat the toad invasion of Betelgeusia ("Overrun"). |
Callan, Gunner Harry
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Home Planet: Warren
Physical Description: a 4'0" brown hare.
Season One: Harry was enslaved during the invasion of Warren by the toads and became a key member in Mimi's successful resistance movement ("Home, Swampy Home"). He is the second-best jumper on Warren, behind Bucky O'Hare.
Season Two: Harry is the gunner for The Screaming Mimi and remains a vital and enthusiastic member of the S.P.A.C.E. fleet.
Season Three: Always up for a little adventure and mischief, Harry is sort of helping Mimi investigate Chairman Warner. He helped her sneak into Kadaf's hotel room on Warren, searching for evidence of Warner involvement in a UAC break-in ("Summer Snows"). He was later tortured by Dr. Cravis ("Flight of the Rogue Star").
Season Four: Harry, having been secretly brainwashed by Dr. Cravis, was used by the toads to overtake Genus from the inside ("The Decline and Fall"). He was subsequently captured, and Captain Smata took great pleasure in torturing him mercilessly ("Infiltration").
Season Five: Harry's past catches up to him, forcing him and Mimi on a dangerous smuggling mission ("Old Habits"). |
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a horned green lizard in brown monkish robes.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Cameleous is a regen who came to the aniverse in the last few years, probably to do business as a mercenary and information dealer. He seems to be the head of a lizard organization, as he has many regens under his command and has been hired many times by toads to do their dirty work. He is a religious lizard and worships the sun god, Frith. Appears in "Chain of Command" and "Danger Signs."
Season Three: Cameleous and the regens have kept quiet lately, biding their time. However, they do now have schematics for a mark-5 photon accelerator, as per Cameleous's deal with Fritz Warner ("Murky Business").
Season Four: Cameleous's plans to invate Aldebaran were cut short by the mammals, who traded him a functional mark-5 accelerator for his promise not to attack the cat planet ("Blood in the Water").
Season Five: Cameleous placed a bounty on Bucky's head, but he retracts it in exchange for the hare's supposed allegiance regarding Aldebaran ("Maneuvers"). Once the toads spread evil Aldebaran magic throughout the aniverse, Cameleous orders the regens to abandon it ("Overrun"). |
Cassie, Head Master Sister [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a pale gray cat with green eyes and full spell gems.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Cassie was leader of the Thought Order, the most powerful of the three orders of magic. She is the Queen's niece and sees herself as next in line to the throne -- and she'll do anything to ensure this. First appeared in "Assassins."
Season Three: While no longer head of the Thought Order, Cassie continues to scheme for the throne of Aldebaran, causing trouble for the Male Resistance and for Jenny. Appears in "Supply Lines" and "Thicker than Water."
Season Four: While imprisoned, Cassie conducted a masterful game of chess with the other players in the struggle for Aldebaran ("Symptoms," "Louder Than Words"). Upon being freed, she managed to overtun her aunt's rule and assume brief control of the planet, only to be obliterated by a rejuvenated Queen Katrina.
Season Five: N/A |
Chelli, Former Master [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a young Aldebaran with silver fur and light green spell gems.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Chelli was leader of one of Cassie's Assassination Squads, which were designed for the sole purpose of being Cassie's secret service. She was removed from her position after failing in a mission to Cassie. She is lucky Cassie didn't kill her. She later made a deal with Cameleous and tried to assassinate Willy. Appears in "Assassins" and "Danger Signs."
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Disgraced, Chelli accepts ceremonial suicide ("Symptoms").
Season Five: N/A |
Cravis, Doctor
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Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: a sadistic toad in a white lab coat.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Cravis used the facilities of the Drayke corporation to carry out his cruel, torturous lab experiments until he was shot in the head by Eric, Drayke's brother and assistant ("Control").
Season Three: Cravis apparently survived the shot to the head and is just as evil as ever. He still enjoys torturing mammals ("Flight of The Rogue Star").
Season Four: Mentioned in "Drastic Measures."
Season Five: Mentioned in "A Toad in Mammal's Clothing." |
Cyberstorm [DECEASED]
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Inventor: KOMPLEX
Physical Description: a powerful blue and green android who resembles a more advanced Toadborg.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Cyberstorm was a droid designed by KOMPLEX to have weather-controlling powers. He almost destroyed two crews of the UAC fleet before being disabled, largely due to Toadborg's jealousy ("Storm Toad").
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: After collecting all the missing components of his built-in climate converter, Cyberstorm is defeated by Jenny and Dallion, then destroyed for good while trying to return home ("Stormbringers"). His interior components were then used to restore an organic component to Toadborg ("Maneuvers"). |
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a large wolf with many bionic implants. He wears silver-like armor plating that covers much of his body, an armor plate on his left bicep, and something strange-looking on his right bicep. He also has three large steel claws that protrude from each foot.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Dallion is a Luporian, a member of a small race that was all but extinguished by the toads. Before being captured and experimented on by the toads, Dallion was a peaceful, nature-loving magic-user. The various experimentations in toad cyborg technology have turned him into a self-hating mess of flesh and metal. He now fights the toads and occasionally flies into fits of pure rage. Appears in "Ronin Steel," "Control," and "Danger Signs."
Season Three: Dallion remains at Chairman Warner's beck and call, though he's not particularly cheerful about it. He tried to help heal Jenny and Willy when they were hurt by a toad weapon ("Fallen"). Later, he scouted the Toad Homeworld, looking for information on how to free Willy from toad control ("Stagnation"). He was severely damaged in this attempt, and Drayke is now rebuilding the cyborg.
Season Four: One of Drayke's scientists took control of Dallion for his own ends, but he was thwarted by Bucky and his crew ("Friends Like These"). To pay Bucky back, Dallion agreed to keep an eye on Cameleous and the regens, making sure they uphold their promise not to attack Aldebaran ("Blood in the Water").
Season Five: Dallion helps Jenny defeat the reinvigorated Cyberstorm ("Stormbringers"), and helps Bucky confront the regens ("Maneuvers"). In the final battle against the toads, he helps the UAC frigates penetrate the Toad Homeworld's defenses ("The Beginning"). |
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: an octopus.
Season One: Dexter is a data specialist for the secret underwater UAC space station on the planet Sludge ("Kreation Konspiracy").
Season Two: Appears in "Ceremony."
Season Three: Dexter had to deal with a bigger threat than his manic sister, DeeDee, when the toads destroyed the Sludge Intelligence Agency base ("The Journal"). He now works at a less powerful auxiliary SIA base. Like Bottlenose, he uses a Water Tank to travel on land ("Flight of The Rogue Star").
Season Four: Dexter made it out for the Second Annual Engineers' Convention ("Crossover COnvention"). He barely escaped with his life when Toadborg destroyed the auxiliary SIA station ("Payback").
Season Five: With the Sludge base destroyed, Dexter now works at the intelligence base on Betelgeusia ("Fowl Play"). |
Dogstar, Commander Sirius [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: Canis I
Physical Description: a reddish-brown bulldog in a military space uniform with the trimmings who speaks with a meandering British accent.
Season One: Dogstar, ever loyal to the Security Council, served as an investigator for the UAC ("The Good, the Bad, and the Warty"). He was known for his powerful sense of smell and using it to sniff out enemies. He became captain of The Indefatigable upon its commission.
Season Two: Dogstar has continued to fight with S.P.A.C.E. against the toads and is known for his interrogation skills ("Defection").
Season Three: Still fighting toads valiantly as captain of The Indefatiagable, Dogstar has finally admitted to himself, and to Lieutenant Wolf, that he's getting too old for active duty ("Flight of The Rogue Star").
Season Four: Dogstar worked closely with the UAC government on Warren to plan how to retake Genus. He led the assault on Genus himself ("Pieces in Place"). The plan was ultimately successful, and after Genus was retaken, Dogstar was elected Chairman ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: As Chairman of the UAC, Dogstar expanded the war effort, commissioning seven new frigates ("Battle Fronts"). However, his tactics did not sit well with everyone in the UAC, causing several planets to separate from the organization. Dogstar is later assassinated by a toad doppelganger resembling Bucky ("On The Brink"). He appears to Bucky in the space between life and death ("In Death"). |
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Home Planet: Kanopis III
Physical Description: a four-armed duck.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Drayke was an old associate of Deadeye's who, for reasons unknown, sold out to the toads and funded a laboratory that performed illegal medical experiments until he was discovered by Dallion and the UAC and shut down ("Control").
Season Three: Drayke only helped the toads because they were holding his wife and two daughters hostage ("Stagnation"). After Dallion helped him free his family, Drayke pledged to rebuild the injured cyborg.
