"Symptoms" by Claudia Carranza Special thanks to C. Swanson, Lady Lightlock, and Cathy Weinzetl First draft - 12/3/03 Final draft - 3/31/04 Edited by Rygar 4/2/04 SCENE 1 - JENNY'S APARTMENT, GENUS FIRST MATE JENNY is bundled up in a thick blanket on her sofa, waiting. Her whiskers are drooping slightly, and her eyes seem a bit glassy. The door chime sounds, causing her to turn her head to look. Instead of rising, however, the Aldebaran just looks over as the door opens and CAPTAIN BUCKY O'HARE walks in. BUCKY (setting down keys in a tray by the door) Hey, you feeling any better? Jenny just sneezes. BUCKY I see. Well, I made that call you wanted. Bucky moves to sit at Jenny's side. She covers her mouth with her paw and coughs. BUCKY The transport leaves in an hour. Can I help you pack? Jenny shakes her head, only to sneeze again. BUCKY OK. Well, at least let me make you some tea. Jenny starts to argue but is cut off by a violent round of sneezing and coughing. Bucky just smiles worriedly, moves to the small kitchenette, and starts boiling water. SCENE 2 - PRISON, GENUS CHELLI sits in padded cell wearing a straitjacket. Her eyes are wide, her tail is shaking, and she's mumbling something to herself. Most notably, she has no spell gems. A PRISON GUARD walks up and stops by the door. He is joined by a SECRETARY and then a CHILD. The security cameras appear to have been turned off, and the guard opens the door. The three step in, and Chelli looks up. The three suddenly morph into Assassination Sisters. SISTER #1 Sister. Wake. We have come for you. The other Sisters step forward and flank the first, carrying Chelli's spell gems. SISTER #1 We have been dishonored and disgraced. Wear them. Chelli takes the gems and slips them on, looking more comfortable than she did before. CHELLI You've come to take me home, finally? SISTER #2 No, Sister. We've come to see you released. SISTER #3 Released from this dishonor you have placed upon yourself. SISTER #1 Dishonor born of failure. Disgrace born of living as a failure. CHELLI (gulps, looking frightened) I see. (glance about) Now? SISTER #2 Can you think of a better time? CHELLI (straightens, trying to look brave) How? SISTER #3 You have a choice. (holds out a ceremonial set of cats' claws) You can do it yourself ... SISTER #1 (holds out her paw, her fingertips covered in a black metal) ... or we can do it for you. SISTER #2 (steps forward with a paw extended) There is another choice, Sister. We can share this. Chelli studies her choices a moment, not liking any of them, but finally she smiles at the Sisters. CHELLI Together then, so that my soul can dance with our ancestors. SISTER #1 (smiles coldly) As you wish, Sister. The three move to circle Chelli. Sister #1 stands before her. A glow envelops them as Chelli begins to softly chant. CHELLI (eyes closed, rhythmically) From this place of dark and pain, Let us move on to a higher plane. Release us from the world below, Away from all this hate and sorrow. Grant us rest in a place of peace, Give us once this final release. Guide us from this world of black, To our family's arms, to never go back. As the chant begins to repeat and Chelli's body begins to fall still, Sister #1 shifts her gaze to the other Sisters. They nod once. The Sister watches Chelli until her eyes open, her spell nearing completion. SISTER #1 To our family's arms, you will never go back. Chelli gasps as she feels her soul being stripped away, only to shatter into nothingness as Sister #1 reaches out with her black-tipped fingers and pulls Chelli's forehead gem from her and drops it to the ground, then shatters it under the heel of her boot. Chelli's soul, the essence of her magical self, which was being funneled into the gem, shatters into tiny sparks of light and fades against the floor of the cell. SISTER #2 It is done. SISTER #3 Let us return home. SISTER #1 And report in. The Sisters turn and walk away, leaving Chelli's lifeless body behind, crumpled on the floor, unmoving. SCENE 3 - COMMERCIAL SPACEPORT, GENUS Bucky and Jenny arrive at the spaceport. Bucky is carrying Jenny's single travel bag with him. Before them sits docked the privately owned transport The Valdez. It is an old, clunky ship that once might have been a sleek, top-of-the-line cargo transport. BUCKY (hands over bag) Have a safe trip, First Mate. JENNY (takes bag, sounds congested) I will, Captain. I don't expect it to take long. BUCKY (grin, wink) Take as long as you need. You don't have my ship this time. (thinking) Jenny smiles softly in reply, though she can sense that Bucky's joke is a bit forced. Behind her, the transport's CAPTAIN walks