"Thicker Than Water" by DJ Clawson Edited by Rygar 11/17/08 SCENE 1 - QUEEN'S PALACE, ALDEBARAN This private chamber is darkened for night. The QUEEN, in her best non-ceremonial robes, is sitting alone in the chamber, unaccompanied by the regular female guards. She appears nervous and tense. After a few quiet moments of meditation, she is interrupted as a GUARD enters, bowing deeply. GUARD You have a visitor. The Queen sighs nervously. QUEEN Send him in. And make sure we are not disturbed. The guard bows again and leaves. The door slides back open, and CHAIRMAN FRITZ WARNER steps in, alone. The Queen rises to greet him, fumbling with her robes. While she is a bundle of nerves, Fritz is his usual easygoing self. He takes her ringed paw and kisses it. FRITZ Your Majesty. QUEEN Chairman Warner. Please have a seat. Fritz seats himself on the couch across from the Queen. Between them is a coffee table with a pot of steaming liquid and two glasses. QUEEN Would you care for some tea? FRITZ (politely) I'll pass. I have a rule about drinking at secret meetings. QUEEN I ... understand. (beat) I want to say that I appreciate your coming and meeting me ... like this. You understand that I am committing treason by having this discussion. FRITZ Some situations can't be helped. QUEEN I am trying to understand that this must be a great risk for you, coming without even your bodyguard ... FRITZ Let's not point that out again, please? This room could be bugged. QUEEN (embarrassed) Yes -- I'm sorry. Fritz remains his relaxed self. FRITZ Go on. QUEEN I called you because ... well, I didn't know who else to turn to, but the U.A.C. has always been good to Aldebarans wishing to stray from the path ... FRITZ We're very proud of Jenny's work on the Righteous. QUEEN You are perhaps filled in on the ... *situation* here. FRITZ A turncoat Head of the Thought Order and a fumbling male uprising, both on opposite sides. And two assassination attempts on your life in the last month that can almost directly be connected to Cassie. QUEEN (taken back) The second attempt ... it was just this morning. I was not aware that you had been informed. FRITZ It's my business to know all and see all, Your Majesty. I think that's why you called me. QUEEN Yes. (hesitates) If my subjects knew what I am about to say, they would surely take my throne from me. FRITZ From the looks of things, they may do it anyway. So you might as well say your piece. The Queen smiles hesitantly. QUEEN If I cannot calm the situation down, Aldebaran is headed to civil war. Each day Cassie grows stronger, attracting all of the traditional Aldebarans on the grounds that I am a heretic. But if I act traditionally, I am betraying the Cause of the Male Resistance ... FRITZ ... and your son. QUEEN (taken aback) Yes, Thomas. (beat) I will do what I can, but if Aldebaran is on an unalterable course of destruction, I will be fighting a war I don't think I can win without UAC support. FRITZ (beat) The Security Council would never support you unless you agreed to a number of concessions regarding Aldebaran's status as a "private" planet. Killing intruders would probably be the first thing to go, along with maybe the assassin squads. QUEEN I ... am willing to negotiate with the Security Council. *If* -- and only *if* -- war breaks out. Fritz pauses for a long period of time. FRITZ You want my advice? The Queen nods. FRITZ (seriously) Clean house. QUEEN What? FRITZ Clean house. Secure a decent heir to the throne, one with enough lineage to challenge Cassie's claim. It'll eliminate the succession angle of the war and help you sleep at night. QUEEN I've been training Felicia ... FRITZ Felicia is a lost cause, and you know it. Not enough magic in her to perform the duties as Queen. Besides, she's had contact with Cassie in the last couple months. The Queen bows her head. QUEEN I do not believe those rumors. FRITZ Are you willing to bet your throne on it? QUEEN (beat) I have no one. Tommy ... FRITZ Not Tommy. Your other child. Tommy's twin. The Queen stands, furious. QUEEN Have you been spying on me?! How many agents do you have working on Aldebaran? FRITZ During the process of repairing the generator, a Righteous crew member found your memory stone and submitted it as evidence under UAC jurisdiction. Fritz reaches into his inside breast pocket and pulls out the Queen's memory stone. FRITZ Here. Courtesy of the Security Council. QUEEN (takes it from him) How many have seen this? FRITZ Fortunately, you have to be an Aldebaran or a regen to be able to access the information. So only me. The Queen glances at the memory stone in her palm, wondering whether to trust him. QUEEN (thinks) (beat) So that is your advice. FRITZ Yes. I can't promise anything, but I will use all of my weight on the Council to make sure it is willing to aid you should the situation develop. QUEEN Thank you. When order is restored to Aldebaran, I will be better able to express my appreciation ... The Queen is interrupted by a loud crash. Looking around frantically, she is unable to find the source of the disturbance. Fritz rolls his eyes and glances at his watch. FRITZ I *knew* this would happen. (beat) Now I'm gonna miss Litterbin. QUEEN Intruders! (alarmed) No one knew about this meeting but my most trusted guards! FRITZ I'm sure once we're taken hostage, our captor will give a long speech about who betrayed you. Standard villain stuff. The Queen runs for the alarm on the wall as Fritz rises nonchalantly. Her arm is inches away from the button on the wall when a group of female SOLDIERS, dressed in different uniforms from her regular guards, burst in and grab the Queen's arm. QUEEN