"Bindings" by Fero McPiglet First draft - 9/6/98 Second draft - 11/20/98 Final draft - 11/29/98 Edited by DJ Clawson Edited by Rygar 12/30/03 SCENE 1 - ALDEBARAN It's nighttime in the palace. A young white ALDEBARAN is running desperately in the garden. She's been running through the bushes and brambles and has scratches and bruises all over. She keeps looking behind her, as if someone is following her. She breaks through a wall of thicket and sees the open hallway of the palace. She makes a break for it. Halfway through, she hears a rasping sound behind her, and she risks a glimpse backward. In one of the darkened corners, a shadow detaches itself and starts to glide slowly toward her with clawed arms forming from itself, reaching for her. The Aldebaran screams and runs faster, but before she can reach the safety of the palace, the huge doors close. The Aldebaran pounds and cries out at the door. Then, slowly, she stops and turns around, expecting to see the shadow's claws rake over her face. But there is nothing there but the garden. The Aldebaran turns around again, and this time, she sees the long sinewy arms emerge from the designs on the door and feels the sharp claws wrap around her throat. She gasps for breath as the arms lift her into the air and the shadow fully emerges from the door. The SHADOW laughs in a raspy tone as the Aldebaran struggles and starts to choke. ALDEBARAN (gasping weakly) Wha ... what are you? SHADOW (removes one hand from Aldebaran's throat, still laughing) Would you believe your worst nightmare? Then, the shadow plunges his other arm into the Aldebaran's chest, through her heart. The Aldebaran screams ... ... and the QUEEN wakes up, the scream dying in her throat. She finds herself in her bedroom, drenched in sweat. It's the middle of the night. She puts her face in her paws and sobs quietly. QUEEN No ... not again. The Queen slowly gets up and walks out of the bedroom. There, she finds all the corridors of the palace lit up, but no is around, not even the night guards. The Queen walks slowly through the palace until she reaches a small circular room with the door torn off its hinges. She goes inside, stepping on the magical runes on the floor, and looks at the pedestal in the center. On it is a broken silver ring. The Queen holds the silver pieces in her fingers and presses them into her chest. QUEEN Not again. A cold wind blows into the room. The Queen feels the chill but doesn't shiver. She grips the broken ring in her paw until her knuckles whiten. She hears a raspy laugh behind her. She slowly turns around. QUEEN All right. Show yourself. There's nothing there but the open door. The Queen turns around again and, this time, sees a figure hidden in the darkened corner of the room. SHADOW We meet again, Katrina. QUEEN Do not call me that, demon. What have you done with the others? SHADOW (emerging, clawed arms forming) I visited all your subject in the still of the night, all in their sleep. But I made sure to wake them before I made them mine. But do not feel left out, my dear Katrina; I haven't forgotten about you. I was only saving the best for last. The Queen stands her ground defiantly, even as the shadow reaches for her. QUEEN I said, do not call me that anymore. I am the Queen! Queen of the Artificers of Aldebaran! The shadow grips the Queen by the throat and lifts her up with one hand. SHADOW And you will die like one, too, my dear. QUEEN (struggles weakly, gasping for breath) The others ... the others will come for you ... SHADOW I know. The shadow raises up his other arm, then plunges it into the Queen's heart. The Queen gives a silent scream, then slowly stops struggling. The five jewels on her forehead flicker, then turn transparent. The Queen closes her eyes. The shadow withdraws his arm, then throws the Queen's body to the floor. He stares at it, then smiles. SHADOW I'll be waiting for them. On the floor, the Queen relaxes her grip, and the remains of the silver ring tumble from her fingertips and fall to the cold floor. SCENE 2 - SPACE STATION The Righteous Indignation is docked outside. In one of the rec rooms, two thirds of CAPTAIN BUCKY O'HARE's crew try to pass the time. Bucky is sitting with GUNNER DEADEYE DUCK, who's cleaning his guns, and AFC BLINKY is sitting with BRUISER at another table. BRUISER I'm bored, Blinky. I wish there wuz some bananas to eat. BLINKY But friend Bruiser, you have already consumed all the bananas in the space station. The automats have already sent for more supplies. Why not take advantage of the space station's fitness center? BRUISER I already checked it out. They still haven't repaired them machines yet. BLINKY And the amusement arcade? BRUISER Nah, I'd end up breaking the game controls. Too flimsy. BLINKY How about the ... On the other table, Bucky gives a long sigh while picking at his drink. DEADEYE Why so glum, Cap'n? BUCKY Huh? What're you talking about, Deadeye? DEADEYE Cap'n, yer sighin' and mopin' about like a depressed janitor who has ta swab the deck of the dirtiest, slimiest, most scum-crusted toad mothership in the aniverse. (beat) Pardon me being blunt, Cap'n. BUCKY Is it that obvious? DEADEYE Aye. What's ailing ye? BRUISER (at the other table) ... and they told me never to come back, too. I'm bored, Blinky. Let's do something. BLINKY I do have a built-in game console in my programming, friend Bruiser. It's a holographic battle simulator ... BRUISER (enthusiastically) Oh, goody! BLINKY ... about strategy, tactics, and careful planning of your pawns ... BRUISER (less enthusiastically) Oh, goody ... BLINKY ... that involves decimating your opponents in one-on-one combat when you reach an encounter. BRUISER (enthusiastically again) Oh, goody! BLINKY Would you care to play, friend Bruiser? BRUISER Sounds like fun! What's it called? BLINKY It is named "Combat Chess Craft." Here's how you play ... On the other table, Bucky has been talking for a while, and Deadeye's been listening while still cleaning his guns. BUCKY ... it's like the fate of the aniverse rests on our shoulders. DEADEYE 'Course it does, Cap'n! All the time! What's different 'bout that? BUCKY You're right. It's not that. DEADEYE Then what is it? BUCKY Do you really want to know? DEADEYE Ha hah! I asked ye, didn't I? BUCKY (sighs and leans his cheek on his palm) It's Jenny. DEADEYE (curious) What about the lass? Bucky silently gestures toward the Righteous, where they both know FIRST MATE JENNY is inside. DEADEYE So she's chargin' 'er sensors. What's the big deal? BUCKY I just wish I knew what she was always doing to my ship. DEADEYE Well, she tells Willy. And he's the only one who really has ta