Season Four: Drayke helped put a stop to one of his scientists' plans to control Dallion for his own ends, then successfully fit Dallion with new equipment and made sure he could never be externally controlled again ("Friends Like These").
Season Five: N/A |
Duck, Gunner Cecil "Deadeye"
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Home Planet: Kanopis III
Physical Description: a 3'1" black-feathered four-armed duck.
Season One: Deadeye is an ex-Corsair Canard, a group of four-armed duck pilots. He left his clan to fight with Bucky in the war against the toads, dropping the traditional pirate dress, but he retains the dialect and some of his ties with the clans, which he used to pull the Canards into a treaty with the UAC Security Council to forgo piracy and fight only toads ("Corsair Canards")
Season Two: Still calling himself a pirate puts Deadeye in a situation of mistrust in the eyes of the Security Council, since pirates are only bound to their personal honor and the honor of their clans. His loyalty to the Righteous crew and especially to Willy was tested when he helped a pirate friend steal codes from the ship ("Nothing but the Truth").
Season Three: Despite being injured when one of Willy's inventions went wrong ("Failure"), Deadeye is as active and as eager to croak toads as ever. He fought to put down the Great Clone Uprising on Rigel II years ago and lost many of his friends to the evil cyber spiders in the process ("The Fourth Creator").
Season Four: Deadeye spent most of his time irritated that The Valkyrie's maser canons are not very powerful. It is revealed that his real name is Cecil ("Trapped").
Season Five: Deadeye, still the gunner of The Righteous Indignation, refuses to believe that the Corsair Canards would turn on the Ninja Ducks ("Fowl Play"). |
DuWitt, Dr. David
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Home Planet: Earth
Physical Description: a Caucasian male.
Season One: Willy's father is, like his mother, an aging hippie. Nothing else is known.
Season Two: David is a scientist despite his hippie roots and originally worked on development of the photon accelerator ("Little Green Toads"). When the project failed, he brought the blueprints home and thought nothing of it when Willy asked to see them.
Season Three: Through a slightly odd turn of events, Dr. DuWitt believes Lucas MacArthur to be Captain Bucky O'Hare ("Fallen"). He and his wife were on vacation in India for the few weeks Willy worked for the toads ("All's Well ...").
Season Four: Dr. DuWitt was distraught upon returning from India and not being able to find Willy. Willy's tribulations eventually led Dr. DuWitt to the aniverse, where he confronted Bucky and Fritz about his son's involvement in the Toad Wars ("The Downward Spiral"). Dr. DuWitt does not approve of what his son does in the aniverse, but he does not want to be too controlling.
Season Five: Dr. DuWitt dislikes his son's desire to continue visiting the aniverse, but he does his best to remain supportive ("Fowl Play"). |
DuWitt, Mrs. Susan
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Home Planet: Earth
Physical Description: a blond-haired Caucasian female.
Season One: Willy's mother is an aging hippie with an obvious affection for whales, the ozone layer, tofu burgers, and her son.
Season Two: Susan's concern for her son is well-founded, even though Willy has chosen to leave her in the dark about his space escapades (she believes the Righteous is a ship in a local marina in San Francisco). Appears in "A Stranger Among Us" and "Little Green Toads."
Season Three: Through a slightly odd turn of events, Mrs. DuWitt believes Lucas MacArthur to be Captain Bucky O'Hare ("Fallen"). She and her husband were on vacation in India for the two months Willy worked for the toads ("All's Well ...").
Season Four: Mrs. DuWitt was distraught upon returning from India and not being able to find Willy. Willy's tribulations eventually led Mrs. DuWitt to the aniverse, where she confronted Bucky and Fritz about her son's involvement in the Toad Wars ("The Downward Spiral"). Mrs. DuWitt does not approve of what her son does in the aniverse, but she does not want to be too controlling.
Season Five: Mrs. DuWitt dislikes her son's desire to continue visiting the aniverse, but she does her best to remain supportive ("Fowl Play"). |
DuWitt, Engineer William (Willy)
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Home Planet: Earth
Physical Description: a 5'7" Caucasian human with blond hair and blue eyes (he's grown since Season One).
Season One: Willy is a San Francisco native whose new invention (a photon accelerator) is linked to the accelerator onboard the Righteous, enabling him to work as its engineer, despite his being ten years old. Willy proved from his first few moments in the aniverse to be an invaluable member of the team.
Season Two: On top of high school and his job in the aniverse, Willy has all of the trials and tribulations of being thirteen years old on his plate -- namely, puberty. Having two dropout stoner parents not helping him out, Willy increasingly turns to Bucky and Jenny for parenting. He spent most of the season developing the mark-5 photon accelerator. He was also kidnapped by the Aldebaran Male Resistance and is sympathetic toward their cause ("Traditions").
Season Three: Despite receiving an honorary degree from the Graham Institute ("One of Those Days"), times have been better for Willy. After nearly killing Deadeye on accident ("Failure") and almost becoming brain-dead ("Fallen"), he was captured and brainwashed by Toadborg ("All's Well ..."). He served KOMPLEX for a while but eventually resisted the programming ("... That Ends Well"). The experience exhausted him mentally and physically, putting him in the hospital -- and his parents have no idea where he is or what's happened to him.
Season Four: Willy spent weeks in an odd coma before waking up ("Payback"). Convinced that he had failed his friends, he insisted on returning to Earth and to his parents. After reconfiguring an old photo accelerator ("Louder Than Words"), he returned home but was unable to find his parents. This drove him to the depths of despair, and he tried to commit suicide ("The Downward Spiral"). Recovering in the hospital, he made friends with Scott Osbourne ("The Decline and Fall"). He returned to the aniverse and helped with the mammals' assault on the Toad Homeworld, only to have his eyes torn out ("Best-Laid Plans"). He was still able to prevent a mad Bucky from completely destroying the toads' planet ("The Fate of Genus"), and the mammals escaped successfully.
Season Five: At first avoiding the aniverse ("Battle Fronts"), Willy eventually decides that he must return ("Positioning"). He resigns from the Righteous, instead working in a UAC lab ("The Polidori Experiment"). He also reconnects with Susie and stands up to Doug McKenna ("Fowl Play"). Concerned about Bucky, he rejoins the crew to keep an eye on him ("Maneuvers"). His growing ease with life on Earth helps him regain his Aldebaran magic, which he uses to expose the fake Bucky ("Phase Two"). During the final battle of the Toad Wars, Willy destroys KOMPLEX, and then is saved from death by the Air Marshal ("The Beginning"). |
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Home Planet: Earth
Physical Description: a huge spaceship.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: Enoch, striving to become more complete, tried to fuse itself with Willy and take Blinky's emotion chip, though it relented on both counts. Enoch was apparently built by NASA on Willy's Earth, made its way to the aniverse, and was captured and reprogrammed by an unknown entity. It does not recall any of this. Appears in "Metal Flesh."
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: Enoch encounters and revives a near-dead Cyberstorm ("Loss of Faith"). |
Felicia, Princess [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a young, gray cat with an irritating voice.
Season One: Felicia is the granddaughter of the Queen and trained to be an Artificer under Jenny. Despite her pedigree, she is apparently not very good at magic and went on her soul quest despite being refused the request to go, almost getting herself and everyone else killed in the Dark Heart Nebula ("The Artificers of Aldebaran"). Despite this, she seems to have proven herself enough to become at least a low-ranking Artificer.
Season Two: Felicia's magic is so poor that she was left out of the generator experiment ("The Accident on Aldebaran") but was allowed to participate in the binding spell to capture the Voren ("Bindings"). She is no longer considered an heir to the throne, because there are now two people in her way: Jenny and Cassie.
Season Three: Felicia still cannot use magic well, and Cassie may be swaying the young Aldebaran to her side ("Thicker Than Water"). However, she is still friends with Jenny and once helped rescue Bucky in a way that only she could ("Alternatives").
Season Four: Poisoned by Cassie's lies, Felicia apparently harbors sympathy for Cassie's worldview, and she may have designs on the throne ("Justification").
Season Five: Dazed by the upheaveal on Aldebaran, Felicia visit the Dark Heart Nebula to communicate with Tae'Gwitz, whose answers make her despondent. She then joins the Temple of Arkool ("Indoctrination"). She eventually comes to her senses and sacrifices herself to kill the Armored Artificer ("The Day of Reckoning"). |
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Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: a skinny, high-ranking toad in the toad fleet. Nearly indistinguishable from Frix.