over. CAPTAIN (does not recognize Bucky or Jenny out of uniform) Miss Jenny? JENNY (looks over) I'm ready, Captain. CAPTAIN (nods, reaches for bag) Right this way, then. Jenny gives Bucky a glance over her shoulder as she allows the captain to take her bags, following him into his ship. Bucky gives Jenny a brief wave, but she misses it, and he sighs faintly. BUCKY (softly) Be careful, Jen. Your planet's screwy. SCENE 4 - THE VALDEZ The Valdez is a small but efficient private cargo ship, about to set course for Aldebaran. The captain has seen Jenny's bag put in the cargo hold, and the preflight sequence begins. Jenny sits in a passenger's seat, faintly uncomfortable, trying not to cough. JENNY Thank you again, Captain, for agreeing to this on such short notice. CAPTAIN (glancing back, smiles) You're quite welcome. (beat) If I can ask, you look familiar ... JENNY (chuckles, then sneezes) I'm First Mate Jenny of the ... CAPTAIN (interrupting) The Righteous Indignation! That's what I thought! I wasn't sure. (turns around fully) That means that hare was ... JENNY ... Bucky O'Hare? (chuckle, coughs) Yes, it was. CAPTAIN (impressed) Wow. (beat) He's a lot shorter than the newsfeeds make him appear. SCENE 5 - COMMERCIAL SPACE PORT, GENUS Bucky is just leaving the space port after seeing Jenny on the transport when his comm goes off. He answers it, hearing CHAIRMAN FRITZ WARNER's voice. FRITZ (voiceover) You free, Bucky? BUCKY I've got a few minutes. What do you need, Fritz? FRITZ (voiceover) You might want to swing by Watership. As in, now. BUCKY (alarmed) Is something wrong with Willy? FRITZ (voiceover) Not wrong. Just ... get over here. BUCKY (worried nonetheless) Copy. Bucky shuts off his comm and hurries out of the port. SCENE 6 - THE VALDEZ, SPACE ABOVE ALDEBARAN For the rest of trip, Jenny has listened to the captain ramble on about Bucky. It has been a long several hours, during which Jenny has fought to keep from dozing off. Finally, the ship reaches Aldebaran. CAPTAIN (turns back to controls, into comm) UAC transport Valdez to Aldebaran. Requesting permission to dock. VOICE (over comm) Please send your crew and cargo manifests. Maintain standard orbit. CAPTAIN (types at controls) Manifests sent. Standard orbit maintained. Awaiting further instructions. VOICE Manifests received. One moment. (beat) Manifests approved. You are cleared to dock in Docking Bay Ten for thirty minutes. CAPTAIN Acknowledged, Aldebaran. Valdez out. The captain brings ship into the docking bay. Jenny stands and collects her bag. JENNY (nearly voiceless) Thank you, Captain. CAPTAIN It was an honor. (stands and helps once outside) And welcome home. Jenny smiles, then turns to see the speeder that has arrived for her and the royal guard protecting it. She heads over and gets inside. SCENE 7 - JAIL CELL, ALDEBARAN The cell, in the main dungeon of Palace City, is stark and bland, though well lit. A female ALDEBARAN sits at a table with a simple cardboard and plastic chess set in front of her, staring at the pieces intently. Without her spell gems and with her hair loose, the feline is not easily recognized. AURA, the Head of the Healing Order steps to the bars. She is an exotically patterned female with a narrow face and near-charcoal brown chocolate points. The color fades into a soft warm cream for her body fur and much of her hair. She wears a flowing robe of white, and her gems are of the purest and warmest aqua. There is a buzz, and the door opens, allowing her to step through. AURA (gently) Good morning, Cassie. How are we feeling today? CASSIE (tilts her head slightly, eyes on chessboard) She's arrived, I see. AURA (smiles wanly) Yes, I have. CASSIE (sinister smile) Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. She has been feeling under the weather. AURA (moves over, seems concerned) Have you? I'm glad I came by today. Let me take a look. Cassie does not flinch or react as Aura steps up to her and places gentle paws upon her cheeks. There's a glow of magic from the Healer as her gems sparkle, and Cassie's eyes, which had for a moment seemed to peer through the Healer, suddenly focus on her. The guards outside tense as Cassie seems to suddenly take an interest in the Healing Sister, but when nothing seems to happen, they relax. AURA (pulls away from Cassie) There you go. You should be feeling better soon. CASSIE No, she won't be. AURA (seems to be ignoring Cassie's behavior) Dinner will be here in an hour. I'll see you tomorrow. Aura leaves, and the guards eye the former Head of the Thought Order as if she were as crazy as she sounded. When the group has gone, and only security cameras