know, bein' the engineer an' all. BUCKY I know. (sadly) She'll tell Willy anything, but she won't tell me. I just wish she could share some of those secrets with us ... with me. (beat) It's just a matter of trust. DEADEYE Jenny's a fine pilot and a fine first mate, Cap'n. O' course we trust 'er. BUCKY I'm looking for something deeper, Deadeye. I want to know what she feels ... DEADEYE (catching on to what this conversation is really about) Uh... I think I see where this is leadin', Cap'n, even though I only got one eye, an' I can't help ye there. I don't go fer this mushy bilgewash stuff. BUCKY (shakes his head and smiles a bit) I'm not talking about that, Deadeye. I'm talking about the time ... you know, way back. Back when it was just me and her, two academy graduates, trying to rally for a ship to fight the war everyone was denying was going to happen. We never kept anything from each other, except, I guess all, of her Aldebaran stuff, but that never came into the conversation. DEADEYE Aye, I remember that. Ye picked me up right around then. BUCKY It just seems like Jenny and I have been drifting further and further apart. She wants to spend more and more time on her sensors, more and more time on Aldebaran, and I have to go along with it unquestioningly. DEADEYE I'm sure she appreciates the space yer givin' 'er, Cap'n. BUCKY I just wish she had some way of showing it. On the other table, Bruiser and Blinky are playing a holographic game of "Combat Chess Craft." BRUISER Hey! This is fun, Blinky! I'm gettin' the hang of it! BLINKY Yes, friend Bruiser. You are indeed gaining proficiency. BRUISER Yeah! My J. Knight has your Emperor in a corner! Pow! (laughing, acting out the game) Feel the force of my saber fatality! Heh heh heh ... um, yer not lettin' me win, are ya, Blinky? BLINKY No, friend Bruiser. But the challenge level is set at "beginner." BRUISER Well, set it higher! I wanna beat up some more of da Darth Empire! SCENE 3 - THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION Jenny is at the console, fixing the ship's sensors, while ENGINEER WILLY DUWITT sits in a yoga position with his eyes closed. Willy is breathing slowly and carefully, and then he suddenly opens his eyes, stands up, and approaches Jenny. WILLY OK, Jenny, I'm done with the set! Can we start on some serious spellcasting now? JENNY (doesn't look up from her work) Willy! This *is* serious spellcasting. WILLY But all you make me do is sit still and concentrate on thinking about nothing! What's that got to do with firing energy blasts? JENNY Clearing your thoughts is a way of purifying your mind, Willy. It prepares yourself to be a vessel for magic. WILLY Well, I'm tired of it. Can we start on something more solid? Like how to disable robots? JENNY Be patient, Willy. I'll tell you when you're ready. WILLY But I am ready! Honest! JENNY (finally looks up from her work and smiles) You're starting to sound like Felicia. WILLY But it's true! I've been practicing all week all the breathing and relaxation techniques you've taught me. JENNY Hmm, is that so? WILLY (turns away a bit) Well, yeah ... JENNY (stands and picks up the sensor she's been working on) All right then, Willy. Prepare yourself! Jenny opens the sensor, and a frantic ball of energy slips out. It flies around the room, leaving trails of pink light. Willy ducks as it whizzes past him. WILLY (ducks again) Whoa! It's a quark demon! JENNY Listen to me, Willy! Stand perfectly still and concentrate on clearing your mind! WILLY Huh? Why do I have to ... ouch! Willy grasps his arm in pain. The quark demon had flown close by and stung him. Now, it's circling Willy and firing out little shock blasts. WILLY (waving his arms around) Aah! It's attacking me! Help! JENNY (shouting urgently) Willy, you must concentrate! Calm yourself. Use the exercises I've taught you. Clear your mind! WILLY I-I ... Aah! ... OK! I'm trying ... Willy tries to stand still for an instant, but another shock sting hits him. He takes an awkward step back and trips over his own feet. His glasses fall, and Willy starts groping for them as the quark demon continually circles him, blasting. Willy gives up looking for his glasses and covers his head in pain. He twitches every time the quark demon hits him. JENNY Concentrate, Willy! Concentrate! WILLY (in pain) ... I-I can't! Jenny! Jenny, help me! Please! Jenny can't stand it anymore. She casts out a ray of light toward the quark demon and ensnares it in a mystic cage. She sends the demon back into the sensor as she gives Willy back his glasses and helps him up. WILLY (a little disoriented) Wha-what happened, Jenny? Why'd the quark demon attack me? JENNY (helping Willy to a chair) Quark demons sense normal signs of life energy and react to it. That's why we tame them and use them for sensors. But they react differently to traces of Aldebaran magic. It charges them up, and they must continually release the energy. The quark demon was sensing your magic and was responding aggressively to it. WILLY But why ... how come? ... JENNY It was a test, to see if you can achieve tranquility during extreme circumstances. For an artificer to properly summon magic, she must be at a certain state of mind, and it's difficult to achieve the proper state when beset by danger. The quark demon would have stopped attacking if you had followed what I told you -- if you had remained calm, if you had achieved peace. (beat) But you hadn't, Willy. You panicked, and you failed the test. How can you hope to control your magic when you can't control your own emotions? WILLY (looks at his feet, sadly) I ... I'm sorry, Master Jenny. JENNY (smiles and pats Willy's back) That's OK, Willy. It just means that you need more practice. Once you've mastered this art, we'll go to the next step of crafting spells. WILLY (looks up again eagerly) But I already know some spells! I can levitate things, see? Jenny watches as Willy raises his hands and concentrates on moving a nearby screwdriver. It doesn't move. WILLY (looks at his hands, puzzled) Huh? But when we were on Aldebaran, I was able to move all sorts of stuff! JENNY That's because you were newly charged with magic. Your levels were peaking then. But now that it's been weeks, it's been gradually tapering off. You'll have to go through the basic training of all novice artificers if you want to cast spells again. (beat) Now repeat the breathing exercises one more time, Willy. We'll be done soon. Willy sits on the floor again to resume his exercises. Jenny returns the console to reattach the sensor. WILLY (a little disappointed) Gee, and I thought having magic would make my life easier. You just zap