Season One: Frix and Frax are the Two Stooges of the toad race, known for often botching missions. First appeared in "War of the Warts."
Season Two: Frix and Frax hired Al Negator to steal a medal from Rigel V, setting a trap for the S.P.A.C.E. captains ("Ceremony").
Season Three: Appears in "Forever After."
Season Four: Appears in "Good Intentions," "The Decline and Fall," and "Best-Laid Plans."
Season Five: Frax's mother lived next door to the Air Marshal's family before the war, and she asked the Air Marshal to look after her boys ("Loyalty"). |
|  |
Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: a skinny, high-ranking toad in the toad fleet. Nearly indistinguishable from Frax.
Season One: Frix and Frax are the Two Stooges of the toad race, known for often botching missions. First appeared in "War of the Warts."
Season Two: Frix and Frax hired Al Negator to steal a medal from Rigel V, setting a trap for the S.P.A.C.E. captains ("Ceremony").
Season Three: Appears in "Forever After."
Season Four: Appears in "Good Intentions," "The Decline and Fall," and "Best-Laid Plans."
Season Five: Frix's mother lived next door to the Air Marshal's family before the war, and she asked the Air Marshal to look after her boys ("Loyalty"). |
Greeman, Captain Edward
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Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: a middle-aged toad captain.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Greeman was the toad captain who captured multiple slaves and sold them to be used in illegal medical experiments. He's also the one who captured Dallion, leading to his becoming a cyborg. He was captured and almost killed by Dallion before being given over to the authorities ("Control").
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Greeman attempted to access Dr. Cravis's scientific research in order to take revenge on Dallion. He was stopped by Roedecker, but not before infecting Jenny with a strange virus ("Drastic Measures").
Season Five: Mentioned in "Battle Fronts." |
Green, Doctor
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Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: a fat toad scientist with glasses.
Season One: Dr. Green was one of the three original Creators of KOMPLEX who was frozen and set adrift in space, only to be eventually rescued by the UAC ("Kreation Konspiracy").
Season Two: Dr. Green hid from toad assassins on Earth with Dr. Wort, and he managed to avoid an assassination attempt thanks to UAC help ("Little Green Toads").
Season Three: Still living undercover on Earth, Dr. Green serves as Willy's alibi -- if Willy is in the aniverse for an extended period of time, Dr. Green tells the DuWitts that the boy is staying with him ("Fallen").
Season Four: After Willy's disappearance, the police target Dr. Green, and Lucas MacArthur helps him escape into the aniverse ("Crossover Convention").
Season Five: N/A |
Griff, Vice Chairman Sanzer
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Home Planet: Carno I
Physical Description: a short, grayish-brown wolf who usually wears a business suit.
Season One: Griff was vice chairman of the UAC Security Council under Chairman Harman (Newton in disguise as a walrus) and was bitterly opposed to the treaty with the Corsair Canards ("Corsair Canards") on the basis that they couldn't trust pirates. He later apologized for his accusations.
Season Two: Griff is still vice chairman, now serving under Chairman Fritz Warner.
Season Three: Griff fills in for Fritz whenever the chairman misses a Security Council meeting, though he could stand to be a bit more assertive. Appears in "Thicker Than Water" and "Forever After."
Season Four: Griff still acts as vice chairman. He was captured along with the rest of the Security Council when the toads overran Genus. Appears in "Crossover Convention," "Drastic Measures," "Friends Like These," and "Louder Than Words."
Season Five: Griff remains Vice Chairman, supporting Dogstar while also budding heads with him. He delivers a stirring eulogy at Dogstar's funeral ("Phase Two"). |
|  |
Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a young Aldebaran boy with cream-colored fur with chocolate highlights; he has one blue eye and one gold eye
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: Harrison is the child of Artemisia and Tommy, resulting from a breeding session. The Armored Artificer tries to coerce Harrison into joining his School of Death, but Harrison ultimately resists ("The Day of Reckoning"). |
Hopkins, Doctor [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: a fat toad scientist with a moustache.
Season One: Dr. Hopkins was one of the three original Creators of KOMPLEX who was frozen and set adrift in space, only to be eventually rescued by the UAC ("Kreation Konspiracy").
Season Two: Dr. Hopkins, though guarded by the UAC, was assassinated by a regen ("Little Green Toads").
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: N/A |
Horst, Lieutenant
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Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: a slightly overweight middle-aged toad.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Horst was apparently a teacher before the war, and when KOMPLEX took over the Toad Homeworld, the brainwashing "didn't take" on Horst, and he remained quietly in his own world before asked by the toads to fake a defection to the mammals so he could spy on them. He really defected, though, and with Willy's, he help managed to escape toad and mammalian wrath. He now works for the UAC.
Season Three: Mentioned in "... That Ends Well."
Season Four: Mentioned in "Payback."
Season Five: The unfortunate Lieutenant Horst was recaptured by the toads and used as organic material to restore Toadborg to full function ("Maneuvers"). He thanks Bucky for killing him by destroying Toadborg ("The Beginning"). |
Hudson, Admiral
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a bulldog of a different breed than Dogstar. His light brown fur covers the rolls of skin on his neck and face. He wears a starched military uniform covered with medals and bars.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Admiral Hudson was Bucky's drill instructor when he attended the Military Academy on Genus. He doesn't particularly care for his pupil's crew. Appears in "Military Discipline."
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Appears in "Hare At Arms" (as Commander Hudson, in a flashback).
Season Five: Appears in "Phase Two." |
Ignatius, Thoras [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: an old humanoid man with small purple growths on his temples.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: Thoras Ignatius was one of the two mysterious robed knights who broke into the UAC headquarters, the other being Fritz Warner ("Summer Snows"). Apparently a person of power on Nharnia, he kept Fritz as an apprentice. However, he died sealing an ancient dragon that Toadborg unwittingly released, pushing Fritz into whatever role Thoras had held ("Forever After").
Season Four: Appears, as a ghost, in "Journey in the Dark."
Season Five: Despite being dead, Thoras remains the King of Nharnia, and ordered troops to invade Genus ("Rabbit Season"). |
Jack, Red
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Home Planet: Kanopis III
Physical Description: a four-armed duck in pirate garb.
Season One: Red Jack, seeking Lanel's affection, considered Deadeye a rival and treated him as such. He was one of the main opponents of the pirate treaty but did agree to ratify it after Deadeye beat him in a challenge.
Season Two: Appears in "Nothing but the Truth."
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Appears in "Friends Like These."
Season Five: Appears in "Fowl Play" and "The Beginning." |
Jenny, First Mate
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Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a 3'8" white cat.
Season One: Jenny, the first mate on The Righteous Indignation, is an Artificer of Aldebaran, a secret Sisterhood of magic-users that are often labeled "witches" by non-Aldebarans ("outsiders"). In fact, Jenny herself is a Master Artificer, personally called on by the Queen to help test her granddaughter, Felicia ("The Artificers of Aldebaran"). Jenny has installed special Aldebarans sensors on the Righteous.
Season Two: Jenny believes herself to be an orphan, having been raised in an orphanage without knowledge of her parentage. Aldebarans magical training is closed to males, except Willy ("The Aldebaran Accident"), but Jenny discovered that the leader of the underground Male Resistance movement, Tommy, is her brother ("Traditions"). What she does not realize is that Tommy and she are twins, both children of the Queen of Aldebaran, making Jenny next in line for the throne.
Season Three: Jenny learned that she's Queen Katrina's daughter and Tommy's sister, much to her surprise and chagrin ("Thicker Than Water"). She saved her mother's life in a coup attempt by Cassie, putting the former head of the Thought Order on the defensive.
Season Four: Fending off the unwanted but endearing advances of her ship's new engineer, Mike Marison, proves to be the least of Jenny's worries. After being poisoned by Greeman ("Drastic Measures"), Jenny returns home to Aldebaran to be healed ("Symptoms"). She senses Aldebaran's peril when outside communications are cut off, and she leaves Genus during the toad invasion ("The Decline and Fall"). With the help of Queen Katrina and Tommy, she successfully defeats Cassie ("Justification"). She returns to Warren and, despite apparently being killed at one point, frees Genus from the toads ("The Fate of Genus"). Due to these events, there appears to be some tension now between Bucky and her.
Season Five: Tensions on her home planet are hard enough for Jenny ("Loss of Faith"), but after learning that Bucky slept with Mimi ("Captive"), she seduces Mike in retaliation ("Loyalty"). After the damaged caused by the toads' fake Bucky ("Phase Two"), Bucky and Jenny reconcile, and they are married by the Sphinxes on Aldebaran ("The Day of Reckoning"). |
|  |
Inventor: the Creators
Physical Description: a computer program that takes the visual form of a blue-faced toad with red pupils.
