
Discrepancies between the TV Series and Web Series
The Web Series was created in the late 1990s based on the TV show (not on the comic book). The senior writers made every effort to make the Web Series's continuity match that of the cartoon; however, useful resources such as the cartoon's shooting scripts were not available then. As a result, some minor aspects of the Web Series do not perfectly align with the TV show's canon, usually due to a character's name not being mentioned or spelled out. A list of known discrepancies is below. No retroactive changes have been made to the Web Series. The discrepancies are minor enough that they should not affect enjoyment of either the cartoon or the Web Series.
- The UAC pig appearing in the cartoon's season opener (known in the Web Series as Chairman Pigton) is the UAC's secretary general. Chairman Harman (the walrus construct piloted by Newton) was always UAC chairman (until he was revealed as a spy).
- The three Creators of KOMPLEX (Green, Hopkins, and Wort in the Web Series) are known in the cartoon as Croakley, Hopkins, and Wartimer (though only Hopkins is mentioned by name).
- Slyly Zod's name in the cartoon is Sly Leezard.
- Mrs. Susan DuWitt's first name in the cartoon is Sunshine (never mentioned).
- Harry Callan's first name in the cartoon is Larry. (The surname Callan is a Web Series invention.)
- Captain Smata's surname in the cartoon is Smada.
- Vice Chairman Griff's surname in the cartoon is Grebb.
- Captain Mimi LaFleur's surname in the cartoon is spelled LaFloo.
- Lanel's name in the cartoon is spelled Lanelle.
- Rumblebee's name in the cartoon is spelled Rumble Bee.
- Red Jack's name in the cartoon is spelled Redjack.