Get your paws off me! I am your queen! SOLDIER You are a traitor! Making deals with an Outsider against your people! By the authority given to me by the proper Head of the Thought Order, I place you and this *Outsider* under arrest! FRITZ (approaching) Now hold it just a minute ... One of the soldiers, with a nod from her superior, hurls a small knife at Fritz. It catches him in the skull, knocking him back over the couch. He falls behind it, out of view. QUEEN (turning to the soldiers furiously) Do you have any idea who you just attacked and what it will bring to Aldebaran?! SOLDIER He is a male and an *Outsider*. That is all that matters here. Aldebaran is not to be the puny pawn of the UAC that you're trying to make it be. FRITZ Now, I said to hold it ... Fritz gets up, supporting himself on the rim of the couch. Embedded in the left of his forehead is the solder's blade. FRITZ (touches the wound) *Ow*. Jesus! What were you trying to do? SOLDIER (snorts) Regen. It figures. CASSIE No matter. All turn as CASSIE enters. CASSIE (to Fritz) Shame the blade didn't kill you, but it does make my job easier. You'll probably need a surgeon to remove that, considering moving that blade even a fraction of a cubit could kill you before you got a chance to regenerate. (to soldiers) Arrest them and bind them with neural dampeners. Then throw them in the worst cell we have. We'll show them how Aldebaran *should* treat traitors and Outsiders. QUEEN You'll bring the wrath of the Security Council down on Aldebaran! CASSIE The wrath of the Security Council? (laughs) A fleet of three measly frigates that can barely take care of a bunch of non-magical toads? (sarcastic) Ooh! Watch me shiver! Laughing, Cassie watches as the queen and Chairman are cuffed and dragged away. As she leaves, a figure emerges from the shadows behind the potted plant. It's TOMMY. TOMMY I shouldn't be the one to give advice, but Cassie, this time, you've really done it! SCENE 2 - SECURITY COUNCIL HEADQUARTERS, GENUS It is morning. CAPTAIN BUCKY O'HARE and FIRST MATE JENNY are walking in the direction of one of the conference rooms for their morning reports when they run into a harried COMMANDER SIRIUS DOGSTAR. DOGSTAR Oh -- excuse me, Captain O'Hare. BUCKY (looks at Jenny) Is there a meeting I'm late for? JENNY What do I look like, your personal secretary? DOGSTAR No, no -- it's just I was supposed to see the Chairman about something before the meeting this morning, and he's nowhere to be found! Called the security guard and everything! BUCKY So he's late. He's only mortal, you know. VOICE Oh, really? So sure? They all turn and see CAPTAIN MIMI LAFLEUR walk up. BUCKY Hey, Mimi -- you can tell us where he is. You've probably got someone tailing him or something. MIMI Ha ha. But no, seriously -- I haven't seen him. VICE CHAIRMAN GRIFF walks out of the conference room next to them. GRIFF Oh, good. Captains. Commander. Have any of you seen ... BUCKY, DOGSTAR, and MIMI *No*. GRIFF Ah. I see. Strange. Well, I spoke to his secretary, so she'll track him down. Should we get the meeting under way? The three nod and enter the conference room. SCENE 3 - DUWITT RESIDENCE, SAN FRANCISCO, EARTH It's a normal Saturday morning in the DuWitt house, which means the three family members are sitting on the rug in the living room, meditating in yoga positions. Or at least, MR. and MRS. DUWITT are. While they hum with their eyes closed, Willy focuses his Aldebaran powers so he can flip the quartz pyramid on the mat between them upside down, over and over again. The silence is broken when he hears Tommy's voice inside his head. TOMMY Startled out of his concentration, Willy drops the crystal. It hits the ground with a thump, waking both his parents. MR. DUWITT What was *that*? WILLY Oh -- I'm being beeped. Be right back. Willy stands quickly and hurries up into his room, pulling out his Aldebaran gemstone. TOMMY Bad time? WILLY No, thank you for getting me out of that. What's up? TOMMY This was the only way I could reach you. All non-telepathic communications between Aldebaran and the rest of the aniverse have been tampered with. WILLY By who? Why? How ... TOMMY Cassie. That witch. She's got the Queen and that rabbit guy ... WILLY Chairman Warner? TOMMY Him. Anyway, she's putting them both on a show trial for all Aldebarans and she didn't want the UAC to get involved, so she put up a huge communications blackout. I figured I'd tell you, because by the time you guys figure out where he is, he could be dead. I think Cassie intends to kill them both, and from the sound of it, he didn't tell anyone where he was going when he went to meet with my mother. WILLY What can I do? TOMMY Tell Sis and the UAC right away! If anyone can stop this, they can! WILLY Count on it. TOMMY I'll be in touch. Tommy fades out, and Willy stuffs the spell gem back in his pocket and hurries downstairs. WILLY Mom? Dad? They need me at work. MRS. DUWITT Try to be back for dinner, OK, honey? WILLY I'll try. Willy hurries upstairs. SCENE 4 - SECURITY COUNCIL HEADQUARTERS, GENUS The meeting is proceeding as planned. Griff is sitting in the Chairman's chair at the head of the table, with the various captains, FIRST MATE WOLF, and FIRST MATE JONATHAN WEISSMAN. GRIFF Next order of business ... (glances at sheet) Officer reviews. There is a collective groan. GRIFF Now, now, I know it's a lot of paperwork, but it's procedure. And again, this year we will be including your engineers in officer enrollment because of their new security access. Please remind your respective crews that they have to have the necessary evaluations by next cycle, and the psych evaluations begin in