Season One: "KOMPLEX" is a toad anagram that literally means "feed me." A hundred years ago, KOMPLEX was an AI program created by toad technicians to run all of the planet's technology. Fifteen years ago, KOMPLEX took over the planet and sent the toads on a path of destruction and domination by brainwashing them into complete obedience.
Season Two: KOMPLEX continues to be the main threat of the Toad Wars.
Season Three: KOMPLEX ordered Toadborg to brainwash Willy into working for the toads ("All's Well ..."), and the program was not happy when Willy finally resisted and escaped ("... That Ends Well"). Bucky and his crew learned that KOMPLEX turned evil because of a rogue toad scientist's efforts ("The Fourth Creator"). Also, there exists a parallel dimension where KOMPLEX successfully took over the aniverse and turned it into a utopia ("Alternatives").
Season Four: KOMPLEX punished Toadborg for allowing Willy DuWitt to escape the toads' brainwashing. Despite the UAC obtaining KOMPLEX's source code and design flaws ("Pieces in Place"), the toads thwarted the mammals' attempt to shut their leader down. He taunted Bucky O'Hare before ordering him executed ("Best-Laid Plans"). He almost prevented the mammals from escaping the Toad Homeworld, but Willy somehow prevented the machine from capturing them ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: After losing Genus, KOMPLEX and the toad forces lay low at first, avoiding the expanded S.P.A.C.E. fleet and achieving their goals through subterfuge and sabotage ("Battle Fronts"). KOMPLEX uses a toad disguised as Bucky O'Hare to murder Chairman Dogstar ("On The Brink"). Stealing the Armored Artificer's pure black gem from Genus ("A Toad In Mammal's Clothing"), the toads create weapons of magical destruction and nearly conquer the aniverse, until KOMPLEX is finally destroyed by Willy DuWitt ("The Beginning"). |
Kamo, Kamikaze
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Home Planet: Kanopis III
Physical Description: a 3'1" four-armed duck who wears a green ninja suit and carries twin blades.
Season One: Kamikaze Kamo, the ninja duck, apparently ran a school of ninjistu and was an old friend of Deadeye Duck. His help was sought to rescue Willy from Slyly Zod, his archenemy ("The Warriors").
Season Two: Appears in "Ceremony."
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: Kamo helps heal the toad-caused rift between the Ninja Ducks and the Corsair Canards ("Fowl Play"). He also helps the Canards fight the toads invading Genus ("The Beginning"). |
Katrina, Queen
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Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: an elderly white cat in full blue regal robes.
Season One: Katrina, known only as "The Queen," is the royal head of Aldebaran and the grandmother of Princess Felicia. She is insistent on the traditional policy of secrecy among Artificers.
Season Two: Katrina is one of two sisters; the other gave her life to trap an evil creature called the Voren in a magical ring ("Bindings"). She is the aunt of Cassie -- the former head of the Thought Order -- and the secret mother of twins, Tommy and Jenny. She sent Jenny to an orphanage while she raised Tommy as a female until he reached puberty, when she had him "die" of a mysterious illness, leaving her without a direct descendant. She has yet to acknowledge Jenny as her daughter or even inform her of this.
Season Three: Despite attempts on her life by Cassie ("Thicker Than Water"), Katrina continues to help her son, Tommy, and the Male Resistance, though she must do so discreetly.
Season Four: Seemingly defeated by Cassie, Queen Katrina was reborn under the auspices of Tae'Gwitz, her power and youth returning. She defeated her rival in a duel, reclaimed the throne, and now presides over an Aldebaran that recognizes the rights of males ("Justification").
Season Five: Queen Katrina has heavily fortified the palace, considering the hostilities in the wake of male integration ("Positioning"). After the ruinous events caused by the Armored Artifier, she relinquishes the throne to her son, Tommy ("The Day of Reckoning"). |
LaFleur, Captain Miriam (Mimi)
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Home Planet: Carno I
Physical Description: a 3'6" brown vixen who wears a skintight blue space bodysuit and an officer's hat.
Season One: For reasons unknown, Mimi was captured with the hares during the invasion of Warren and first appeared as the head of an underground resistance in a toad slave compound ("Home, Swampy Home"). First despising the mention of Captain O'Hare, she then fell for him when she actually saw him in action. Her flirting led Jenny to hate her, but regardless, she became a valuable resource to the mammalian fleet. Appears in "The Artificers of Aldebaran."
Season Two: Mimi continued to aid Bucky O'Hare, and some of her escapades were revealed at a later date; she has been apparently very involved with the supervision of pardoned terrorist Lucas MacArthur and has been investigating mysterious occurrences involving Chairman Warner.
Season Three: Finally giving up on chasing Bucky, Mimi and her overactive libido moved from one man in power to another and is now romantically involved with Fritz ("Murky Business"). She's still technically investigating him.
Season Four: Mimi was not happy to see the return of her ex-boyfriend, Roedecker ("Drastic Measures"), who used to be her fellow arms dealer on Warren. She continued to see Fritz, even coaxing him to take her out to dinner ("Tactics"). She and Harry, brainwashed by Cravis, aided the toads in their takeover of Genus ("The Decline and Fall"). With Jenny and Fritz both missing, the sexual tension between Bucky and she finally broke ("Blood in the Water"). Mimi went on the mission to destroy KOMPLEX and was forced to stop a mad Bucky from destroying the entire toad planet ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: Trying to stabilize her life after the events on the Toad Homeworld, Mimi finds herself battling a stubborn liaison ("Battle Fronts") and putting Bucky in his place ("Maneuvers"). She also has to go on a smuggling mission to help Harry out ("Old Habits"). She finds herself caught in the confusing fray when the Nharnians attack Genus ("Rabbit Season"), and she helps assault the Toad Homeworld to defeat KOMPLEX ("The Beginning"). |
|  |
Home Planet: Kanopis III
Physical Description: a well-built four-armed female duck in pirate garb.
Season One: Lanel is a pirate that Deadeye clearly has some sort of history with, maybe even a romantic one. She is very skilled at playing male pirates off each other ("Corsair Canards"). She was one of the main advocates of the treaty between the UAC and the pirates to fight only toads.
Season Two: Appears in "Shore Leave."
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Appears in "Friends Like These."
Season Five: Lanel's ship, The Iron Vulture, was captured by the toads and used to attack the Ninja Ducks ("Fowl Play"). Later, Lanel pilots it against the toads trying to overtake Genus ("The Beginning"). |
Lashes, Android First Class
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Inventor: unknown
Physical Description: a pink version of Blinky with whip-like tentacles and feminine eyelashes.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: Lashes was ordered to guard the experimental mark-5 UAC frigate that Al Negator and the mercenaries stole ("Flight of The Rogue Star"). She believed them to be the ship's crew and followed them even after the frigate was destroyed. She now works as a waitress in Wrenches's bar.
Season Four: Appears in "Crossover Convention" and "Trapped."
Season Five: AFC Lashes spent time working in Dr. Wallace's lab before rejoining Al Negator's crew ("Teamwork"). Tinker then created several other AFCs resembling Lashes, in different colors ("The Beginning"). |
Lurie, Doctor
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a wolf in a white lab coat.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: Dr. Lurie is a psychiatrist based in Watership Medical Center on Genus. He performed psychological evaluations on the S.P.A.C.E. fleet and recommended Willy be removed from active duty -- advice Chairman Warner ignored ("... That Ends Well"). Willy, traumatized after being rescued from the toads, is now being looked after by the doctor.
Season Four: Dr. Lurie took care of Willy while he was in a coma. He was strongly opposed to Bucky's continual presence. Appears in "Crossover Convention," "Symptoms," "Payback," "Friends Like These," "Louder Than Words," and "The Downward Spiral."
Season Five: Appears in "Home Again." |
MacArthur, Lucas
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Home Planet: Earth
Physical Description: a skinny, 5'9" Caucasian human with snow-white hair and usually some sort of facial hair. He appears to be in his mid-twenties and usually wears a black cloak or monk habit.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Lucas is a psychotic terrorist. According to his own story, he came to the aniverse under a cloud of mystery ten years ago. Originally from Memphis, Tennessee, he was brought to the raccoon planet Noctur II and enslaved by the toads after their invasion. He escaped, and since then, he has been active in the movement to get their planet restored. He claims he is a vilthuril, or prophet, and has visions. Appears in "Close Encounters of the Human Kind" (where he succeeded in restoring Noctur II to its original atmosphere), "Little Green Toads," and "Danger Signs."