observe Cassie in her lonely cell, the feline moves. She reaches out a paw, takes one of the pieces, and moves it, settling it partway across the board. The piece moved, Cassie sits back, as she had been at the beginning. CASSIE (eyes on board, smiling) Your move. SCENE 8 - WILLY'S HOSPITAL ROOM, WATERSHIP HOSPITAL, GENUS Bucky bursts into the room. ENGINEER WILLY DUWITT is still lying in bed, though he's shaking a little. This is the first time Bucky has seen him move. Fritz is standing beside the human's bed, as are DR. LURIE and a panda NURSE. BUCKY Willy's moving! DR. LURIE (upset) O'Hare! What are you doing here? FRITZ I told him to come. DR. LURIE *What*?! Chairman, I specifically requested that O'Hare not ... FRITZ (stern but calm) And I specifically requested to O'Hare that he be here. He's Willy's commanding officer, whether you like it or not. Dr. Lurie grumbles and turns back to the equipment hooked up to Willy. Its readings are fluctuating, though not wildly. Willy is still shaking, and his face looks like he's straining. His eyes are shut. BUCKY What's going on? What's wrong with Willy? DR. LURIE His brain activity started fluctuating about an hour ago, which is why I alerted the Chairman. He's not getting worse. He's just getting ... different. BUCKY (concerned) Is he recovering? DR. LURIE I hope so, but there's no way to tell. WILLY Uhn ... The four of them all turn and look at Willy, stunned. The human is now sweating and struggling, his lips trembling and his mouth open. The nurse quickly begins to wipe Willy's brow. BUCKY Did he just ... DR. LURIE (insistently) Shh! Dr. Lurie kneels beside Willy and speaks softly into his ear. DR. LURIE Can you hear me, Willy? This is Dr. Lurie. Can you understand me? Willy jerks suddenly, though he's still lying down and in bed. He grits his teeth. WILLY Ah ... ah ... DR. LURIE Go ahead, Willy. After a moment of silence, Willy shudders and forces himself to speak. WILLY (weakly) Amadeus? With that, the human exhales deeply and falls back, still. The monitor readings return to the way they were a few hours before. DR. LURIE Willy? Willy, can you hear me? NURSE Vital signs normal, Doctor. BUCKY Amadeus? (turns to Fritz) What the heck is an Amadeus? Fritz rubs his beard, stepping back. He shakes his head and shrugs, appearing not to know. Dr. Lurie stands up and begins scribbling furiously on the piece of paper attached to his clipboard. DR. LURIE Whatever this "Amadeus" is, it probably has something to do with the last memory Willy had before breaking free of his programming. It could be a good memory or a bad memory. (beat) Either way, though, this is progress. This brings him one step closer to waking up, which is what we're all hoping will happen soon. (looks at Bucky) If you don't mind, I'd like us to be alone with the patient, please. BUCKY (a little put off) Of course. Bucky turns around. Fritz nods to Dr. Lurie, and the hare and the rabbit step outside of the room and into the hallway. BUCKY What's with that guy? FRITZ Let's just say he's not happy with how the UAC has been employing Willy. (shakes head) Don't worry about it. Dr. Lurie is a fine doctor, and Willy's in good hands. Just let him do his work. Willy's going to be fine, but we just have to let things happen naturally. (looks at his watch) I need to go. I have to prepare for the children's hospital dedication tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your leave, Bucky. Let me know when Jenny gets back. BUCKY Of course. Fritz exits down the hall. Bucky turns and looks at the closed door to Willy's room, then walks off. BUCKY (thinking) SCENE 9 - FRONT COURTYARD, ROYAL PALACE, ALDEBARAN A speeder arrives and pulls to a stop in front of the Royal Palace's Main Gates. Guards step out, and one moves to open the door for Jenny. She glances at the guard, as if about to complain, but falls against the door, coughing and wheezing. The gathered felines glance at each other, looking confused as FELICIA comes running up to greet her teacher. FELICIA (breathless, smiling) Master Jenny! Master Jenny! Welcome ho ... Felicia's eyes widen as she sees how weak Jenny is. FELICIA Oh my stars! Master Jenny, what's wrong? JENNY (smiling weakly, trying not to worry) Nothing a little rest on my home world won't clear up, kitten. Felicia's bright smile returns, and she steps back to give Jenny room to move. FELICIA Can I get your bags, Master Jenny? Jenny pushes herself straight, closes her eyes as her gems flicker to life. JENNY Yes, please, Felicia. Thank you. Instead of grabbing the bags herself, Felicia motions one of the guards forward to do that while she