Senior Writer Audio
Click here to download a 114-minute MP3 file of DJ Clawson revisiting Season Two, reviewing each script and discussing what was happening behind the scenes. (6.54 MB)
Season Two episodes
Chains of Command
by DJ Clawson
Season Premiere
The election of a new Chairman of the United Animals Coalition Security Council brings a group of coldblooded assassins to Genus. And it doesn't help Bucky that his best friend is the Chairman-elect.
Airdate: 9/6/98
The Aldebaran Accident
by DJ Clawson
Jenny is called to Aldebaran to help her Sisterhood with an important spell. Unfortunately, the toads have plans to crash the party, and Willy -- as usual -- can't help but stick his nose into it. This time, his involvement may redefine his association with the Aldebarans.
Airdate: 9/20/98
Shore Leave
by DJ Clawson
The crew of The Righteous Indignation get some well-deserved time off. Bucky gets romantic, Willy gets a new friend and an adventure involving Blinky's past, and Deadeye, of course, gets into trouble.
Airdate: 10/4/98
Close Encounters of the Human Kind
by DJ Clawson
Chairman Warner sends Bucky on a special mission -- giving a lift to a convicted terrorist, Lucas MacArthur, to another part of the galaxy. But it looks like this unbalanced criminal might be too much for the crew of the Righteous to handle.
Airdate: 10/18/98
by Fero McPiglet
It's time for the Pledge Ceremony of Vigilance, and the entire S.P.A.C.E. fleet is invited. Never willing to pass up the opportunity to kill three birds with one stone, the toads have a surprise planned, and Al Negator is curious to find out what it is.
Airdate: 11/1/98
Ronin Steel
by Dawvitch Night-Fall
The crew of the Righteous runs into the mysterious remains of a toad ship and an even more mysterious creature responsible for the destruction.
Airdate: 11/15/98
by Fero McPiglet
An evil entity has been released on Aldebaran, "killing" Aldebarans in its path. Jenny and Willy join the survivors in a final attempt to recast the broken binding spell that held it in the first place.
Airdate: 11/29/98
A Stranger Among Us
by DJ Clawson and Fero McPiglet
What do a spy, Shira, a case of explosives, Willy's missing glasses, and two stolen dog tags have to do with each other?
Airdate: 12/13/98
by Claudia Carranza
A radical group of Aldebarans decides to eliminate Willy DuWitt. As it turns out, a number of parties on Aldebaran want him dead -- or alive -- for various reasons, meaning a simple job might turn out into a war.
Airdate: 12/27/98
Shaken, not Stirred
by DJ Clawson
Aboard a downed cruiser, a group of jellyfish-like aliens loiter harmlessly around the mammals. But the crew of the Righteous's intervention as a rescue team may get them all killed.
Airdate: 1/10/99
Nothing but the Truth
by DJ Clawson
An injured crewmember and some stolen codes aboard the Righteous ignite an investigation that ends up prying into the secrets of the crew when one of them is under suspicion for the attack.
Airdate: 1/24/99
Military Discipline
by DJ Clawson
Bucky O'Hare's military trainer and hero, Admiral Hudson, stops aboard the Righteous for a quick inspection, However, Bucky reluctantly discovers that his crew does not meet the admiral's standards, and their jobs may be on the line because of it.
Airdate: 2/7/99
Blood Ties
by Claudia Carranza and DJ Clawson
The Aldebaran assassination squad debacle is not forgotten by Cassie, a powerful Aldebaran who's next in line for the throne -- provided she can bump off a few heirs and troubling people. Luckily for her, the Righteous is in town, putting everyone right where she wants them.
Airdate: 2/21/99
by Alf
A rogue toad finds himself in the hands of the Righteous crew, but the crew is up in arms as to whether he can be trusted for his so-called "defection" from the Toad Empire.
Airdate: 3/7/99
Little Green Toads
by DJ Clawson
After a toad scientist in the hands of the mammals is bumped off, Captain O'Hare and Chairman Warner frantically search for a hiding place for the remaining two toad Creators of KOMPLEX that they promised safety. Warner has a solution -- Earth. But the death of the second scientist attracts too much attention to a particular high school in San Francisco, especially from two curious FBI agents.
Airdate: 3/21/99
Storm Toad
by Fero McPiglet
Frustrated with Toadborg's inefficiency, KOMPLEX reveals a new cyborg -- Cyberstorm, whose new weather-controlling technology might be enough to stop the S.P.A.C.E. fleet for good.
Airdate: 4/4/99
by DJ Clawson and Claudia Carranza
It seems like everyone wants their paws on a certain human with Aldebaran powers, especially Tommy, founder and leader of the Aldebaran Male Resistance. But getting Willy on his side might mean having to face the wrath of a very protective First Mate Jenny.
Airdate: 4/18/99
Lost Generations
by DJ Clawson and Claudia Carranza
The crew of the Righteous find themselves between a rock and a hard place when they are surrounded by toad ships, and all they have to escape with is an untested mark-5 photon accelerator.
Airdate: 5/2/99
Control, Part 1
by Dawvitch Night-Fall and DJ Clawson
Bucky and company reluctantly team up with the wild Dallion to save some captured mammals from toad paws.
Airdate: 6/20/99
Control, Part 2
by Dawvitch Night-Fall
Airdate: 8/8/99
Control, Part 3
by Dawvitch Night-Fall
Airdate: 8/8/99
Danger Signs
by DJ Clawson, Fero McPiglet, and Dawvitch Night-Fall
Season Finale
The presentation of the Willy's mark-5 photon accelerator has finally arrived, and both sides want their paws on the new technology.
Airdate: 11/7/99
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