Season Three: Lucas has an interest in keeping the aniverse as secret as possible, and he knows like-minded people willing to help. Not through any decision on Lucas's part, Willy's parents believe him to be Captain Bucky O'Hare ("Fallen").
Season Four: Lucas helped Dr. Green return to the aniverse when the police were after him ("Crossover Convention"). He also visited Willy in the hospital and tried to give him a pep talk ("Louder Than Words").
Season Five: N/A |
MacLeod, Ramsay
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Home Planet: Noctur II
Physical Description: a 3'0" raccoon who usually wears a red jumpsuit.
Season One: Ramsay appeared briefly in "War of the Warts" as one of the warp drive mechanic applicants.
Season Two: A friend of Willy, whom he met at a conference, Ramsay now works as the assistant to Dr. Wallace ("Shore Leave").
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Appears in "Crossover Convention."
Season Five: Appears in "Teamwork." |
Marison, Engineer Mike
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a male orange and cream tabby cat. He is of Aldebaran heritage but knows nothing of the planet.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Mike was the only applicant for the position of engineer on The Valkyrie, Bucky's ramshackle new frigate ("Crossover Convention"). With his capable engineering skill, he got the crew out of a jam or two. Bucky, however, was displeased with Mike's lack of military knowledge or discipline -- and he was furious that Mike had a crush on Jenny. Mike tried to resign at one point ("The Decline and Fall"), but he got caught up in the evacuation of Genus. He later timidly participated in the mammal liberation of Genus ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: Still the enigneer for the brand-new Righteous Indignation ("Battle Fronts"), Mike proves his value by repairing the toad-damaged Aniverse Positioning Enhancement System ("Positioning") and finally gets to meet Willy ("Fowl Play"). However, after he finds himself seduced by Jenny ("Loyality"), he decides he must resign from the ship ("Stormbringers"). Later, he helps the Genusian air force repel a toad invasion ("The Beginning"). |
Maxwell, Lance [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: an Irish wolfhound in a leather jacket.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Maxwell was one of Roedecker's partners ("Drastic Measures"). He was killed by the toads during an attempted information-gathering mission to the enslaved Genus ("Infiltration").
Season Five: N/A |
McKenna, Doug
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Home Planet: Earth
Physical Description: a tall human teenager with dark brown hair
Season One: Doug and his friends, Jeff and Mark, constantly bully Willy at school, who feebly tries to stand up to them ("War of the Warts"). To get them off his back, Willy did their science fair project for them, though Doug tried to take the credit ("The Good, the Bad, and the Warty").
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Mentioned in "The Downward Spiral."
Season Five: Doug skips parole to track Willy down at their middle school reunion, but Willy stands up to him ("Fowl Play"). |
McSquint, Engineer Digger
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a short and squat brown mole with tiny glasses and poor vision. He wears a blue space suit and carries a powerful grenade launcher for battle.
Season One: Digger, the engineer on The Indefatigable, appeared in a few episodes but only had significant lines in "The Taking of Pilot Jenny."
Season Two: Digger accompanied Willy at the engineer's conference on Canis II ("Shore Leave") and mistook Blinky for a coffee maker ("Ceremony"). He can apparently dig very quickly and efficiently.
Season Three: Appears in "Summer Snows," "Peace and Serenity," and "Flight of The Rogue Star."
Season Four: Digger was captured by the toads during the raid on Genus ("Best-Laid Plans").
Season Five: Appears in "Battle Fronts," "Positioning," "Captive," "Overrun," and "The Beginning." |
Mentor, The
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Home Planet: unknown, presumably Warren
Physical Description: unknown
Season One: The Mentor is the person who taught Bucky how to be a warrior and whom he sought for advice in "Home, Swampy Home."
Season Two: Appears in "Danger Signs."
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: The Mentor helped the UAC when Warren was under attack by an old toad invention, revealing some of the rabbits' society and religion in the process ("Trapped").
Season Five: N/A |
Moreland, President
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Home Planet: Warren
Physical Description: a thin brown hare in his fifties.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Moreland is the president of Warren and the brother of Joseph Moreland, Warren's representative on the UAC Security Council. He was acting Chairman of the UAC during Fritz's absence. Appears in "Infiltration," "Blood in the Water," and "Pieces in Place."
Season Five: N/A |
Muller, Detective
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a goat who usually wears a business suit.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Muller serves the UAC as an investigator. Appears in "Defection" and "Danger Signs."
Season Three: Appears in "Stagnation."
Season Four: Appears in "Drastic Measures."
Season Five: Appears in "A Toad in Mammal's Clothing" and "The Day of Reckoning." |
Negator, Al
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Home Planet: Reptilia
Physical Description: a 6'0" purple sleazasaur.
Season One: Al Negator was hired by the Air Marshal to steal security codes from the mammalian fleet and went undercover as a warp drive mechanic, only to be exposed and narrowly escape justice ("A Fistful of Simoleans"). Since then, he has continued to hire himself out to the toads as a spy and saboteur. Also appears in "Corsair Canards" and "On the Blink."
Season Two: Al is the uncle of Dile O'Crock, who has no idea his uncle is an infamous spy. Al escaped from mammalian prison and still works as a mercenary for any side that will pay him. Appears in "Ceremony" and "Storm Toad."
Season Three: Everything from a class-Alpha marksman to a qualified attorney ("Murky Business"), Al scored big when he stumbled across classified data on KOMPLEX, including program flaws and binary code ("The Fourth Creator"). He helped steal an experimental UAC frigate and was designated its captain ("Flight of The Rogue Star").
Season Four: Much to Al's chagrin, Dile learned the truth about his mercenary uncle ("Crossover Convention"). When he learned that Dile had been harmed in the toad invasion of Genus, Al visited him and handed him his data on the inner workings of KOMPLEX ("Pieces in Place").
Season Five: The mercenary business is good for Negator and his crew, as their frigate cannot be detected by the UAC. He accepts a job from Roedecker to kidnap Fritz, but the scheme lands them all in jail ("Captive"). They are freed on the condition they steal Dr. Wallace's secrets ("Teamwork"). Negator and his crew decide to fight alongside the mammals in the final battle of the Toad Wars ("The Beginning"). |
|  |
Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a 1'0" blue newt who usually gets around in a life-sized robot of some sort. He wants to be famous.
Season One: Newton disguised himself as a walrus and was chairman of the UAC Security Council until he was found out ("Corsair Canards").
Season Two: Newton now works as a mercenary. Appears in "Danger Signs."
Season Three: Newton bumped into all his mercenary buddies when they were given the same mission ("Murky Business"). Later, he helped steal an experimental UAC frigate and was designated its pilot ("Flight of The Rogue Star").
Season Four: Appears in "Crossover Convention" and "Trapped."
Season Five: Appears in "Captive," "Teamwork," and "The Beginning." |
Nuras, Senator
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Home Planet: Terra
Physical Description: a stocky kat with orange fur
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Nuras traveled to Genus, ostensibly to be the planet's representative as it joined the UAC. He had other plans, however, trying to convince Mimi that Fritz was evil, and then vanishing along with Kadaf ("The Decline and Fall"). He appears to be Suran reborn, much as Fritz is Frith reborn ("Journey in the Dark").
Season Five: Nuras calls for Dogstar to resign as Chairman ("Loyalty"). He is later present at Dogstar's funeral ("Phase Two"), he nominates Fritz to regain the position ("Home Again"), and he attempts to cause Bucky's death ("In Death"). He finds himself fighting against Thoras Ignatius alongside Fritz during a Nharnian attempt to invade Genus ("Rabbit Season"). |
O'Crock, Engineer Dile
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Home Planet: Reptilia
Physical Description: a short, green sleazasaur.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Dile joined the S.P.A.C.E. fleet as engineer on The Screaming Mimi despite everyone's reservations about sleazasaurs ("Ceremony"). He is apparently a graduate of the Graham Institute of Technology with the highest honors, and he has become an indispensable member of the crew since. His education was paid for by his uncle, who, unbeknownst to Dile, is Al Negator.
Season Three: Appears in "Summer Snows," "Peace and Serenity," "The Journal," and "Flight of The Rogue Star."
Season Four: Dile bumped into Al Negator at the Second Annual Engineers' Convention and learned the truth about his uncle ("Crossover Convention"). He was blasted by a brainwashed Mimi and Harry when the toads took over Genus ("The Decline and Fall"). While recuperating in the hospital, Al visited him and gave him a very useful gift ("Pieces in Place").