moves to walk at Jenny's side, taking a white paw in one of her own, smaller, gray ones. FELICIA Her Majesty will be happy you've come, Master Jenny. I've been practicing every day. You'll be so proud of me. JENNY (sounding stronger) I'm always proud of the progress you've made, Felicia. Felicia smiles, and they head into the Palace. SCENE 10 - SPACE DOCK, GENUS The Valkyrie is already in for repairs. Bucky walks toward his replacement ship with a slight frown. One of the ship's side panels is pulled open and the lower half of the crew's newest member, ENGINEER MIKE MARISON, is the only thing visible. Bucky tries to calm himself as he steps up. BUCKY Engineer. MIKE (withdraws from the ship's innards, turns, salutes) Yes, Captain? BUCKY At ease. (beat) How's she doing? MIKE (relaxes, glances back at the frigate) She's all right. Out of date and past her prime, really. Guess you already knew that, though. We just asked too much of her when we went after that creepy toad guy, and it fried some of the internal systems. (notices Bucky staring at him, shifts uncomfortably) The problem in keeping her up to speed is the parts she needs. They just don't make them anymore. I've been trying to replace them with newer parts, but they aren't always compatible. BUCKY (nods once and turns briskly to go) Is she spaceworthy? MIKE Not right now. It'll be another day or two. BUCKY (grumbles under his breath) Great. Public transportation. MIKE (leans forward) Excuse me? BUCKY (shakes head) Nothing. MIKE (tilts head) Ah, Captain? May I ask a personal question? BUCKY (sighs) I'd prefer it if you ... MIKE How is Jenny? BUCKY (flatly) She's fine. MIKE Sorry, Captain, but I mean, I'm part of this crew now. It makes sense for me to know how everyone else on the crew is ... BUCKY (interrupting) Look, you're just a temp, you got that? Your job is to get this ship back in running condition. So do it. Is that understood, engineer? MIKE (ears lay flat, a little hurt) Sorry. It's just ... she's the ship's pilot, and I think I have a right to ask about her wellbeing, the same as anyone else on this crew. Bucky steps toward Mike, causing the cat to step back a half- step, but Bucky takes another breath and only lifts a paw to put it on Mike's shoulder. BUCKY (squeezes Mike's shoulder) Look, Mike. Keep your eyes on the ship. I'll worry about its pilot. You got that? MIKE (winces, nods) Yes, Captain. BUCKY (smiles, trying to look friendly) Good. I'm glad we understand each other. With that, Bucky lets Mike go, turns crispy, and strides out, fists clenched at his side. SCENE 11 - GUEST SUITE, ROYAL PALACE, ALDEBARAN The suite that Jenny is shown to is beautiful. While not overly lush, it does have some of the finest furnishings Aldebaran has to offer. Composed of a living room, bedroom, private bathroom, and balcony, this guest suite far outdoes the size and comfort of Jenny's apartment on Genus. Jenny moves to the room's video comm almost immediately and dials out to Genus. BUCKY (over comm, sounding happily surprised to hear from Jenny) Jenny! I'm glad to see you made it safely. How are you feeling? JENNY (smiling, though clearly exhausted, in a weak voice) Fine. The trip was ... (coughs, continues in a whisper) ... very quiet. (clears throat, continues, her voice stronger) I'm the same so far. I haven't gotten a chance to ... (sneeze, coughs, and whispers) ... to see ... (sneezes and coughs again, continues in a whisper) ... to see anyone yet. (thinking) BUCKY (sounding worried) I'm glad to hear that the trip was quiet. When do you think they'll see you? JENNY (pulling a blanket about her shoulders) As soon as they can, I hope. How's everything back on Genus? BUCKY Things're all right. Willy, uh ... said something. This startles Jenny. She leans forward intently, but weakly, her sense of urgency overpower by her sickness. JENNY And I missed it? (shoulders slumped) Willy ... (coughs, looks at Bucky sadly) What did he say? BUCKY (shakes head) "Amadeus." Any idea what that means? JENNY (sneezes) I'm afraid I don't. BUCKY Even Fritz didn't know. (beat, unenthusiastically) After that, Willy went back to sleep. Dr. Lurie's keeping an eye on him. He said Willy's making good progress. JENNY (sensing) What's wrong? BUCKY Nothing. JENNY Don't you ... (coughs) ... lie to me, Buckminster O'Hare. BUCKY (chuckles, though worried about Jenny's health) Oh, ouch. My full name. I'm in trouble. JENNY (tries to laugh but ends up coughing) Don't make me laugh, Bucky. (beat, smiles weakly) So, are you going to tell me what's got your tail, or do I have to fly home and beat it out of you? BUCKY Well, if those are my only two