this and explode that ... JENNY No, Willy, it's not that simple. Having magic is a great responsibility. It takes a lot of time and sacrifice to be an artificer. Not everybody has the privili ... Jenny stops and clutches at her head. She closes her eyes and feels the pain of thousands of Aldebarans in agony. She also feels the pain and hears the voice of the Queen. QUEEN Jenny opens her eyes and stands up. JENNY Jenny turns to the shocked and staring Willy. WILLY Jenny? What happened? I saw you ... and then ... JENNY (urgently) Willy, there's no time to explain. I have to go, and I need to take the Righteous with me. Please leave the ship and tell Bucky that I'm sorry I have to do this again, but the Righteous is the fastest frigate available, and my duty is urgent. WILLY I want to come. JENNY This is very important, Willy! It concerns all the lives of all Aldebarans, and maybe the aniverse! But it's a private matter, and I can't take you with me. WILLY But Jenny ... JENNY (nearly exasperated) Please understand, Willy! The Queen of the Artificers has invoked a sacred call! All Aldebarans must drop everything they're doing and heed it! This is none of your concern! WILLY (very quietly) But Jenny ... I heard it, too. SCENE 4 - SPACE STATION Deadeye and Bucky are still talking. BUCKY (looks at his watch) Hmm. Jenny should have been finished by now. DEADEYE Been countin' the minutes, Cap'n? BUCKY (starts to stand up) Very funny, Deadeye. C'mon, let's see if she's heading this way. DEADEYE No need, Cap'n ... (looks outside the window behind Bucky and points) ... I think she's headin' away, instead! Bucky turns and looks outside to see The Righteous Indignation flying outside, then warping. Bucky stands up. BUCKY Jenny! DEADEYE She's done it again, Cap'n! She took the ship fer her mysterious agendas! BUCKY (pounds on the table) And this time, Blinky's not there to leave a homing signal ... At the other table, Blinky and Bruiser are still playing the chess game. BLINKY (surprised) You win again, Bruiser! It is unbelievable how quickly you are grasping the complex strategies in countering my defenses. BRUISER (very pleased) Hahaha! Well, as long as it's got a lot o' fighting and smashing, I can handle it! This is great! Let's play again! SCENE 5 - THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION Jenny is piloting the frigate. Willy is beside her, clutching his head. WILLY My head still hurts. What's happening, Jenny? Why do I feel like a whole planet died or something? JENNY (staring straight ahead into space) Because it did -- or maybe worse. WILLY I don't understand. JENNY (turns to Willy and looks very serious) I'll have to explain it to you, but you must promise not to tell another living soul who isn't an Aldebaran about it. WILLY OK. You know I keep my promises. JENNY (hesitates for a moment, then sighs) All right. You see, Willy, the Artificer's Sisterhood has codes and creeds that we must abide to. It applies to everyone who uses Aldebaran magic. Breaking any one of them results in dire consequences. (beat) As you already know, Aldebaran magic comes from a single unified source -- a pool, if you wish. The pool is shared by all artificers. They are all linked to it. Each individual dipping into the source takes from the collective Sisterhood itself. The power of one artificer is the power of all, provided it is given freely and willingly. WILLY Uh huh. I knew about that when you and Felicia put that huge quark demon back to sleep a long time ago. JENNY (nods and continues) But long ago, a young artificer named Levira broke one of the sacred laws. She and her twin sister were on their Soul Quest in the Dark Heart Nebula. They were competing for the Throne of Aldebaran and, during one of their trials, Levira did the unthinkable: She forcefully took her sibling's magic. There was an explosion, as the ill-gotten power tainted the pool and spawned a demonic creature ... the Voren. (beat, voice tinged slightly with fear) The Voren is a powerful spirit-like monster. It has the potential to infect the entire aniverse with its evil presence, to enslave the hearts and minds of a billion souls and make them do its bidding. WILLY So why didn't it? JENNY Because the Voren is a devourer. It was created with the need to eat or "take" Aldebaran magic, and it requires it to live. But within the Dark Heart Nebula, the magic is too pure and primal. It couldn't touch it. Instead, the Voren sped to Aldebaran. There, it could "take" the magic that had been filtered by the use of the artificers. And it did. One by one, the Voren caught all the unsuspecting Aldebarans off guard and "took" their life energies. WILLY That's horrible! Did they all die? JENNY Not quite. The Voren needs the magic to sustain its existence. If it kills an artificer, it destroys a secondary source for its nourishment. Instead, the Voren leaves its victims in a state between life and death. The body is essentially dead, but a part of the soul is anchored down in our plane of being. The soul, thus, cannot achieve oneness with the aniverse and is in perpetual agony. The Voren feeds on this suffering and torture and grows stronger. WILLY That's even worse! (beat, curious) What happened after it got free? JENNY Well, the twins were all that were left of the artificers, and they formulated a spell to imprison the Voren. It was the spell of Binding. They journeyed back to Aldebaran to confront the monster. The Voren was confident that there was nothing the remaining Sisters could do to harm it. It was just resting before it tried to enslave the aniverse, so it let itself be caught unawares. The spell was cast, and the Voren found itself caught in a circle that it couldn't break. The circle was given the form of a silver ring with the Voren still trapped within it. The menace was over. (beat) But something must have broken the ring, and the Voren was let loose again. And now, we have to put him back. Willy is quiet as The Righteous Indignation reaches sight of the planet Aldebaran. Jenny and Willy see three ships in stable orbit around it. Jenny closes her eyes and concentrates as someone tries to contact her through her gem. FELICIA JENNY FELICA JENNY WILLY JENNY and FELICIA Jenny opens her eyes to find Willy clutching the memory stone on his forehead, eyes closed. Willy feels her stare and opens his eyes. He smiles shyly. WILLY Um, I thought ... uh ... I thought that I could do that telepathic thing you were doing if I also had one of those gems over my head like you guys do. Uh ... I didn't mean to interrupt ... JENNY (impressed) No, no, that's good, Willy. I was just surprised that you picked