Season Five: Appears in "Battle Fronts," "Positioning," "Old Habits," "A Toad in Mammal's Clothing," "Overrun," and "The Beginning." |
O'Hare, Captain Buckminster (Bucky)
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Home Planet: Warren
Physical Description: a 3'6" green hare.
Season One: Bucky is the leader of the UAC's S.P.A.C.E. fleet in spirit, if not on paper. His hatred of the toads was only intensified when he discovered that they had conquered his home planet and enslaved the hares ("The Good, the Bad, and the Warty"). He went undercover in a slave camp and, with the help of Mimi LaFleur, freed his hare brethren ("Home, Swampy Home"). In the end, he was able to free his planet and restore its proper climate, which the toads had changed with a climate converter ("The Taking of Pilot Jenny").
Season Two: Bucky continues to fight the toads nobly and bravely. After a brief and ill-fated relationship with Shira O'Neil, he resumed his old romance with Jenny ("A Stranger Among Us").
Season Three: Bucky is the fifth in a litter (the runt), son of General Donald and Mary O'Hare. He originally was an aspiring artist, resisting the family tradition of military service, but after his father and brothers were all killed during the invasion of the raccoon planet, Noctur II, he vowed revenge and entered the Military Academy of Genus. Also, Bucky has pledged not to interfere with the Male Resistance on Aldebaran ("Supply Lines") -- though he's no fan of the planet and its secrets -- he's wrestled internally with Willy's being captured and brainwashed by the toads ("All's Well ..."), and he was briefly stuck in an alternate dimension where KOMPLEX had already taken over the aniverse ("Alternatives").
Season Four: Between being kidnapped by an underground conspiracy ("Vulnerable"), getting a piece of junk as a replacement frigate ("Good Intentions"), accidentally killing Shira O'Neil in self-defense ("Payback"), and keeping his new engineer from hitting on Jenny ("Louder Than Words"), Bucky has seen better days. While the UAC was based in Warren and Jenny was missing, Bucky found solace in Mimi ("Blood in the Water"). While attempting to infiltrate the Toad Homeworld, Bucky was captured and learned that Cyrus the Wart (the toad who had slaughtered his family) was now Toadborg. Bucky went mad and tried to destroy the planet using a climate converter ("The Fate of Genus"). He was thwarted, but not before destroying what was left of Toadborg's physical body.
Season Five: Despite getting a brand-new frigate from the UAC, Bucky is in a rough patch, not helped by his arguing with Jenny or the bounty on his head ("Battle Fronts," "Loyalty"). He appears to assassinate Dogstar ("On The Brink"), though it is revealed to be a toad genetically altered to resemble him ("Phase Two"). After a near-death experience, Bucky proposes to Jenny ("In Death"), and the two are married on Aldebaran ("The Day of Reckoning"). Bucky leads the invasion of the Toad Homeworld that leads to KOMPLEX's demise ("The Beginning"). |
O'Hare, General Donald [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: Warren
Physical Description: a white-furred hare.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: Donald was once a high-ranking member of the Warrenian military (back when Warren had a military, some thirty years ago) and a member of the prestigious O'Hare line of warriors. After his military days, he worked the family lands a bit and eventually settled down to marry Mary, who died giving him a litter of five hares. Donald and his children (except for Bucky) were killed during the toad invasion of Noctur II. He possessed a Nharnian lightsaber, which he was given for saving the life of a young knight named Thayli. Bucky is now in possession of that lightsaber. Appears in "His Father's Son."
Season Four: Appears as a hallucination of some sort in "Trapped."
Season Five: Appears in "In Death." |
O'Hare, Iris
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Home Planet: Warren
Physical Description: an elderly green hare.
Season One: Bucky's aunt, she appeared in a slave camp in "Home, Swampy Home."
Season Two: The older sister of Donald, Iris has moved back to Warren and is living there peacefully.
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Appears in "Symptoms."
Season Five: Appears in "Phase Two." |
O'Hare, Jeffery
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Home Planet: Warren
Physical Description: a green hare who almost exactly resembles Bucky.
Season One: Bucky's second cousin, Jeffery is willing to use his resemblance to Bucky to help his relative thwart the toads ("The Taking of Pilot Jenny").
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Appears in "Symptoms."
Season Five: Appears in "Phase Two." |
O'Hare, Mary [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: Warren
Physical Description: a green-furred hare.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: The wife of Donald O'Hare, she died giving birth to a litter of five: Justin, Connor, Michael, Brian, and Bucky.
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: Appears in "In Death." |
O'Hare, Shantee
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Home Planet: unknown, presumably Warren
Physical Description: a young female green hare with many patches of white fur and a full set of Aldebaran spell gems.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Shantee was the daughter of Admiral Bucky O'Hare and Jenny in a possible future ("Lost Generations"). Not wanting to be like her father, she led a rebel group against the UAC.
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: N/A |
O'Neil, Councilman Richard [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: Warren
Physical Description: an elderly gray hare in a business suit.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Richard is the uncle of Shira O'Neil, who worked as a spy for the toads, and he served as a member of the Security Council until he tried to kill Bucky O'Hare ("Danger Signs").
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Bucky visited Richard in prison, looking for information ("Symptoms"). After Shira O'Neil was killed, Pigton ordered Richard dead as well, to cover his tracks. Richard took the suicide pill he was slipped ("Payback").
Season Five: N/A |
O'Neil, Shira [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: Warren
Physical Description: an attractive young 3'0" hare with white fur.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Bucky met Shira in a bar ("Shore Leave"), and they were considered a couple, much to Jenny's surprise, until it was discovered that she was a toad spy ("A Stranger Among Us"). Her uncle, Richard, was a member of the UAC Security Council.
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Working for Pigton, Shira tricked Bucky into letting his guard down and nearly killed him, but her shot ricocheted off his lightsaber and killed her instead ("Payback").
Season Five: N/A |
Osbourne, Scott
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Home Planet: Earth
Physical Description: a blond male in his late teens.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Scott was Willy's roommate while the two were in the hospital ("The Decline and Fall"). He befriended the friendless Willy and hinted at a somewhat sordid past of his own. Willy confided in Scott, telling him all about the aniverse. The two continued to hang out after they were both discharged from the hospital ("Pieces in Place").
Season Five: Appears in "Loyalty" and "Overrun." |
Pete, Pitstop
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Home Planet: Canis I
Physical Description: a quiet 5'7" white dog with black patches of fur who wears a cap.
Season One: Pitstop Pete, a storm trooper on The Indefatigable, had one line in one episode: "Yup."
Season Two: Appears in "Ceremony" and "Storm Toad." His vocabulary hasn't expanded much.
Season Three: Appears in "The Journal" and "Flight of The Rogue Star."
Season Four: Pete was captured by the toads during the raid on Genus ("Best-Laid Plans").
Season Five: Appears in "Positioning," "Captive," "Overrun," and "The Beginning." |
Pigton, Chairman [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: Genus
Physical Description: a stocky glasses-wearing pig in a business suit and gloves.
Season One: Chairman Pigton was the first chairman of the UAC Security Council. Both The Righteous Indignation and The Indefatigable were commissioned during his term. He was assassinated by an unknown force, and Vice Chairman Sanzer Griff acted as chairman until Newton was elected, posing as a walrus.
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Pigton faked his assassination and has been underground on Genus, collaborating with the toads, who have promised that he will rule Genus someday ("Vulnerable"). He sent Shira O'Neil to kill Bucky, and had Shira's uncle, Richard, killed when Shira died ("Payback"). Pigton helped the toads invade Genus, and he was killed as a reward ("The Decline and Fall").
Season Five: N/A |
|  |
Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a longhaired chocolate-point Himalayan cat in a lab coat.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Tommy's right-hand man, he's a crackpot inventor. He's the brains behind Tommy's operations and helps provide comic relief to the seriousness of the male Aldebaran dilemma.
Season Three: Appears in "Supply Lines" and "Thicker Than Water."
Season Four: Appears in "Wayward Apprentice," "Symptoms," "Louder Than Words," and "Justification."