options ... JENNY (grinning) Bucky! BUCKY (sighs) I'm not so sure about this new engineer. JENNY Mike? What now? BUCKY (upset) He's pining for you. It's disgusting. JENNY (giggles) This coming from you. BUCKY You know what I mean. JENNY (nods) Yes, I do. (beat) Well, we need an engineer, and he's the only one we've got right now. I know he makes you uncomfortable. He makes me uncomfortable ... BUCKY (interrupting) Then he's fired. JENNY (continues) ... but we don't have any other options. Besides, he's harmless. Put your differences aside, and apologize for whatever you said. BUCKY What makes you think I said something? JENNY (raises an eyebrow, grinning) Please, Buck. We've known each other for two paws' worth of years. You think I don't know that sound in your voice? BUCKY (chuckles) Point taken. SCENE 12 - HALLWAY, ROYAL PALACE, ALDEBARAN Aura is walking through the corridor toward the end of the hall. Passing a GUARD, she stops. AURA (to the guard) Once Her Majesty's guest has been settled and is ready, I will see to her in my rooms. GUARD (bows) Yes, Aura. Aura smiles softly and turns to enter her rooms as the guard turns and heads to another part of the palace. SCENE 13 - COMMERCIAL SPACE PORT, GENUS The next morning, Bucky is out of uniform, looking almost uncomfortable in his civilian clothing and with no blaster. He moves to the ticket booth and looks at the female tiger TICKETMASTER. TICKETMASTER (sounding bored) How can I help you? BUCKY One ticket to Warren, please. TICKETMASTER Departure time? BUCKY What's the earliest you have for this morning? TICKETMASTER We have transports at 8:45, 9:30, 10:15 ... BUCKY (glances at clock) I'll take the one at 9:30. TICKETMASTER (typing) One way or round trip? BUCKY Round trip. TICKTETMASTER (typing) Return date? BUCKY Tonight. TICKERMASTER (typing) Short trip. What time? BUCKY Nineteen hundred hours. TICKETMASTER (looks confused) Excuse me? BUCKY (realizing) Ah, 7 p.m. TICKETMASTER We have a flight at 6:45. BUCKY That's fine. TICKETMASTER (typing) Name, please. BUCKY O'Hare, Bucky. TICKETMASTER (looks a bit unsure, as if this is a joke) ID, please. Bucky pulls out his wallet, opens it, setting it on the counter. The ticketmaster takes the wallet and turns it to face him. TICKETMASTER (looks at ID, seems startled, much more polite) Thank you, Mr. O'Hare. Give me just a moment to get your tickets confirmed. The ticketmaster types while Bucky glances at travel brochures on the counter nearby. She then hands back his wallet. TICKETMASTER Here you are, sir. Your total is four hundred twenty-seven simoleans. Bucky takes his wallet back and gets out his credit stick. The ticketmaster takes the credit stick and runs it, then points to the paw pad reader on the counter. TICKETMASTER If I can have your paw print, please. The ticketmaster watches Bucky press his paw on the scanner. She then returns his credit stick and hands over his tickets, then slides a blank sheet of paper across to Bucky. TICKETMASTER I also need your autogr ... er, signature. BUCKY (looking skeptical) Certainly. Bucky signs the sheet of paper and then returns it to the ticketmaster. TICKETMASTER Thank you, Mr. O'Hare. Enjoy your trip! Bucky takes the tickets and leaves without a word. TICKETMASTER (leans over to the next window) Oh. My. God. I just sold a ticket to *the* Captain Bucky O'Hare. And I got his autograph! COWORKER (half-stands in chair to look after Bucky) Omigod, really? He is *so* cute! TICKETMASTER Yeah, sort of. COWORKER What do you mean, "sort of"? TICKTERMASTER Well, I always thought he'd be taller. SCENE 14 - HEALER'S HAVEN, ROYAL PALACE, ALDEBARAN Jenny is led into Aura's private chambers in the palace by two ceremonial GUARDS. GUARD #1 (bows along with other guard and motions into the room) Our Head Sister awaits you, Master Jenny. JENNY (bows in return) Thank you. Jenny moves into the rooms. They are lavishly soft and comforting to all who enter. The soft sound of running water, exotic to desert- bred Aldebaran ears, trickles from a small fountain in one corner of the room. Sheer silk curtains section off various areas of the suite. As Jenny enters, Aura stands. AURA Master Sister Jenny. Welcome. JENNY (bows deeply) Gentle and Kind Head Master of the Healing Arts. I am ... (coughs) ... I am honored ... AURA (moves forward, looks concerned) Leave formalities aside, my Sister. You are not well. Please, sit. Allow me to heal you. Jenny does not argue as the elder feline carefully leads her to a soft place to sit, only to lay her down. AURA (closing eyes, gems glowing) I will see into your physical body to learn of the damage being caused