up on it so quickly. FELICIA WILLY FELICIA JENNY FELICIA JENNY WILLY FELICIA SCENE 6 - DECK, THE LUNA'S PRIDE Felicia and five other Aldebaran artificers greet Jenny and Willy as they exit from the airlock. A DARK-HAIRED CAT wearing a gray and black uniform quickly steps forward to point at Willy. DARK-HAIRED CAT Hey! What's *he* doing in here? That Outsider's not allowed in here! JENNY Calm down, Felina. You've been informed about the "accident on Aldebaran." You already know about Willy. FELINA But ... YELLOW CALICO (in red robes and spectacles) Felina ... FELINA No one mentioned that *he* was a *male*! YELLOW CALICO (shakes her head at Felina) This is not the proper way to welcome our fellow artificers. (she steps forward and offers her paws to Jenny and Willy) Well met, Jenny. Willy. JENNY (taking the yellow calico's paw) Well met, High Priestess. WILLY (carefully follows what Jenny's doing) Um, well met, too, High Priestess. YELLOW CALICO Ill met, actually. And you need not call me High Priestess. In these dire times, we will have to forego with the stations and hierarchy. FELICIA (steps forward at well) Yes, we had decided before that, despite that fact that I'm the granddaughter of the Queen and that a High Priestess is present, you have to lead us, Jenny. JENNY (surprised) Me? FELICIA Yes. You're the one with the most combat experience and knowledge. Even though we're all accomplished artificers and spell casters ... (looks down briefly) ... well, most of us ... it's you who has the instincts for battle. And this is a battle we have to win. FELINA (sourly) I could have done it. YELLOW CALICO Felina ... FELINA Yeah, yeah. (she points at Willy) But does that ... that *person* have to be here? WILLY Hey! JENNY Willy has the right to be here. He was summoned like the rest of us. He is obligated to assist in any way he can. WILLY (a little defiantly) And I will, too! FELINA But he doesn't know the proper spells and rituals! I'll bet he still hasn't passed the trial of the quark dem ... JENNY (raises her paw to silence Felina) That's enough, Felina. We don't have time for this argument. Jenny turns and faces the rest of the artificers. JENNY All right, introduce yourselves. PALE CAT (with black hair, wearing black and yellow armor) Hello, I'm Kylie. I'm a paranormal scientist. I was investigating the rumor of a gigantic floating berserker baboon floating where Toxus IV used to be when I heard the call. BROWN CAT (with red hair, wearing a blue vest) I'm Sally. I'm a computer specialist. I was with Kylie when we found the giant space baboon. I verified that it was nothing more than an inanimate mechanical construct with a simple program to wave its arms around and yell. ANGORA CAT (with red earrings) I'm Annie, a reporter. I was in the border patrol headquarters, interviewing the commander when I was summoned. I hitched a ride with Lieutenant Felina here. FELINA Yeah, yeah. Hi. I'm an officer of the border patrol. I enforce the boundaries and make sure that toads don't try to sneak into Aldebaran space. YELLOW CAT I am the High Priestess Callista. I was escorting Princess Felicia on her third trip into the Dark Heart Nebula ... FELICA ... and we both heard my grandmother call out to all of us. We all came as soon as we could, and we verified that we're the only other Aldebaran artificers left in the aniverse, not including you and Willy. JENNY I see. Well, I'm Jenny, pilot of the frigate The Righteous Indignation of the UAC S.P.A.C.E. fleet, and this is our engineer, Willy DuWitt. WILLY (shyly waves at the others) Hi. JENNY All right, then. Has Aldebaran been scanned for traces of active magic? SALLY Yes. We've been running a scan every fifteen minutes. The whole of the planet is quiet, except for the huge spark of tainted magic in the Grand Palace. The Voren doesn't seem to be moving. It's as if he's waiting for us to come and get him. JENNY (with resolve) Let's not disappoint him, then. SCENE 7 - THE SKIES OF ALDEBARAN Willy, Felicia, and Callista are in The Righteous Indignation, with Jenny at the controls. Flying beside them is a cruiser, The Ulysses Chopper, which is being piloted by Felina and has Kylie, Sally, and Annie. They have all just entered the atmosphere of Aldebaran and are heading for the palace. JENNY So what do you think could have broken the ring? CALLISTA (sitting beside her) We don't know. Nobody enters the Sacred Tomb but the Queen herself when she wishes to pay her respects. No one else would want to visit that place. FELICIA (walking up behind them with Willy) I think it has something to do with the toad attack a few weeks back. It must have caused some damage to the runes and talismans. CALLISTA (doubting) But the silver ring is protected by many safeguards. A scuffed symbol wouldn't have amounted to anything. JENNY But maybe the double backlash of magic caused by the two generator explosions caused a bit of magic to leak into the seals and give the Voren just enough strength to weaken the ring. Maybe that's why it took so long before it was able to break free. CALLISTA (considering) It is possible. WILLY Uh, Jenny? Is it really a good idea to split us up? JENNY Yes, Willy. Each one of us knows how to perform the spell of Binding. All we have to do is reach the palace and find the Voren before it can find us. FELICIA Yeah. Sally has that portable scanner of hers. We'll be able to get the drop on that creep with it. Kylie says it's a PKE meter or something, but Sally named it Nicole. WILLY (pointing forward) Look, I can see the palace! The palace is looming closer and closer, and the two ships start to slow down until they're nearly side by side. KYLIE (telepathically) JENNY KYLIE SALLY KYLIE < ... with Nicole. The Voren's not there.