half a cycle. Bucky raises his paw. GRIFF Yes? BUCKY Willy's a minor. Does that get him out of anything? JONATHAN Lucky bastard. MIMI (nudges him) Shh. GRIFF All the more reason why he should have a full psychiatric evaluation with the rest of you. (beat) Now I'm sure if Chairman Warner had decided to grace us with his Presence, he'd be able to put it in sarcastic terms and make you all laugh about it, but unfortunately ... Just then, MS. SHEFFIELD, Fritz's squirrel secretary, enters. SHEFFIELD Excuse me ... GRIFF It's fine. Any news? SHEFFIELD The Chairman's missing. He's not in his apartment or even at his residence on Warren. No Warner has seen him since last afternoon. BUCKY His bodyguard? SHEFFIELD Not answering his phone. Some of them stand. BUCKY We have to find him. MIMI (to the secretary) Do you have his bodyguard's address? SCENE 5 - APARTMENT COMPLEX, GENUS The apartment complex is luxurious, but it's also Spartan and quiet. The elevator chimes, and Mimi and Bucky enter. MIMI Third door on the left. Mimi hurries up to the undecorated door and knocks harshly. The only noise from inside is several dog barks. BUCKY (shouting) Kadaf Warner? The multiple dogs continue to bark for several minutes. MIMI (leans into the door) Daffy? BUCKY Daffy? (beat) You investigating him, too? MIMI You're a barrel of laughs today, aren't you? Bucky is about to answer Mimi when KADAF WARNER opens the door. He is dressed in a black T-shirt, boxers, and a bathrobe. KADAF *What*? (beat, blinking awake) Oh, Mimi. Fritz isn't here. MIMI We know. Where is he? Why aren't you guarding him? KADAF He gave me the day off. It's not like he doesn't have other bodyguards. BUCKY Did he say where he was going yesterday? KADAF Meeting. He didn't say where. MIMI Doesn't he tell you everything? KADAF If I ask. It was my day off. BUCKY Did he mention who he was gonna meet? Kadaf shrugs. MIMI Aren't you worried about him? KADAF He's capable of taking care of himself. Jenny runs down the hallway, followed by Willy. JENNY Thank the Mother we found you! BUCKY What is it? WILLY Oh, this is so much worse than you think. (beat, to catch his breath) The Chairman's on Aldebaran. Cassie is holding him and the Queen in custody. BUCKY On what charges? WILLY Tommy didn't say. MIMI Tommy? JENNY Willy's ... contact on Aldebaran. BUCKY What do the Aldebarans say? JENNY Nothing. Communications are down. BUCKY We have to make contact. This is insane. MIMI Let's get to headquarters. Mimi looks at Kadaf expectantly. KADAF What? Oh, right ... (beat, sighing) This is *supposed* to be my day off. (the dog barks) I hear you, Cerry. I'm comin' ... SCENE 6 - CELL, ALDEBARAN The Queen is sitting nervously on the edge of the bench in this dark cell, as if she is about to fall off. She is wearing the Chairman's jacket over her shoulders for warmth. Fritz is standing on the bench beside her, looking out through the small barred window. FRITZ We did get a nice view. (gives the bars a tug) Nice and solid. Fritz turns around and sits down beside her. The knife is still sticking out of his head. The Queen stares. FRITZ Disturbing, isn't it? (touches it) There's something on the blade. QUEEN What do you mean? Fritz touches a piece of the blade that is not imbedded in his head and pulls off a red juice, which he licks off his finger. FRITZ It's not poison. Doesn't have that funny metallic taste. The Queen thinks. QUEEN Barbitol. FRITZ What? QUEEN Barbitol. An Aldebaran tradition among the ranks of the Assassins. To make anyone who lived regret that they did. FRITZ Will it kill me? QUEEN No, it will drive you mad. There is a long silence. FRITZ Think my health insurance will cover this? SCENE 7 - SECURITY COUNCIL HEADQUARTERS, GENUS The Security Council is now in full session, will all members present. Griff is in Fritz's seat, banging the gavel to restore order. The entire fleet is present -- all three crews. A TECHNICIAN is off to the side. GRIFF (bangs gavel) Order! Order! (they settle down) Please! We need to handle this in some sort of orderly fashion! We *are* still the Security Council, Warner or no Warner. (to someone at his side) Can we get a link with Aldebaran? TECHNICIAN It's taken some hacking, but we think we have a line with the palace. A large screen comes down from the wall. There is much static for several moments before the screen clears, for the most part, and Cassie appears, flanked by several female guards. She is sitting on the throne. CASSIE Who dares interrupt me? GRIFF I am Vice Chairman Griff of the United Animals Coalition Security Council. I am acting with this authority in the absence of Chairman Warner -- who I believe you know more about the whereabouts of than we do. CASSIE (after a moment) When I find your spies, I will kill them and send you their heads. Along with your Chairman. There is an audible gasp in the room. GRIFF (stuttering) You can't be serious. CASSIE I am *very* serious. I mean to enforce the laws our traitorous Queen refused to follow, and those laws clearly indict the Outsider Fritz Warner as an enemy of Aldebaran. JENNY (suddenly) You can't do this! Where is the Queen? CASSIE My aunt Katrina is a traitor and will be dealt with as such. And since she has failed to produce a *suitable* heir, I will be Queen of Aldebaran from now on. (to her side) Sever communications! The screen fades to black quickly. The technician works furiously at the panel. TECHNICIAN I-I'm sorry, sir, but I can't get anything. GRIFF This is terrible ... (to Jenny) Does she mean it? JENNY (taken back) I-I don't know. From what I've seen of Cassie, yes. (to Bucky) We must go to Aldebaran, at once. GRIFF I can't send