Season Five: Briefly a mathematics teacher at the Prince Thomas School for Boys, Ponce is killed by the Assassination Sisters loyal to Moashk'Arkool ("Loss of Faith"). |
Roedecker, Vincent
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a gray wolf with black patches in his fur. He usually wears a long leather jacket.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Roedecker, a bounty hunter, was hired by Fritz to capture the escaped toad Greeman. It turns out he is an ex-boyfriend of Mimi's who deserted her when the toads were about to take over Warren. He worked with the mammals when Genus was overtaken, mostly because the toads killed his two partners, John Blade and Lance Maxwell. Much to his supreme irritation, the UAC has yet to pay him for his successful capture of Greeman ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: Still trying to get his payment for capturing Greeman, a frustrated Roedecker butts heads with Dogstar ("Battle Fronts") and Fritz ("Positioning"), then hires Al Negator to kidnap Fritz ("Captive"). He is later broken out of prison ("Teamwork"), and decides to fight against the toads in the final battle of the Toad Wars ("The Beginning"). |
Rumblebee, Android Second Class [DESTROYED]
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Inventor: unknown
Physical Description: a 4'1" android in the form of a bumblebee. His torso is a laser cannon, and he pronounces his s's as z's.
Season One: Rumblebee, the gunner on The Indefatigable, was especially useful for using his maser cannon tail to fend off toads ("The KOMPLEX Caper") and making fact-based objective guesses ("The Taking of Pilot Jenny").
Season Two: Appears in "Storm Toad."
Season Three: Appears in "Fallen," "The Journal," and "Flight of The Rogue Star."
Season Four: Rumblebee was captured when the toads invaded Genus. He was later revealed to have been destroyed ("Best-Laid Plans").
Season Five: N/A |
|  |
Home Planet: Kanopis III
Physical Description: a battle-hardened duck with a scar running down his beak. He typically wears a black pirate hat and a gray overcoat.
Season One: Appears in "The Corsair Canards."
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Scarbill is the current captain of the Corsair Canards ("Friends Like These").
Season Five: N/A |
Sheffield, Claire
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Home Planet: Narnox
Physical Description: a short squirrel in her late fifties.
Season One: Claire Sheffield was the secretary to the Chairman of the Security Council.
Season Two: She remains the secretary of the Chairman, now serving loyally as Fritz's secretary.
Season Three: Appears in "Thicker Than Water."
Season Four: Mrs. Sheffield was hit hard when her home planet, Narnox, was overrun by the toads ("Tactics").
Season Five: She remains the Chairman's secretary, both for Dogstar and for Fritz's new term. Appears in "Battle Fronts," "Maneuvers," "Old Habits," "Rabbit Season," and "Teamwork." |
|  |
Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: for lack of a better term, a "flaming" toad.
Season One: Captain Smata captured Bucky during a routine patrol on Warren ("Home, Swampy Home").
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Captain Smata oversaw Genus while the toads controlled it ("The Decline and Fall"). He was seemingly killed by a very furious Jenny during the mammals' rescue attempt ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: Mentioned in "In Death." |
|  |
Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a young Aldebaran female without spell gems.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Sicca is a non-magical female cat who aids the Male Resistance. Appears in "Blood Ties."
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: Sicca dies helping Bucky and crew defeat the Armored Artificer ("The Day of Reckoning"). |
|  |
Home Planet: Earth
Physical Description: a human girl with long brown hair
Season One: Susie is one of Willy's few friends at school. The two of them go to the zoo on occasion ("On the Blink"), and Susie once asked Willy to a dance ("Bye Bye Berserker Baboon").
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Mentioned in "Pieces in Place."
Season Five: Susie and Willy reconnect, helping Willy feel more at home in his own universe ("Fowl Play"). She even sets him up on a date ("Overrun"). |
|  |
Home Planet: N/A
Physical Description: a giant, sleeping dragon
Season One: Tae'Gwitz, who slumbers over Aldebaran in the Dark Heart Nebula, was accidentally awakened by Toadborg. It took the collective magical power of all the artificers to put him back to sleep ("The Artificers of Aldebaran").
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Tae'Gwitz has chosen the Aldebaran as his people. He and his brothers intend to awaken one day and devour the aniverse. He chose to restore Queen Katrina to full health in order to reestablish proper order on Aldebaran, which includes full rights for males ("Justification").
Season Five: Tae'Gwitz, still desiring to slumber in the Dark Heart Nebula, rouses briefly to communicate with a distraught Felicia ("Indoctrination"). Tae'Gwitz also strikes a deal with Willy in the midst of the Armored Artificer's reign of destruction ("The Day of Reckoning"). |
|  |
Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a brown rat in mercenary clothing with a high voice. He's paranoid and obsessed with security -- he always thinks the government is trying to obtain information on him.
Season One: Tinker was the owner of a pawnshop frequented by Al Negator ("The Good, the Bad, and the Warty") until he was busted by Dogstar.
Season Two: Tinker was broken out of prison by Al so he could help him develop new stealth technology ("Ceremony").
Season Three: Tinker bumped into all his mercenary buddies when they were given the same mission ("Murky Business"). Later, he helped steal an experimental UAC frigate and was designated its engineer ("Flight of The Rogue Star").
Season Four: Appears in "Crossover Convention" and "Trapped."
Season Five: Appears in "Captive," "Teamwork," and "The Beginning." |
Toadborg [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Inventor: KOMPLEX
Physical Description: a hulking purple and yellow cyborg.
Season One: Toadborg is KOMPLEX's assistant, the unofficial head of the toad, forces and a brilliant military mastermind. He is stressed and constantly grows tired of mundane toad idiocy. First appeared in "War of the Warts."
Season Two: Toadborg still seeks sources of unlimited energy for himself and KOMPLEX ("The Aldebaran Accident").
Season Three: Toadborg was originally a toad storm trooper named Cyrus the Wort who died in the battle of Noctur II ten years ago and was remade by KOMPLEX. Part of Cyrus remains alive and inside the metal armor ("Stranded"). Bucky knows this, but he does not know that Toadborg was once Cyrus, the toad responsible for the death of his family.
Season Four: Relegated to menial labor after Willy DuWitt escaped the toads' clutches, Toadborg redeemed himself by locating and destroying the auxiliary SIA station single-handedly ("Payback"). He participated in the toad takeover of Genus ("The Decline and Fall"). When Bucky was captured on the Toad Homeworld, Toadborg fought him, revealing that he has fashioned a lightsaber for himself ("Best-Laid Plans"). Bucky later stabbed Toadborg with his lightsaber, destroying what was left of his organic toad body ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: Having lost his organic components, Toadborg effectively functions as a giant computer ("Positioning"). He later regains some organic components, courtesy of the unwiling Lieutenant Horst ("Maneuvers"). After KOMPLEX is defeated, Bucky, Jenny, and Mimi work together to destroy Toadborg for good ("The Beginning"). |
|  |
Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a white-furred cat with full spell gems and gray hair.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Tommy is the blood son of the Queen and Jenny's twin brother. He wears the mystical King Set of spell gems, putting him on par with the Heads of the Orders and the Queen herself. He's the public leader of the Male Resistance on Aldebaran and fights for the equality of his sex on Aldebaran. First appears in "Assassins."
Season Three: Tommy continues to fight for equal rights for male Aldebarans. He protected the Queen against a formal coup attempt by Cassie ("Thicker Than Water") and tried to help a comatose Willy ("Fallen").
Season Four: Tommy and the Male Resistance continue to oppose Cassie and her forces on Aldebaran. His side finally won, defeating Cassie and restoring full rights to males ("Justification").
Season Five: Tommy now battles the disciples of Moashk'Arkool ("Loss of Faith"), who capture and torture him ("Indoctrination"). Once the Armored Artificer is defeated, he is appointed King of Aldebaran ("The Day of Reckoning"). He then exhorts his subjects to battle alongside the UAC against the toads, strengthing their alliance ("Overrun"). |
|  |
Home Planet: Aldebaran
Physical Description: a slightly pudgy white- and black-furred cat with deep blue spell gems.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: Trisha is the new head of the Thought Order, though she takes orders from Cassie, whom she sees as the rightful queen of Aldebaran. Appears in "Supply Lines."
Season Four: Appears in "Louder Than Words" and "Justification."
Season Five: At first reduced to being a librarian, Trisha soon regains stature as the Balladeer of the Temple of Arkool ("Indoctrination"). She assists the Armored Artificer in his attempt to rule Aldebaran, but is killed when she attacks him after learning he is male ("The Day of Reckoning"). |
Valtjhou, Commander Creelevard
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Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: an impeccably dressed toad with a white hat and a patch over his right eye. He always carries a katana.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Creelevard was one of the mothership commanders during the invasion of Genus ("The Decline and Fall"). He seemingly killed Jenny during the mammal's liberation attempt ("Best-Laid Plans"), but Jenny recovered and got her revenge on him ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: Creelevard survived the battle on Genus and successfully retrieves the powerful black Aldebaran gem for the toads ("A Toad In Mammal's Clothing"). |
Wallace, Doctor
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Home Planet: Betelgeusia
Physical Description: a large baboon in a white lab coat who speaks with a refined British accent.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Dr. Wallace disappeared mysteriously a number of years ago, leaving behind a destroyed robotics lab. The only droid salvaged was Blinky. His assistant, Bruce, the only one who knew his whereabouts, took that knowledge with him when he was sucked into another dimension. Willy only discovered Wallace's current whereabouts by tinkering with Blinky's memory banks with the help of Ramsay MacLeod. Dr. Wallace wanted Blinky for an assistant, but Willy convinced him to hire Ramsay instead ("Shore Leave").