> JENNY WILLY (peering at the side) Jenny, look! There's something attacking their engine! Jenny and the others look outside to see a shadowy figure about to claw at The Ulysses Chopper's engine. JENNY Felicia screams as the Voren smashes the engine and flies away, laughing. The cruiser starts to plummet. Jenny stands up. JENNY Felicia! Take the controls! FELICIA (taking the controls) What are you going to do, Jenny? JENNY I'm taking the Toad Croaker to rescue the others! WILLY I'll go with ... JENNY There's no room! Jenny boards the Toad Croaker and blasts off. The other ship is trying to level itself off and slow down its descent as Jenny pulls alongside it. JENNY KYLIE Jenny watches as the door slides open with Kylie, Annie, and Sally at the opening. Jenny flies very close to it and matches its speed. JENNY Everybody jump! Annie jumps first, followed by Kylie. They land on the back seat of the Croaker and move to the side to leave space for the others. Sally goes back inside the ship. JENNY SALLY Felina appears and jumps on the Croaker, but Sally's not out yet. The ship buckles, and Jenny is forced to move the Croaker away a bit. The cruiser is already grazing the tops of the trees below. JENNY SALLY Sally appears by the doorway and jumps down toward the Croaker. But she doesn't land. A shadowy figure suddenly detaches itself from the underside of the cruiser and grabs Sally by the arms. Jenny and the others can only look back as they shoot past the struggling Sally as the Voren laughs and plunges his hand into her chest. Sally screams and drops her computer. Jenny is forced to look forward as The Ulysses Chopper finally crashes and explodes somewhere in front of them. The smoke prevents them from looking back to see what else happened, but they can still hear the Voren laughing. After the smoke clears, Jenny uses Toad Croaker to look for Sally's body. She finds her carelessly propped up against a tree, her eyes still open and her gems transparent. She frowns, then carries Sally's body onto the Croaker, then speeds back toward the Righteous. SCENE 8 - THRONE ROOM, PALACE The Righteous Indignation, carrying Sally's body, has landed in the courtyard of the palace. Callista and Kylie are making a runic circle on the floor. Jenny is supervising while Felicia, Annie, Felina, and Willy are keeping watch. WILLY Poor Sally. FELINA (sneers) Poor us. Now we don't have any means of keeping track of the Voren. WILLY Aren't you worried about her? FELINA Not anymore. She knew the risks. At least now, she won't have to take part in the Binding. WILLY (perplexed) Huh? What do you mean? What could be worse that having your soul under constant agony if the Voren takes you? FELINA Having your soul under constant agony for all eternity, is what. WILLY But all the Aldebarans will be like that if the Voren wins ... FELINA (stands proudly) But that's not going to happen. We're the good guys here, and we always win in the end, no matter what. In a few hours, the Voren will be imprisoned and all the Artificers will be free. The only question is which one of us is going to pull it off. (she shrugs) Not that there's anything wrong with being sacrificed. Sure, it's a great honor and privilege, but you won't be around to appreciate it. WILLY (even more perplexed) Wait, wait. What's this about "being sacrificed?" I thought we were going to do the ritual of Binding. FELINA (gives Willy a look) Yeah, that's it. It's a sacrifice. What do you think the Binding is all about? Didn't Jenny tell you? WILLY Sacrifice? (turns to Jenny, upset) You never mentioned anything about a sacrifice! What's this all about?! Everybody stops what they're doing and looks at Jenny and Willy in shock. CALLISTA (holds Jenny's arm) You mean you didn't tell him? JENNY (starts to walk toward Willy) I'm sorry, Willy, but I thought you understood. WILLY Understood what? I thought we were just going to cast a spell and trap the Voren ... JENNY (speaking gravely) Yes, but it's not that simple. Willy. For the spell of Binding to be made successful, the circle must be created out of magic that is given freely and willingly. This is pure magic, magic that is born out of selflessness and love. It's the only type of magic the Voren cannot touch. During the ritual of the first Binding, Levira knocked out her sister and sacrificed her own life energies to complete the circle. WILLY But that means that ... JENNY Yes. Levira's soul was trapped in the ring along with the Voren. She had known that she would spend eternity forever safeguarding the Sisterhood and the aniverse from the touch of that evil creature. Her sacrifice was pure, or else it wouldn't have worked. (gestures at the other artificers) And now, we're prepared to do the same. WILLY (looking at everybody) You mean all of you are going to ... JENNY No. One person will be enough. She will be selected randomly when the spell is taking effect. It will be a great honor for her. WILLY (getting a crazed look) But ... but ... that's not right! There has to be another way! You can't just give up a life like that! There must be another way. JENNY (reaches Willy) Maybe ... but we don't know of one. And the Voren must be subdued, at all costs. WILLY But ... Jenny lays a paw on Willy's shoulder, and he suddenly stops moving. His joints start to lock up. He stands as still as a statue, paralyzed from Jenny's spell. He looks at Jenny with surprise in his glazing eyes. WILLY (weakly) Wha ... JENNY (turning away from Willy so he doesn't see her eyes) I'm sorry, Willy. You may have been summoned because of your magic, but you're not prepared to participate in the ritual. The paralysis will wear off after our job is finished. In the meantime, you'll be safer away from here. (talks to Felina and Annie) Take him to one of the spare rooms, and leave him there. Felina and Annie step forward to drag Willy away. The other artificers remain quiet. WILLY (weakly) Wait ... Jenny! ... JENNY (softly) It's better this way. A few minutes later, Felina and Annie return. Callista and Kylie have already finished the runic circle. FELINA (dusting her paws and looking a little smug with herself) Well, that takes care of the Outsider. What do we do now? JENNY (addressing everybody) All right. We'll have to split into groups. Keep in constant contact, and warn the others if you see the Voren. We need to lure it here, where the magic circle is. CALLISTA I'll stay behind and maintain a camouflage spell over the circle. The Voren mustn't know that we've prepared a trap for it. JENNY (nods then motions to the others) Felina, you go with Kylie. Annie, you're with me. Felicia ... FELICIA (putting up a brave front) Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. SCENE 9 - THE CORRIDORS Jenny walks cautiously, with Annie behind her. They are watching the halls in all directions. Annie is whispering in a recorder while they walk. ANNIE (whispering to the recorder) So now, we're stalking the palace corridors, hoping to catch a glimpse of the evil creature. If we find it first, we'll be able to tag it with a sigil snare and summon it into the circle. But if it finds us first ... JENNY (whispers back but still scanning the halls) Annie, stop that this instant! We have to very careful here. We have no way of knowing where the Voren is. Be alert. Besides, you won't be able to report that to anybody, anyway. ANNIE (puts the recorder into her pocket and whispers) Sorry, Jenny. But this is the only thing I can do to keep me calm. I'm so scared! What happens if the Voren catches all of us? JENNY (whisper) That's not going to happen. As long as there is one Aldebaran who can cast the Binding spell, we have a chance. ANNIE (whisper) But what if ... JENNY (firmly whispers) It's not going to happen. Now stay alert. FELICIA JENNY FELICIA JENNY (out loud) C'mon, Annie! Jenny and Annie start to run as quickly and as quietly as they can toward the ballroom. FELICIA Jenny and Annie hear a crash and a scream. They break into a run, not caring about being quiet anymore. SCENE 10 - THE BALLROOM Jenny and Annie burst through the doors and take in the view. Felina and Kylie are on a ruined balcony, shattered by the Voren. Felina had fallen off but Kylie, flat on her stomach, was able to grab her paw. She's holding on to her, not having the strength to pull her up, so Felina's still dangling. The Voren is flying overhead, laughing, while Felicia is on the stage, firing some magic bolts, distracting it. Jenny starts to run toward the balcony. FELINA (sees Jenny and shouts) I missed, Jenny! I missed! JENNY It's OK! Just hang on! KYLIE (strained) Hurry! I can't keep my grip on her! Jenny makes it to the bottom of the balcony just as the Voren notices the newcomers. It laughs and glides toward Kylie and Felina. FELICIA (firing of some bolts) No! Don't look at them! Look at me! Felicia continues to fire energy bolts, but the Voren avoids them easily. Gleefully, it flies over the terrified Kylie. JENNY Felicia! Don't shoot! You might hit Kylie! Kylie is frightened, but she's not letting go of Felina. The Voren rasps as it waves its hands over her face. It knows that there is nothing anyone can do at this point. Kylie makes a grim face as the Voren finally stops teasing her and plunges its hand from her back and into her heart. Kylie gasps and convulses but still doesn't let up on her grip of Felina's paw. It's only when her gem turns transparent that she sags and relaxes her grip. Annie screams as Felina starts to fall. FELINA (screams) Help! JENNY (begins to cast a spell) I've got you! Jenny completes her spell and sends a solid disc of light to catch Felina. The disc stops Felina from falling the whole height, but she lands with her leg behind her, injuring it. The disc floats down to the ground before disappearing. The wounded Felina collapses as Jenny holds her up. FELINA (wincing in pain) I'm ... OK. Is Kylie ... JENNY (looks upward to see Kylie's blank face staring at nothing) Yes. FELICIA (jumps down from the stage and runs towards them) That monster! It knew we couldn't stop it from taking Kylie! JENNY (grimly) We'll still get it. FELICIA (glances around) But where'd it go? Jenny looks around the ruined ballroom. She sees Annie standing at the entrance, in shock at what has happened. Annie doesn't notice the figure detaching itself from the shadows behind her. All she feels is the cold hand passing through her back and coming out of her chest. Annie barely struggles. Her gems turn clear, and her eyes glaze over before she quietly folds into the ground. The Voren looks at its handiwork and smiles at Jenny, Felicia and Felina. Then, it fades into the darkness. The three remaining artificers look at one another gravely. FELINA (pushing at the others) Leave me. JENNY No. We don't do that. Come on, Felicia. Jenny and Felicia carry Felina by the shoulders, and they start walking toward the exit. Felina struggles a bit. FELINA Leave me! I'm only slowing you down! You won't be able to catch the Voren if you have to worry about me! Leave me behind! JENNY We can't do that, Felina. We don't leave our comrades behind. FELINA But you must ... Felina doesn't finish her sentence. From out of the door, the Voren leaps out. Felicia, who had her paws ready, is about to cast a spell, but the Voren knocks her aside. Jenny and Felina fall backward. The Voren hovers above them, then focuses on Jenny. Laughing, it raises its claws and brings it down, aiming for Jenny's heart. FELINA No! Felina, even with her injured leg, hurls herself over Jenny. The Voren's hand goes through her body but doesn't reach the other side. Jenny watches in horror as Felina's gem start to lose its color. JENNY Felina! FELINA (weakening) The sigil ... With the Voren still stuck with Felina, Jenny raises her arms and sends a magic bolt toward the Voren's eyes. Roaring, the Voren jerks back. It tries to slash at Jenny, but Felicia is suddenly up, firing her own magic bolts. She keeps the monster down while Jenny gets up. Then, they both shoot the Voren with a blinding flash of light. The Voren disappears. JENNY CALLISTA FELICIA JENNY SCENE 11 - THRONE ROOM Jenny and Felicia enter the throne room and find the Voren floating in the center of the runic circle, surrounded by flickering streams of light. It's struggling mightily at the bonds around it. Callista is outside the circle, down on one knee, her paws held in front of her, trying to hold the monster inside. She nods at Jenny and Felicia, and they run toward the circle. JENNY (takes her place at the end of the circle) Callista! We're ready! FELICIA (takes her place at the other end) Yes, we are! CALLISTA (slowly stands up) Thank the stars! The Voren is straining the circle! A few more seconds, and it would have broken free! Come, we must all enter the circle at the same time. One ... two ... thr ... aaaahh! Before Callista can step into the circle, the Voren suddenly breaks one of the streams of light, able to lash out one last time. Its claws catch Callista by the chest, slamming her backward into the walls. She moans once in pain before her gem turns transparent, and she lies still. But Jenny and Felicia are able to cross into the circle, and the bonds holding the Voren intensify. The Voren screams as the light multiplies in strength and power. FELICIA (shouts over the screams) It's just you and me now, Master Jenny! JENNY (shouting back) No, Princess Felicia! It's just you *or* me! SCENE 12 - A VACANT ROOM Willy is still standing frozen, paralyzed from the spell Jenny cast on him. He's staring at the walls when suddenly, he feels a tingling all over his body. Then, he falls forward, hitting the floor. WILLY (picks himself up) Huh? The paralysis! It's worn off! Then that means ... oh no! Willy runs out of the room and into the throne room. SCENE 13 - THRONE ROOM Willy enters the throne room. He sees the quiet Callista by the wall but looks at the intense light being generated by the bonds holding the Voren. Jenny and Felicia are within the circle, arms raised and concentrating. The light bonds suddenly thicken and expand outward, creating a white aura that makes a semi-spherical dome over the circle. Willy tries to approach the circle, but the aura pushes