you off like this! We have no idea what kind of support Cassie has! She could have an army ... MIMI We don't have time for this! They're going to kill Fritz! BUCKY (to Jenny) Fritz? Since when were *they* on a first name basis? Jenny rolls her eyes but nudges Bucky impatiently. JENNY She's right. We *have* to act now. DOGSTAR Then it's settled! To Aldebaran, then! Chop chop! They head out, much to Griff's fright. SCENE 8 - CELL, ALDEBARAN The Queen is pacing the cell when Cassie enters, flanked by guards. The Queen fumes and walks over the bars to face her. Fritz, who was lying on the bench, hops up and stands to her rear. QUEEN What is the meaning of this?! Cassie, you cannot be serious! You have taken this too far. CASSIE Everything I have done is in accordance with Aldebaran's most sacred codes of law. QUEEN Aldebaran is not the only planet in the aniverse, and it is a member of the United Animals Coalition. That holds it to their laws as well as ours! You cannot expect the Security Council to bow to you! (to Fritz) Tell her! Fritz leans against the bars lazily. He apparently has not been paying attention. FRITZ What? Oh, right. What she said. (taps knife) Can I get this thing outta me? It really stings. CASSIE Is he mad or just being his normal idiot self? It's hard to tell. Seeing Fritz will be no use, the Queen sighs. QUEEN What do you intend to do with us? CASSIE Don't worry. You'll get a fair trial. QUEEN Trial? (beat, angrily) You cannot do this! I am Queen of Aldebaran! CASSIE No longer. (beat) When I call again, be ready to stand trial. Cassie turns on her heels and leaves. The Queen leans against the bars tiredly. QUEEN I called you to Aldebaran for advice, Chairman. I could use it now. Fritz looks as if he's thinking seriously for a long moment. FRITZ Red is really not your color. You're definitely a regal blue person. The Queen sighs again. QUEEN Chairman, please! Keep your head! At least through the trial ... Fritz slumps onto the bench, burying his head in his paws. FRITZ OK. OK. I can do this. I'm a politician -- no, a statesman! (looks up) Do you think being held hostage qualifies me for the title of statesman? Because it really is more official sounding than politician ... QUEEN Chairman! FRITZ (snaps out of it) Right. OK. All right. (beat) What's the charges? How do they hold up? QUEEN Well ... very well. You're an unauthorized Outsider on Aldebaran, which is a capital crime. I've conducted secret business with an Outsider, and *that's* a capital crime. FRITZ Crime with a capital "C"? Tell me, do you have any crimes on Aldebaran that do *not* involve capital punishment? What about shoplifting? Do they get the chair? QUEEN This is no time to be insulting the court system! FRITZ No time, no time ... (beat) I'm the G-d of Time. Did you know that? Father Time, that's me ... The Queen looks ready to cry. SCENE 9 - ORBIT OF ALDEBARAN The three ships are in Aldebaran orbit. Bucky and Jenny are in the cockpit of the Righteous. Willy pops his head up through the hatch. WILLY Tommy called. He says you can land on his base. BUCKY Sounds good. I'll contact ... JENNY Wait. I don't think we should ... BUCKY Jenny, we don't have time for family squabbles. Tommy's the only one we're sure is not on Cassie's side. JENNY Fine. Contact Mimi and Dogstar. SCENE 10 - REBEL BASE, ALDEBARAN The three ships of the UAC fleet park and land in a small airfield, where Tommy, PONCE, BRIAN, and several other members of the Male Resistance are waiting. TOMMY (as Bucky steps out of the hatch) Captain O'Hare! Good to see you again! Willy, too. JENNY (straightens herself, tensely) Tommy. TOMMY Same ol' Sis. Dogstar and Mimi join them. MIMI What's the word? TOMMY There's still a few people loyal to the Queen hanging out undercover in the palace, and they've told us your Chairman and our Queen are probably being held in the royal dungeons -- and trust me, nothing's "royal" about them. Cassie has control of all communications. Nothing gets on or off the planet, but interregional communications and vid- link broadcasts are still up, and the trial's supposed to be aired on Aldebaran public transmission in about an hour. BUCKY So how long do we have before the trial ends? TOMMY Considering how long Aldebaran trials take? I'd say ... (bites lip) We have one hour and five minutes. If we're lucky. All stare at Jenny. JENNY OK, our court system's a little archaic! Now is not the time to be discussing this. BUCKY If they're convicted ... TOMMY *If*? BUCKY *When* they're convicted, how long until the execution? TOMMY Another minute. If we're lucky. And there *are* two of 'em, and one's a regen I hear, so maybe three. Cassie's got the whole Assassin Squad under her right paw. JONATHAN Jesus! Could it get more hopeless? TOMMY Ah, the bastion of optimism. (beat) Oh, more bad news. Your Chairman's been poisoned. BUCKY With what? TOMMY Barbitol. Jenny looks horrified. TOMMY Yeah, he's already showin' signs, apparently. MIMI Signs of *what*? TOMMY Let's put it this way -- don't expect him to be the voice of reason in all of this. JENNY Barbitol is a hallucinogen with psychotic capabilities. (beat, to Brian) Do you have an antidote? BRIAN (holds up needle gun) Of course, but someone's gotta give it to him. Kadaf appears, seemingly from out of nowhere, and takes the gun from Brian. KADAF Man, I'm not even supposed to *be* here today! DOGSTAR Well, uh -- sir ... TOMMY Tommy. DOGSTAR Commander Thomas -- what is your suggestion? TOMMY (rubs chin) Go in, get the hostages, and get the hell outta there. I doubt even this fleet could take on Cassie, since half her supporters are likely to be there, including