Bucky O'Hare on the Nintendo Entertainment System

Konami released "Bucky O'Hare" for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1992. In this side-scrolling game, the toads have captured Bucky's crew, and he must rescue them one-by-one. As you rescue Blinky, Jenny, Deadeye, and Willy from four different planets, you gain the ability to play as them. Once the crew is reunited, the toads capture them all, and the crew must escape from a toad mothership.

Read walkthroughs for the game here.

Many other web sites with information on the NES game can be found through the links section.


NES game cart (click for larger version)

NES game box contents (click for larger version)

NES game box (click for larger versions)

NES game manual

NES game box poster

NES game print ad (click for larger version)

NES game review, Video Game Collector Magazine #7 (click for larger version)

NES game review in German (click for larger version)

NES game box art promo (click for larger version)

Famicom (Japanese NES) game, box, and box contents (click for larger versions)

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