him back. The Voren continues to scream. WILLY Jenny! Felicia! JENNY Willy, get out of here! WILLY You can't go through with this! FELICIA It's too late, Willy. The Binding has already begun. WILLY But one of you is going to die! JENNY (as gently as she can) No, Willy. One of us is going to be immortalized. It's not every day that one has the privilege of giving her life for the aniverse. FELICIA Yes. It's a great honor. WILLY (tears in his eyes) But Jenny! Felicia! I don't want to lose either of you! JENNY (quietly) Don't worry about us, Willy. It's OK. Willy gives up and watches as the aura starts to rise. Jenny and Felicia levitate as the aura becomes a sphere that encompasses them and the bound Voren. A quark demon materializes out of nowhere and makes a revolution around Jenny and Felicia, moving very fast. WILLY What's happening? What's that? JENNY That's the selector. Once the quark demon stops, it picks the chosen one. Prepare yourself, Felicia! FELICIA Yes, Jenny! It will be glorious! Willy watches as the quark demons starts to slow down. He holds his breath as the ball of light stops at the center of the circle. There is silence as the Voren suddenly stops screaming. VOREN Yes, it *will* be glorious! The quark demon explodes, flooding the room with a blinding light. Willy is thrown backward. He shields his eyes but is able to make out two taloned hands reaching outward. The flash dies out and, the Voren is floating in the middle of the circle, holding Jenny and Felicia by the throat. Their eyes are open, and their gems are transparent. Willy is aghast as the Voren throws the bodies to the ground and laughs. VOREN The fools ... WILLY (rushes over and kneels to the bodies, crying out) Jenny! Felicia! VOREN Your friends can't hear you now. Their souls are with me, now and forever. Willy stares at his friends, then at the Voren. WILLY You can talk? VOREN (laughs) What kind of question is that? Of course I can talk! I can laugh, can't I? And laugh I shall, now that there's nothing in the aniverse that can stop me! WILLY But the Binding spell! It was supposed to work! VOREN (smugly) It would have; it was completed. The foolish artificers actually thought they could catch me in the same trap twice! I spent all my time in the ring thinking of a way to counteract it. That, and the joy I will have from enslaving the souls of billions! WILLY (angrily) I won't let you! VOREN What are you going to do about it, hmm? There are no more artificers left in the aniverse. What sort of creature are you, anyway? A hairless baboon? WILLY I'm a human! And an Aldebaran artificer at that! Willy stands up defiantly and rips the cap from his head. The Voren is taken aback as it senses the Aldebaran magic flowing out, no matter how small. But then, it laughs again. VOREN You are full of surprises, "human." So you do have magic, though a minuscule amount. But I can tell you are no artificer, or else you would have joined in the Binding. You have no skill and little training. (beat) There is nothing you can do to stop me, human. I think I'll take your soul with me, though, because you amuse me so much. WILLY (suddenly looks small and vulnerable) You'll have to catch me first! Willy runs away, leaving the Voren in a chortling fit. VOREN Ha ha ha! You're running away? What a delightful creature! Yes, run away, little human! Try to hide, too! I wonder if all humans are this stupid ... SCENE 14 - HALLWAY Willy is running around in the castle. He keeps hearing the Voren behind him, calling out names and urging him to run faster. WILLY (thinking, a little panicked) Willy tries to concentrate but hears the Voren calling again. VOREN Hello? Little human? Are you still trying to run? You know there's no place in the aniverse where you can hide from me! No place at all! WILLY (realizes something) He's right. He's absolutely right! Willy continues to run, but this time, he goes outside. SCENE 15 - THE COURTYARD The Voren is on a higher floor, looking out the window, watching what's happening in the courtyard. VOREN Hmm. I guess the human is tired of frolicking inside the palace. Look, he's going into his frigate. Maybe he thinks he can hide in outer space. I think I'll get down there and show him otherwise ... The Voren floats down and enters The Righteous Indignation through its hull. It looks inside but sees no movement. VOREN That's funny. I don't sense the human anywhere. Where could he have ... The Voren hears the sound of a door slamming shut. It follows the sound to the engineering room and finds a door in the middle of the room. VOREN O-ho! So this is he went! The Voren opens the door and goes inside. VOREN Come out, come out, little human! SCENE 16 - WILLY'S ROOM, SAN FRANCISCO, EARTH Willy is in his room, right beside the photon accelerator. He's very tense, and he keeps staring at his door. The door finally opens, and the Voren steps through. VOREN I'm beginning to get tired of this game. WILLY (puts his hand on the accelerator handle and quietly answers) You hurt my friends and you threatened the aniverse. This isn't a game, you monster! VOREN It is to me. I've followed you around the palace and into your frigate. And now I've got you. WILLY (determined) You're wrong. VOREN (taken slightly aback at the strength of Willy's words) Really? WILLY This isn't the frigate. The Voren finally takes a look at its surroundings. It sees a strange room with windows with nothing beyond them but darkness. VOREN (puzzled) Wha ... where are we? WILLY Between dimensions. I'm not from the aniverse. I use a photon accelerator to cross over. VOREN I see. And why are we here? WILLY Well, I'm guessing that since you're basically made of other- dimensional magic, maybe you won't be able to survive in my world. It's just a theory but, once I pull this lever, we'll be able to find out firsthand. Willy prepares to pull the lever. VOREN I guess one can learn something new every day. Thank you for the lesson, little human. Let me repay you with another lesson I learned from you ... The Voren raises its hand, and a powerful force pushes Willy aside, away from the accelerator. Before Willy can slam into a wall, the Voren catches him by the throat and knocks off his glasses. VOREN (savagely continues, raising his clawed hand) Never gloat. Your enemies may have something up their sleeves. Now prepare to join your Aldebaran friends! WILLY (chokes a bit and grasps at the Voren's arm) Yes ... my friends ... The Voren prepares to plunge his hand into Willy's chest and is surprised when his victim stops struggling, puts down his arms, and closes his eyes. VOREN What's this? Not fighting anymore? WILLY (in