you. Relax, and calm your mind, else it will try to fight what must be done. Jenny nods, and hours pass. Finally, Aura speaks. AURA (sits back, looks fatigued) I have done what I can. This is an illness I have not seen. JENNY (moves to sit up, feeling better, smiles) I feel much better. Thank you, Sister. AURA (looks up, eyes glazed) I fear it might not have been enough, Sister, and thus your health will not remain. I will rest and research what I felt. I will find you a cure. JENNY (nods and bows) I thank you for all your efforts, Head Master. SCENE 15 - COMMERICAL TRANSPORT, EN ROUTE TO WARREN Bucky settles into a chair of the transport. Beside him is a YOUNG HARE, about seventeen years old, with a backpack, a pad of paper, and a pencil. YOUNG HARE (grumbles to himself) Horrible! Great Mother! I'm *so* not going to finish it in time! The young hare rips out the page, wads it into a ball, and flings it at the back of the seat in front of him. It bounces and lands in Bucky's lap, who reaches down for it. YOUNG HARE (notices, gasps) Um ... sorry. I didn't mean to ... BUCKY (turns wad over in paw, curious) What're you working on? YOUNG HARE (relieved that Bucky's not angry, with a bit of a pout) Just a doodle ... BUCKY (looks over at the young hare) A doodle? YOUNG HARE Yeah, for my portfolio. BUCKY (interested, despite himself) Your portfolio? (beat) You're going to WSOA? YOUNG HARE (surprised, smiling) You know about WSOA? Are you an artist? BUCKY (holds out wad) No. YOUNG HARE (a bit disappointed) Oh. (beat, takes wad, then extends paw) My name's Peter. BUCKY (shakes paw) Bucky O'Hare. PETER (eyes wide) As in ... *the* Bucky O'Hare, Knight of the Silver Carrot? BUCKY (chuckles) That's me. PETER (in awe) Wow! This is so neat! (beat) How do you know about WSOA? BUCKY (shrugs lightly) I was going to enroll. PETER (shocked) *Really*? BUCKY (distant) Yeah. It was a long time ago ... (beat) So, you're enrolled? PETER I'll know in a week, but the Dean contacted me and said I'm pretty much guaranteed a spot. BUCKY That's great. Congratulations. PETER Wanna see some of my stuff? BUCKY (glances about, then nods) Sure. The two pass the remainder of the trip to Warren talking about art and going through Peter's portfolio. SCENE 16 - CELL, PALACE DUNGEON, PALACE CITY, ALDEBARAN Cassie is still at her table, studying the chessboard when Aura makes her way in. AURA Good morning, Cassie. Feeling better? CASSIE Yes, She is. But not for long, I think. AURA Oh? I'm sorry to hear that. (notices the chessboard) You've moved quite a few pieces since I've been here last. Is it a new game? CASSIE (continues studying board) No. The game is the same, as always, with the same pieces. The places have changed, and how each piece can move in relation to the rest has changed. But it is the same, oh yes, the same game. And I will win. AURA (smiles and nods) Well, that's good to hear. Have the guards call me if you feel bad again, all right, Cassie? CASSIE (smiles darkly) Yes. She will call. You'll be waiting. SCENE 17 - MARKETPLACE, PALACE DISTRICT, ALDEBARAN Jenny and Felicia are out for a day of shopping while Jenny is still recovering from her illness. Its cure has thus far eluded the Healers at the Royal Palace. Everything seems like a normal day: sun shining brilliantly, females of all walks of life out shopping, walking, and talking. As Felicia stops to admire some jewelry, Jenny's attention drifts to the adjacent stall. Meanwhile, Felicia's voice can be heard softly, just above the background noise. The voice of a FEMALE rises above the din of the crowd and Felicia's voice. The female holds onto a delicate silver chain to which a male is attached by a collar. She is looking at some translucent silks. FEMALE I don't know. Do you think it will bring out his eyes? (gives the chain a tug) Come here, pet, let me see your eyes. The male, subservient and demure, moves closer and lifts his chin, letting the female look into his face. He wears very little: a belt, a collar, wrist cuffs, sandals, and a loincloth. Jenny frowns lightly at the sight. She watches the two, as the owner holds the cloth up against the male's cheek, leaning back a bit to study the comparison. Jenny's tail tip flicks once as she tries to look away, only to find herself slightly disturbed when the male's owner pats him on the head and turns back to her shopping. Jenny blinks, gasping faintly as, when the male's gaze lowers and he steps back to return to his crouching place at the female's side, she notices his eyes settle on her for a heartbeat. They are hollow, faintly unintelligent, and almost mindless. Her field of vision