the Assassins. If we can retreat with the Queen and get her to safety, she can easily build a power base. It's not like she doesn't have supporters ... (beat) ... who *aren't* rebel outlaws. BUCKY Then let's do this. SCENE 11 - CELL, PALACE DUNGEON, ALDEBARAN A number of guards enter, only to hear a rich baritone voice singing. Disturbed, they approach the cell, where Fritz is lying on the ground, singing, and the Queen has put as much distance between him and herself as possible by hovering in the far corner. FRITZ I coulda done opera! (singing) Are you in a sentimental mood? I'll sigh with you, Oh, sorrow, sorrow! On maiden's coldness do you brood? I'll do so, too, Oh, sorrow, sorrow! Despite Fritz having a halfway decent voice, the Queen is cowering in fear and actually looks relieved when the guards open the cell door, only to remember why they are here. They place a heavy set of electronic pawcuffs around her paws but look hesitant at getting near the Chairman. One of the guards, tired, smacks Fritz across the cheek, snapping him out of his trance. FRITZ Hey! Have some respect for Sullivan and Gilbert! Or was it the other way around? The guard groans and puts the pawcuffs on him. It takes two guards to help him stand. FRITZ Jesus! What an unappreciative audience! People pay a good forty pounds to see a nice British opera, and you'd think they'd leave you alone! I should have stayed in America! (sings) I'll charm your willing ears With songs of lovers' fears, While sympathetic tears My cheeks bedew, Oh, sorrow, sorrow! The guards roll their eyes, and they drag the prisoners off. SCENE 12 - TUNNELS UNDER PALACE, ALDEBARAN In the paw-dug, dimly lit mine shaft under the palace, Tommy leads the way, followed by the fleet in their full battle gear. MIMI Where *are* we? TOMMY These caves were built thousands of years ago, probably by a paranoid ruler as an escape hatch. Me and the other Resistance members have been using them to have access to the Queen and palace resources. (beat, glancing up) We should be under the throne right about ... now. Tommy stops. BUCKY Is there a way up? TOMMY Three ways, all leading into side chambers of the throne room. Like I said, paranoid ruler. MIMI We should split up. TOMMY I'll have my guys go in the front door. In case you need backup. The split into groups. Bucky leads his crew to a rickety ladder. BUCKY (pulls out blaster, holding ladder with other paw) Let's do this. JENNY Wait! Do you think we should trust Tommy? BUCKY Why not? JENNY Because we don't know if Tommy is working for or against the Queen. WILLY Uh ... I think Tommy is *for* the Queen. JENNY What makes you think that? WILLY Because ... he told me. DEADEYE Jenny, me lass, I don' think we have time fer this! BUCKY Deadeye's right. It's not like we have any other options. Besides, how many times have we gotten out of traps I've blindly walked us into? BRUISER Just dis week, or da last whole cycle? WILLY Lemme get a calculator ... BUCKY Very funny, guys. Can we stay on track? Bucky starts up the ladder, Jenny behind him. He reaches the ceiling and quietly raises the hatch, peeking out. Voices, mostly female, can be heard, except for one familiar male voice. CASSIE How does the Outsider Warner plead? FRITZ (sings) As some day it may happen that a victim must be found, I've got a little list, I've got a little list Of society offenders who might well be underground, And who never would be missed, who never would be missed! There's the pestilential nuisances who write for autographs ... CASSIE Will someone shut him up? GUARD Your Majesty, the Barbitol was *your* idea ... Bucky glances down at the crew, bewildered. Kadaf is at the bottom of the ladder. BUCKY Does he sound crazy to you, too? KADAF Of course. That's a tenor part. He's a baritone. Bucky rolls his eyes and pulls himself up into the waiting room. Dusting himself off, he proceeds to help Jenny and the rest of the crew up. When they're all up, he opens the door to the throne room a slit. Inside, Cassie is sitting on the throne, in Aldebaran judge robes. The crown is at her side, not on her head, and the Queen's crown is removed. Both of the hostages are held in front of them, flanked by guards. It takes two guards to hold Fritz still, as he is twitching badly. The room is filled with Cassie's supporting females and several video recorders. CASSIE Outsider, you are found guilty. Prepare yourself for punishment! That's all Bucky needs to hear. BUCKY Stop! You are ... As Bucky charges, he hits an invisible barrier, stopping him in his tracks. He bounces back and hits the ground, only to be held up by Jenny and Willy. BUCKY (dazed) The hell ... JENNY A magical barrier. Dogstar and Mimi run in with their crews. CASSIE I thought so. (narrows her eyes) Never one to disappoint, are you, O'Hare? Bucky rises and fires his blaster. It bounces off the barrier, zinging around. The crew has to duck to get out of its way before it finds a new home in a pillar. BUCKY You can't do this! DOGSTAR He's right. You don't have the authority to execute a UAC officer. This planet is under United Animals Coalition authority ... CASSIE (stands) I forbid it! It was a mistake our traitorous Queen made, and I will undo it as my first act as Queen. JENNY You don't have that authority! You are not Queen! CASSIE But I will be. Cassie walks down from the podium, the robes trailing behind her. He approaches the twitching rabbit, rubbing his bearded cheek. CASSIE (to Bucky) However, there is a way to save your precious Chairman. BUCKY Name it! DOGSTAR Captain O'Hare, we are not authorized to bargain with terrorists! Bucky's hard stare shuts him up. CASSIE