total peace) No ... just trying to ... remain calm ... so I can do ... this! Willy opens his eyes and stares at the accelerator. Yards away from him, the lever suddenly moves. It flicks itself upward. Then, the room changes. VOREN What?! The darkness in the windows turns into daylight as Willy's room returns to its proper dimension. The light streams inside and cuts through the Voren. The Voren drops Willy as it sees itself slowly fading away. VOREN Nooo ... Willy watches as the Voren's shadowy figure disappears into nothingness. Then, he stands up and picks up his glasses. He waits for a while, then walks over to the accelerator and pulls the lever. The room turns dark again, and he goes through the door. SCENE 17 - THRONE ROOM Willy sits at the side of the throne room where Jenny and Felicia lie. He is holding onto Jenny's paw. Everything is still and quiet. WILLY (shaking the paw) Jenny? Wake up. Jenny doesn't move. WILLY Jenny, I was able to beat the Voren. He couldn't reach over and feed on you from my dimension, so he dissipated. So how come you and all the others won't wake up yet? Willy stays with Jenny for a few seconds. Then, he stands up and walks to the center of the runic circle. WILLY I don't know how the surviving twin was able to revive you all the first time around, and I may not know all about Aldebaran magic yet, but I know you told me that the power of one artificer is the power of all, provided it is given freely and willingly. Willy takes his memory stone from his pocket, presses on his forehead, and closes his eyes. WILLY (concentrating) Well then, take my power! Willy focuses his magic into the gem and tries to feel for another mind to which he can transfer his power to. He senses nothing. WILLY C'mon, take it! Willy continues to try, probing with his memory stone. He concentrates for what feels like hours and hours until he finally feels the spark of another soul. He doesn't recognize it, but he pours all his magic into it. He feels the other soul getting stronger and stronger as he begins to feel weaker and weaker. He starts to sweat from the effort and collapses in the circle, dropping his gem and breaking the contact. He feels nothing. Then, he hears something. VOICE Willy? Willy slowly opens his eyes to see Jenny reaching out with her hand to help him up. WILLY (weakly getting up) Jenny? You're ... OK? JENNY (smiles gently at him) Yes, I'm OK. We're all OK. Willy turns his head to find Felicia standing there along with Callista. He can also hear the voices of other Aldebarans outside the room, crowding to try and get inside. Jenny smiles at Willy. JENNY Thanks to you, Willy. Thanks to you. SCENE 18 - GENUS Jenny is walking down the corridors of the hotel where Bucky is staying. JENNY (thinking to herself) Jenny stands over Bucky's door, preparing to enter. JENNY (thinking) Jenny finds the door open and enters. JENNY Bucky? The room is dark, and nobody seems to be inside. Then, Jenny hears a noise in the bedroom area. JENNY Bucky? Are you here? It's Jenny. I came to apologize about taking the Righteous again. I know I can't tell you why I did it, but I'm hoping that ... Jenny enters the bedroom. It's very dark, but she can make out two figures in the room. She stands perfectly still. BUCKY Oh ... hi, Jenny. JENNY (surprised) Um, hello, Bucky. (beat) So, who's your friend? BUCKY Uh, this is Shira. Shira, this is my first mate, Pilot Jenny. Jenny, this is Shira O'Neil. SHIRA (smiling) Pleased to meet you, Jenny. JENNY (a little taken back, but trying to be civil) Yes ... pleased to meet you as well. SCENE 19 - THE DUWITT RESIDENCE, SAN FRANCISCO, EARTH Willy's parents, DR. and MRS. DUWITT, are sitting at the dinner table when they hear Willy coming down the stairs, bruised and disheveled. Not saying a word aside from a mumbled apology about being late, he sits down at his place sitting and begins shoveling food into his mouth. MRS. DUWITT (concerned) Honey? Are you OK? WILLY (between mouthfuls) Yeah. DR. DUWITT You don't look OK. (looks around as if someone were spying on them) Did someone attack you in school? That mean kid in your ... WILLY No, Dad. I just got hurt at work. MRS. DUWITT How? WILLY Well ... to be honest, first I got attacked by this magical quark demon who kept firing little missiles of energy at me, then I was placed under a paralysis spell and carried around a palace, and then I was chased and attacked by this huge magical creature with a bad sense of humor. Oh, yeah ... and then I had to tunnel all of my magical energy into these cats that were half dead, and I collapsed on the ground because I gave all of my strength to them so they could be revitalized. So I'm kinda drained. His parents just stare at him. MRS. DUWITT That's ... nice, honey. They continue the meal in silence. SCENE 20 - PALACE, ALDEBARAN It's nighttime in the palace. An old white Aldebaran is walking slowly in the garden. She knows her way through it, avoiding the bushes and the brambles. She walks until she reaches the center of the garden, where a lone statue of a young female Aldebaran stands staring longingly at the stars in the heavens. She looks at the sculpture. It was created years ago, in times she would rather forget but cannot. It bears her distinct likeness, as if it was made in the honor of her younger self. But it is not she. The Aldebaran reaches into her robes and brings out glittering objects. They are pieces of a silver ring. She holds them in her paws before raising them up to the sky. Magical red fire envelops her paws, hurting her not but consuming the bits of metal. The Aldebaran wills it, and quark demons appear, surrounding the flame, darting in and about its heat. Slowly, the flame changes to the color of pure, blinding white. The Aldebaran doesn't shield her eyes. She carefully drops her arms. The silver flame continues to burn above her, no longer supported by her paws. It hovers for a moment before streaking into the sky like a small but brilliant comet. The Aldebaran follows its path as it marks the darkness of the night, the quark demons frolicking about it. Tears fall from her eyes. QUEEN Rest in peace, Levira. You are free now. Your soul is one with the aniverse. The flame grows smaller and smaller the farther it goes. It reaches its zenith in the sky and disperses like it was never there. The stars glitter brighter than before. An image seems to form from the flashing light of suns millions of miles away, but it may have been just a trick in the atmosphere. But the Aldebaran is satisfied. QUEEN Farewell ... my sister. She stares the stars for a few more moments. Then, she goes back inside the palace. THE END