changes slightly, as the male's mindless glance reminds her of the completely mindless and brokenhearted stares of mammals caught in toad enslavement camps. Jenny has to swallow, and she fights back the urge to reach for the blaster that is not on her hip and charge the toad slaver her eyes make the female owner out to be. FELICIA (turns to face Jenny, holding a necklace to her throat) ... don't you think, Master Jen ... Felicia blinks as she sees Jenny appear shaken, and her tail droops in concern. FELICIA Master Jenny? JENNY (tears her gaze away and settles on Felicia) What? I'm sorry. What were you saying? FELICIA (lowering necklace, frowning worriedly at Jenny) What's wrong, Master? (suddenly concerned as Jenny shakes her head and coughs) Oh, no! You're sick again! Let's go home, OK? Jenny can't really argue. Feeling sick, but less from these flu- like symptoms and more from the odd sensation of seeing a toad's face superimposed over that of a member of her own race, she just nods, and the two head for the palace. SCENE 18 - GUEST SUITE, ROYAL PALACE, ALDEBARAN Jenny returns to her room after her strange afternoon in the marketplace. Needing a friend to talk to, her paw dials Bucky's apartment on Genus without conscious effort. BUCKY (over comm, emotionless) O'Hare, Bucky. COMPUTER VOICE (over comm) Is not available. Please leave a message at the ... Jenny turns off the comm. Her tail flicks once in worry, and she taps her claws on the tabletop. JENNY Where are you? SCENE 19 - AURA'S ROOM, PALACE, ALDEBARAN Aura walks into her room, dressed in the regal gowns of the court. She moves to her computer terminal and types in a few things at the keypad. A moment later, the computerized voice of Bucky's voicemail is heard, which gets cut off in the exact same place Jenny ended the transmission. AURA (addressing the blank screen) Troubles at home, Sister? What a shame. Perhaps we should make you feel more welcome here. Turning slightly, Aura types at her keypad. SCENE 20 - CELL, FELDSPAR PRISON, WARREN An aging gray hare in a plain gray prison uniform sits on the bed in his drab cell. He's reading a book and occasionally taking off his glasses to wipe his eyes with his paws. This is RICHARD O'NEIL, the former UAC Security Council member who tried to murder Bucky O'Hare. Focused on his book, Richard does not notice a gruff-looking bear GUARD walk up to the door of his cell. Inserting a key into the lock, the guard swings the barred door open. GUARD Got a visitor. Richard looks up, surprised. RICHARD All right. Richard lays his book down on the bed and gets up, then follows the guard out of the room. SCENE 21 - RESTAURANT, PALACE CITY, ALDEBARAN Felicia has taken Jenny to Southland Style, the new restaurant in town, and they have enjoyed a wonderful lunch. Each sits back with her drink in front of her when Jenny sneezes and coughs slightly. FELICIA (seems startled) Master Jenny? JENNY (waves it off) I'm fine. (swallows) I'm fine. So, you haven't told me how your classes have been going. FELICIA Oh! (sits up excited) Well, I've been thinking about going to Combat School, like you. Grandmother doesn't really approve, but I think she just wants me to be a Healer, you know. I don't think I'd want to be a Healer. Anyway, so I've applied to ... As Felicia begins to talk about school, Jenny finds her attention wavering and her eyes drifting to another table. At a table near the big picture window, two WOMEN sit talking to each other. Everything seems fine until the peace is suddenly disturbed. MALE (crashes through window, lands on table) Aah! WOMEN #1 and #2 (screaming in terror) Aieee! Jenny and Felicia, along with the rest of the patrons, all look over in shock as the MALE opens his eyes and lifts his head to look out the window. JENNY (recognizes the male, stands) Felicia, get under the table. (goes for blaster on her hip, realizes it's not there) Dammit. (thinking) FELICIA (frightened, ducks under table) Master Jenny, I don't think we should ... The male suddenly gasps and rolls over, trying to scurry away from the window, toppling the table and falling to the floor, landing on one of the women who was eating at the table he fell on. The source of his terror steps through the window. It's an ASSASSINATION SISTER, with very deep, inky, blackened forest-green gems. ASSASSINATION SISTER (her voice having unnatural reverb) There is no use in trying to run, criminal. You are judged. Jenny steps between the Assassination Sister and the table under which Felicia is hiding. JENNY (thinking) FELICIA (from under table) Master Jenny! Get down! There's a criminal! The Assassination Sister