The Chairman for the witch. BUCKY (blinks) What?! Jenny approaches the barrier. JENNY Me for Fritz! BUCKY But why? JENNY Good question. Cassie laughs and walks up to the podium, picking up the crown and holding it. MIMI (to Cassie) You're next in line for the throne, aren't you? CASSIE So close ... (turns around) I'm Katrina's niece. Felicia is her granddaughter, but she's too young and incapable of holding a magical throne. So that all that stands in the way of my rightful inheritance is her twin litter. Her ... secret twins. The Abomination and the throwaway. JENNY (surprised) The throwaway? CASSIE (glancing at the Queen, but speaking to Jenny) You really don't know, do you? Katrina kept her secret well. (watches as the Queen bows her head in shame) Throwing away a perfect daughter, abandoning her to some birthing house, so she could raise a boy in her place, only to have it "die" mysteriously right as his voice changed. Cassie walks up to the barrier, inches away from Jenny. CASSIE She tossed you away like garbage for a *male*. Jenny hisses and slams her paws against the barrier. JENNY I'll do it! The trade! BUCKY Jenny! Don't! It's a trap! JENNY No. I must face her ... and my mother. There is a tense silence. The Queen shamefully hides her eyes. CASSIE Drop your weapons and I will lower the barrier for Jenny to pass. MIMI You promised us Fritz, but what about the Queen? CASSIE Unlike the Chairman, the Queen *does* fall under the jurisdiction of Aldebaran. She has had a proper trial and must face punishment. JENNY What about me? You have nothing on me. If the Queen dies, I ... (after some hesitation) ... am Queen. CASSIE Are you so loyal to the United Animals Coalition that you would trade your life for some politician ... FRITZ Statesman! All eyes turn to Fritz, who is blinking his bloodshot eyes. FRITZ I'm a statesman. And a G-d. Worship me! Fritz leaps up with a mighty bounce, out of the reach of the guards. He latches onto the chandelier, swinging from it as the guards grasp for his feet. FRITZ I am the great sun G-d Frith Warner! Bow down and worship me! Before I shed my mortal form and bring terror to you all! KADAF Can we hurry this up? *Please*? Jenny turns to Cassie, determined. JENNY Let me face you. Lower the barrier. CASSIE A duel? JENNY If you deserve to be Queen, then you can defeat me. Cassie steps back, narrowing her eyes. The females within the barrier nod in agreement. JENNY If I *am* the next heir, you must prove your worthiness over me. VOICE *And* me. They all turn to see Tommy emerging from a hatch behind the throne. He picks up a crystal on the chair, holding it in his paw. TOMMY You have to face both of us to have the throne. We are the Queen's rightful heirs before you. JENNY You *knew* about this? TOMMY How could I not? Sorry I didn't mention it, Sis, but I didn't think you were ready to hear. The UAC fleet is not sure whom Jenny is ready to strangle first -- Cassie, Tommy, or the Queen. TOMMY You want a shot at her, Sis? I won't stop you. (crushes the crystal in his paws) The barrier's down. BUCKY Now! The group charges forward, only to face a crew of Aldebaran assassins. The scene instantly becomes chaos. Jenny launches herself at Cassie, her spell gems glittering. Tommy races to his mother, uncuffing her and trying to pull her out of the battle. Kadaf and BRUISER try to grasp at Fritz's feet as he hangs from the chandelier. FRITZ Worship me! I am the sun! I bring light to all! KADAF Fritz! Please! SCENE 13 - EEIRE WHITE PLANE OF NONEXISTANCE There is a brilliant flash of light, and the chaos of the throne room melts away into the utter nothingness of this place. Jenny and Cassie are standing opposite each other. CASSIE Let the duel begin then, Cousin. JENNY As challenger, I call this To The Yield. CASSIE (grins evilly) Full powers. JENNY (takes a sharp breath, worried, but nods in agreement) Full powers. CASSIE (smiles pure evil as she raises her paws) To The Yield, then. At that, Cassie summons forth a wall of swirling white light. Jenny drops to her knees quickly, punching the ground and sending a ripple of reddish-yellow energy in ripples across the field at Cassie. Laughing, Cassie floats easily away and sends another swirl at Jenny, who is unable to dodge. Jenny gets knocked aside and tumbles over like a rag doll. CASSIE (laughs) You're almost as powerless at Felicia! You will never defeat me. Give up now, before I put you out of your misery! SCENE SHIFTS TO PALACE The Assassination Sisters are being fought back as they find themselves fighting against an oddly combined force of UAC officers and magical renegades. Kadaf stands on a chair and manages to get a hold of one of Fritz's legs as he swings from the chandelier. Pulling out the injection gun, he nabs Fritz in the ankle. FRITZ Whatever that was, hook me up with your dealer ... Drifting off to sleep, Fritz collapses into Kadaf's arms, and they tumble to the floor. Bucky and Mimi fight side by side, firing their masers, stunning several assassins. One large feline, her red gems flowing fiercely, advances on Bucky and Mimi's back flank. She extends her claws, made longer and sharper by her magic, and is about to rip through their armor when a bolt of energy slices through the air and lifts the unsuspecting feline off her feet and deposits her against the opposite wall. Bucky and Mimi both turn to see Willy, cap removed, with his hand extended. He lowers it and grins sheepishly. BUCKY (grins at Willy reassuringly) Thank the Great Mother that Jenny's been teaching you! Willy grins and turns back to face off against a few more assassins as Mimi heads off to help Dogstar, who's