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: Appears in "Crossover Convention."
Season Five: Dr. Wallace defends his laboratory from an invasion by Al Negator and his crew, with help from Bruiser and Bruce ("Teamwork"). |
Warner, Chairman Fritz
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Home Planet: Earth (though not the same Earth as Willy and Lucas)
Physical Description: an energetic 4'10" gray rabbit in his mid-fifties who usually wears a business suit and a skullcap. He's a regen.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: An actor-turned-politician, Fritz was elected chairman of the UAC Security Council in "Chains of Command" for his charisma and his willingness to take the job –- his three predecessors were Pigton (a pig, assassinated), Harman (a walrus, discovered to be Newton, a spy), and Justin Ziege (a goat, assassinated). Not from this dimension, he and Bucky go back about ten years, when he purchased land on Warren from Bucky's father. Rich and obviously well-versed in the nature of aniversian politics, he is willing to grease the UAC's wheels a bit with his own money ("Control"). He is a strong advocate of the fight against toads, but his hands are largely tied by bureaucratic and financial constraints.
Season Three: Fritz has been actively working to bring the Nharnians -- a powerful race of lion warriors -- into the Toad Wars ("Summer Snows"). He's also advancing an unknown personal agenda, occasionally donning a robe and wielding a golden lightsaber to go on mysterious missions with his now-dead master, Thoras Ignatius ("Forever After"). Thoras's death means Fritz has to take on new responsibilities as head of the Warner clan. He's also struck up a hush-hush relationship with Captain LaFleur ("Murky Business").
Season Four: Fritz continued to do his best, scrounging up a replacement frigate for Bucky despite the opposition of some members of the Security Council ("Good Intentions"). He went on a date with Mimi, who subsequently learned that Fritz is thrice-divorced ("Tactics"). Spooked by the appearance of Senator Nuras, Fritz vanished during the invasion of Genus ("The Decline and Fall"). It is revealed that Fritz is the current Frith reborn. He went on a mission to rescue Kadaf, his Death reborn, who was kidnapped by Suran, the chaotic enemy of Frith ("Journey in the Dark"). Fritz returned to Genus, where he was voted out of his position as Chairman ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: No longer Chairman, Fritz spent his retirement working on his golf game ("Battle Fronts") and getting kidnapped ("Captive"). After Dogstar's death, the UAC votes for Fritz to regain the position of Chairman ("Home Again"). He obtains the crown of Nharnia after repelling their invasion of Genus ("Rabbit Season"). |
Warner, Kaddafi (Kadaf)
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Home Planet: unknown, presumably Earth (though not the same Earth as Willy and Lucas)
Physical Description: a 4'9" black, two-armed duck who smokes cigarettes and usually wears black. He's a regen.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Very little is known about the quiet bodyguard of Fritz Warner, other than his obvious willingness to take a bullet for the rabbit politician. They are not related, but clearly they are good friends, and they are rarely separated. Kadaf is known for being reclusive and foul-tempered.
Season Three: Always willing to help his boss out, Kadaf stole the mark-5 schematics from UAC headquarters so Fritz could pass them along to Cameleous ("Murky Business"). He knows what Fritz is up to, but he's not talking. It seems the Nharnians are petrified of Kadaf, and he prefers not to visit their planet ("Peace and Serenity").
Season Four: Continually plagued by headaches and voices, Kadaf finally broke down when Senator Nuras arrived ("The Decline and Fall"). He was kidnapped by Suran and subsequently rescued by Fritz, who revealed that he and Kadaf's beloved late wife, Sheila, had a drunken affair ("Journey in the Dark").
Season Five: Kadaf is recovering from the wounds he received when he was kidnapped ("Home Again"). He still plays the role of Death in the aniverse ("Rabbit Season"). |
Weissman, First Mate Jonathan
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Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: a 2'6" tan-furred beagle with long black floppy ears and amazing speed and strength for his small stature.
Season One: N/A
Season Two: Jonathan is the first mate on The Screaming Mimi. Little is known about Jonathan's past, other than that he was adopted by a member of the Warner clan, making him privy to their doings. He is a regen, but he also appears to be able to bend metal with his bare hands, fly, and go out in space without a suit. Rumors surround him that he used to be some kind of superhero, but since he is from another dimension, there is no way to confirm this. He remains a quiet, reclusive member of the crew, but this dawg is dedicated and usually friendly.
Season Three: There appears to be a rift between Jonathan and the rest of the Warners. He despites Fritz in particular ("Thicker Than Water").
Season Four: Jonathan's amazing powers apparently come from white pills he carries with him ("The Decline and Fall"). He lent much-needed strength to the mammal reclamation of Genus ("The Fate of Genus").
Season Five: Appears in "Battle Fronts," "Positioning," "Old Habits," "Rabbit Season," "Teamwork," "Overrun," and "The Beginning." |
Wolf, Lieutenant Artemis
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Home Planet: Carno I
Physical Description: a brown wolf who wears a blue space suit and has a tendency to emphasize his r's when he speaks.
Season One: Dogstar's first mate on The Indefatigable, he appeared chiefly in "Kreation Konspiracy" and "The Taking of Pilot Jenny." He obviously has a tremendous amount of patience for putting up with Dogstar's tangents, but only to a point.
Season Two: Wolf has continued to serve S.P.A.C.E. loyally. Appears in "Ceremony," "Storm Toad," and "Control."
Season Three: Appears in "Fallen" and "Flight of The Rogue Star."
Season Four: Wolf was captured by the toads during the raid on Genus ("Best-Laid Plans"). The toads subsequently mangled his paws beyond repair ("Best-Laid Plans").
Season Five: Wolf becomes the captain of The Indefatigable after Dogstar's election to Chairman ("Battle Fronts"), and he delivers a moving speech at Dogstar's funeral ("Phase Two"). He is injured by dark Aldebaran magic during the final assault on the Toad Homeworld ("The Beginning"). |
Wort, Doctor [DECEASED]
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Home Planet: the Toad Homeworld
Physical Description: a fat toad scientist.
Season One: Dr. Wort was one of the three original Creators of KOMPLEX who was frozen and set adrift in space, only to be eventually rescued by the UAC ("Kreation Konspiracy").
Season Two: Dr. Wort was killed by a regen while hiding on Earth ("Little Green Toads").
Season Three: N/A
Season Four: N/A
Season Five: N/A |
|  |
Home Planet: unknown
Physical Description: an orange-furred orangutan.
Season One: Wrenches was the orangutan bartender to whom Al Negator attempted to give Willy's fake money in "The Good, the Bad, and the Warty."
Season Two: N/A
Season Three: Wrenches still tends his bar, The Monkey Wrench, above Banzaar. He sells mercenary jobs on the side and isn't particularly secretive about it. Appears in "Murky Business."
Season Four: Appears in "Crossover Convention" and "Drastic Measures."
Season Five: Appears in "Captive" and "Rabbit Season." |
Zod, Slyly
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Home Planet: Saurion
Physical Description: a blue lizard with large skin-flaps and a red space suit.
Season One: Slyly Zod was considered a samurai until it was revealed that he had a tendency to break his word of honor, and he was sent to work in the mines on Saurion ("The Warriors").
Season Two: Zod escaped the mines and now works as a mercenary. Appears in "Danger Signs."
Season Three: Zod bumped into all his mercenary buddies when they were given the same mission ("Murky Business"). Later, he helped steal an experimental UAC frigate and was designated its gunner ("Flight of The Rogue Star").
Season Four: Appears in "Crossover Convention" and "Trapped."
Season Five: Appears in "Captive," "Teamwork," and "The Beginning." |
All characters first appearing in Season One are (c) Neal Adams Continuity Graphics Inc. All characters first appearing in the Web seasons are (c) the author of the first Web series script to mention them. Thanks to Ryan Lewis and dai_rob for supplying images from the cartoon. Web Series character art by Powree, Scotty Talley, mgafm, Pablo Praino, The Dragon Girl, Zam3d, Kooshmeister, JJ, and Night-Fall.
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