being pressed in on three sides. Bucky takes the free moment to glance around. BUCKY (thinking) Bucky glances at Jenny and Cassie, who appear to be doing nothing other than growling and hissing at each other while their gems glowing. BUCKY (thinking) Bucky starts to approach the two, but more assassins and Cassie supporters stop him and he fights back against them, cursing slightly. SCENE SHIFTS TO EEIRE WHITE PLANE OF NONEXISTANCE Jenny stands, shaking her head slightly as Cassie laughs at her. Jenny growls a bit and stands. Summoning her magic, Jenny unleashes a series of red bolts which start out in a twenty-foot sphere then shoot in, centered two feet in front of Cassie. Cassie glances about quickly as the energy begins to shoot toward her, and manages to get a quick silver-white shield up before the bolts hit. A few bolts slice through the hastily made shield and cut through Cassie. No blood is split, but the sensation of massive pain and damage can be felt. CASSIE (floats back, preparing something else) Impressive, Throwaway. You do show some of your lineage. Pray it is enough. Cassie reaches out and closes her paw, balling it up into a fist. Crackling white power shoots from her paw, then condenses down into a tight ball inside her palm, streaming out through her fingers. At the same moment, all around Jenny, spikes of white light gleam and slice in toward her. Jenny tries to flip and move but gets pinned and pierced by several. The spikes seem to go right through her without tearing flesh, but the tears in her psyche -- the tears in her mind -- are evident as the side of the field upon which Jenny fights gets gashes running through it. Again, Cassie laughs and opens her paw, ready to press those same spikes down and back around into her foe. SCENE SHIFTS TO PALACE In the palace, Bucky fights off the offending assassins and manages to reach Jenny's side just as she jerks heavily and drops to her knees. Reflexively, she brings her hands to her forehead gem, concentrating all her effort on the spell she is weaving. Worried, Bucky lays a hand on her shoulder and whispers. BUCKY (hesitantly) Jenny? SCENE SHIFTS TO EEIRE WHITE PLANE OF NONEXISTANCE The spikes retract, dropping Jenny to the ground. She glances up, looking for her target to send another spell toward her, when she sees the spikes moving toward her again, more of them, and from more locations. Jenny brings her paws to her forehead gem, raising a shield and hoping it will withstand the bombardment. As she feels the blades hitting the shield, slashing their way through, a thought creeps into her mind. SCENE 14 - O'HARE MANSION, WARREN A large spacious room is dimly light by soft candlelight. The more specific features of the room are fuzzy; they are not relevant. Bucky and Jenny, seen clearly, are both about seven years younger. JENNY (sighs and curls her tail about Bucky's ankle) Comfortable? BUCKY (chuckles fuzzily) Oh yeah. JENNY (turns her head to look up at his face) You're OK with all this? Bucky strokes her bare shoulder with his fingertips, closing his eyes and just relaxing. BUCKY OK with what? JENNY (props herself up) I know that on your world, this sort of ... relationship has a lot of ... trust... and .. communication. This sort of thing just isn't done on Aldebaran. BUCKY (grins) Meaning I'm your first boyfriend? Jenny clicks her tongue and sighs exasperatedly, rolling to her tummy and uncurling her tail. JENNY Seriously, Buck. I know I keep a lot of secrets from you, and I want to know how you ... BUCKY (reaches up to place his fingertips over her mouth) Don't say anything, Jen. I know you have to. It's part of what I've come to respect and love about you. It's your mystery. The more I know, the less I know. And I trust you with my life. I've done so plenty of times, and I'll do it for the rest of my life. If you feel that you've reached a point with yourself where you can tell me, I'll be here, but until then, I'm happy just being with you. Jenny smiles as her eyes tear slightly. They both reach for each other at the same time and kiss. SCENE 15 - EEIRE WHITE PLANE OF NONEXISTANCE Jenny opens her eyes and strengthens her resolve, standing. JENNY (glares at Cassie) You are not endangering any of the people I love, bitch. With that, Jenny narrows her eyes, and from some unknown source deep within herself, she unleashes a before blast that knocks Cassie back and out of the mental combat. It's over. Jenny has won. SCENE 16 - THRONE ROOM, PALACE, ALDEBARAN Cassie and Jenny stumble back away from each other. Cassie slumps into the arms of an Assassination Sister who carries her away as the rest begin to flee. Jenny drops back into Bucky's waiting arms. JENNY (looking at Bucky wearily) I won. BUCKY (smiles) I saw. TOMMY (walks over after having secured his mother and kneels) Good work, Sis. Or do you want me to call you Your Highness? Jenny narrows her eyes. She doesn't look overly interested in doing anything other than going to sleep. Bucky tightens his arm around her as she drifts off. A shadow falls over where he kneels, and he looks up to see the Queen. QUEEN Let her rest. The dueling ritual is exhausting. TOMMY Cassie's pulled her forces back to regroup. The palace is safe, for the moment. I'm pulling in every favor we have to secure the capital. Tommy looks around, where the UAC fleet and Male Resistance are gathering around. Tommy turns to the throne, where Kadaf is sitting, smoking a cigarette. Fritz lays at his feet, sound asleep. KADAF What? Am I supposed to be carrying him? It's not like he's going anywhere. (kicks Fritz in the shoulder) I'm not even supposed to be here today! Tommy takes the crown from the armrest and presents it to the Queen. TOMMY Your Majesty. The Queen takes the crown and places it on her head. QUEEN Thank you, Thomas. TOMMY No problem. What about Jenny? BUCKY (defensively) What *about* Jenny? MIMI Well, she *is* the Princess of Aldebaran. DOGSTAR Really? WOLF I'm glad *someone's* following this. TOMMY (to the Queen) Warner said to clean house. Secure your succession. And you know *I* can't have the throne. Before the Queen can respond, Bucky speaks. BUCKY (to Queen) Don't even *think* it. QUEEN She's my daughter! BUCKY You should have thought of that when you threw her away. (coldly) You can't expect her to suddenly give up anything she has and ... train to be Queen. What does that involve? Blasting quark demons? The Queen and her Aldebarans look horrified that he knows this. BUCKY Oh, don't give me that. (stands up, cradling Jenny in his arms) I'm sick of this! You keep secrets from Outsiders, even when their lives are in danger, you keep secrets from members of your lousy Sisterhood, and you keep secrets from your own family members! And I thought *my* family had issues. Great Mother! And you wonder why your planet is headed towards civil war. (firmly) You can't possibly expect Jenny to jump into this whole royal responsibility thing! It's not like she doesn't have enough to deal with. (to crew) Back to the ship. QUEEN Where are you going? BUCKY Back to Genus, to return the Chairman and file my report. TOMMY You can't take Jenny. BUCKY I can do whatever I want. I'm her commanding officer. And when she wakes up, she'll do whatever she wants. Bucky turns to walk away. Two female supporters of the Queen stand before him, trying to block his path. He stares over his shoulder at the Queen coldly. QUEEN (to guards) Let them go. The guards separate, and Bucky leaves. The crew follows, then the entire fleet. When they are gone, Tommy glances at the Queen, only to find her sobbing softly. SCENE 17 - WATERSHIP HOSPITAL, WARREN Some time later, a DOCTOR is studying a chart at the desk when Mimi and Jonathan enter. MIMI How's Fritz? The doctor looks at her. MIMI The *Chairman*! DOCTOR Oh, right. He's fine. The antidote's working, and we're just going to keep him here overnight to make sure the chemical is out of his system. He's a little groggy, but he's ... well, he should be his old self soon. MIMI Can I see him? DOCTOR I'm sorry. His chart says he's restricted his uninvited visitors to Warners. JONATHAN I'm a Warner. DOCTOR (checks the list) You can go in. But don't bother my patient! Mimi nods and proceeds to Chairman Warner's room. He is resting in a hospital bed with an IV in his arm and a tired look on his face. Mimi goes to his side, and Jonathan stays by the door. It takes Fritz a few seconds to realize she's there. MIMI How're you feeling? FRITZ Tired. Headache. MIMI Oh? If I didn't know better, I'd think you were drugged. Fritz smiles lazily. MIMI How's your memory? FRITZ Fuzzy. Did I really sing a tenor part? (beat) You're not gonna interrogate me while I'm half-conscious, are you? MIMI No. Though it would get some answers out of you. FRITZ I've already given myself away. Mimi grins and kisses him on the forehead. MIMI Get some sleep, Chairman. Mimi waves shyly and leaves. Jonathan remains where he is at the doorway, his eyes narrow. FRITZ What? Leeme 'lone. Jonathan approaches the bedside. JONATHAN She may not know what you are, but I do. (beat) Touch her and I'll kill you. FRITZ You know you can't. Jonathan frowns. JONATHAN I'm creative. I'll find a way. Jonathan leaves, slamming the door behind him. SCENE 18 - THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION, GENUS The crew, minus Bucky and Jenny, is sitting around in the main bay, waiting nervously until their captain enters. They rise and salute. BUCKY At ease. They relax. WILLY Jenny -- she's ... BUCKY Fine. She's just finishing up her report. DEADEYE What about ... BUCKY Don't ask. (beat) She'll discuss it when she's good and ready. At that moment, Jenny enters, and the crew sort of stares at her, unintentionally. She looks tired, but very much her stoic self. JENNY (a little annoyed) Stop it. They shift their eyes down to the ground, shuffling their feet. JENNY What, you think I can't deal with this on my own? WILLY (a little hesitantly) What we just mean is ... BUCKY We're here for you. DEADEYE Aye, lass. BRUISER (enthusiastically) Yeah! BLINKY This humble robot also offers his assistance. JENNY (a little surprised, and happy) Thank you. But this is something I have to do alone. BUCKY (before the crew can answer) We understand. Jenny gives Bucky a quick smile and heads up into piloting bay. Bucky grabs onto the ladder and moves to follow her. BUCKY (to crew) Back to your posts. We have a patrol to start. THE CREW (saluting) Aye-aye, Captain! They move to their respective posts. Bucky climbs into piloting bay, to find Jenny powering up the ship. He sits down in his chair beside her. BUCKY Do you want to talk about it? JENNY (calmly) No. BUCKY You know we're here for you? JENNY Yes. But this is not your battle; it's mine. BUCKY I want it to be *ours*. Jenny stops working on her controls, deep in thought. JENNY Some of this is going to be very messy, Bucky. BUCKY I understand. JENNY If I stand in Cassie's way to the throne, she's going to try to have me and Tommy eliminated -- maybe even my ... (with some pain) ... *mother*. BUCKY I know. It doesn't matter. I want to be there for you. Jenny smiles and sort of collapses into Bucky's arms. She begins to sob, her emotions catching up with her. BUCKY Shh. It's OK. (kisses her head) I'm here for you ... THE END