turns at the sound of Felicia's voice and spots Jenny. She smiles cruelly, then turns back the male, who is trying to crawl away. ASSASSINATION SISTER (stepping further into the restaurant) Guilty. Punishment: death. JENNY Felicia, stay down! (thinking) The male grabs a plate and throws it at the Assassination Sister, who ducks her head to avoid getting hit. The male falls onto his paws and his knees and keeps crawling. The Assassination Sister follows her target as he retreats. The patrons of the restaurant leave or hide under tables. Reaching the male, the Assassination Sister reaches down and places her paw on the small of his back. The male suddenly screams in pain and crumples. JENNY (fur standing on end, eyes wide, calls out loudly) Hey! ASSASSINATION SISTER (looks, stops magic) What do you want, Sister? JENNY (puts one paw on her hip) I really don't think that's necessary. ASSASSINATION SISTER (eyes narrow) Male sympathizer? JENNY No. Aldebaran sympathizer. If he's a criminal, he's entitled to a trial. ASSASSINATION SISTER He has already been given a trial and has been found guilty. You've no reason to interrupt me. JENNY Interrupt you? You're murdering someone! ASSASSINATION SISTER You call for mercy? I see. Then you are judged. Wait, for you shall be next. FELICIA (hidden under table, softly) Oh, fiddlesticks! JENNY (growls) Bring it. (thinking) SCENE 22 - VISITATION ROOM, FELDSPAR PRISON, WARREN Bucky is seated at a cubicle, facing a large glass screen. There is a phone on the side of the cubicle to his left. A hint of anger is visible on his face, and it intensifies when he sees the guard lead Richard to the chair on the other side of the glass. Before sitting down, Richard looks through the glass. He jumps slightly as he realizes who his visitor is, and he visibly mouths the words "Bucky O'Hare?," though nothing can be heard through the glass. Bucky continues to scowl. Hesitantly, Richard sits down, slumps in his chair, and picks up the phone to his right. Bucky picks up his phone as well. BUCKY (into phone) Surprised to see me, Councilman? RICHARD (into phone) What do you want, O'Hare? BUCKY Information. RICHARD What? Do I look like I know anything? I've been in this prison for a year now. BUCKY I know. I want information on Pigton. Richard's eyes grow slightly wider, but he doesn't react too much. RICHARD You mean Chairman Pigton? BUCKY You know any other Pigtons? RICHARD He was assassinated years ago, kid. You know that. BUCKY How closely did you and he work? RICHARD (thinks) Not too closely. We were both on the Council, but we didn't form a particular friendship or anything. Why? Bucky frowns. He thinks Richard is lying. BUCKY Why weren't you at the speech the day he got shot? RICHARD I was sick that day. It happens. BUCKY And what did you do in the weeks after he was killed? RICHARD (a confused look on his face) I kept working. Chairman or not, the Security Council had to go on. We elected a new Chairman shortly afterwards. BUCKY You elected a spy! RICHARD Hey, I had nothing to do with that. Chairman Harman was elected by popular vote. None of us knew he was a newt in disguise. BUCKY (trying to sound casual) And when was the next time you heard from Pigton? RICHARD I ... (stops) What? He was dead! Bucky leans forward, close to the glass, and tries his best to look menacing. BUCKY You're going to tell me everything you know about Pigton, right now, or I'll see to it that you rot in this prison for the rest of your life. RICHARD You're insane. Pigton's been dead for years. What on Warren makes you think he's still alive? (beat) And I'm serving a life sentence anyway. BUCKY For trying to kill me! RICHARD I do happen to remember that. Bucky puts his paw up on the glass in front of him and taps on it. BUCKY (staring intently) This is a pretty thin piece of glass, Richard. Wouldn't be hard to break through. RICHARD (staring back) You wouldn't dare, Bucky O'Hare. You talk big, but you'd never assault a helpless prisoner. (beat) I have nothing more to say to you. Richard hangs up the phone and just sits in his chair. He doesn't look particularly angry or defiant -- he's nonchalant. Bucky quickly stands up, anger in his eyes. He then slams the phone down on the receiver and storms out of the room. Richard leans his chair back, bringing him into the shadows behind him. The little light still hitting Richard reflects off of a malicious grin that slowly spreads across his face. SCENE 23 - TOMMY'S PRIVATE ROOM, MALE RESISTANCE HEADQUARTERS, ALDEBARAN TOMMY is sleeping. Though it might be midday topside, time loses meaning underground, and sleep comes when a cat grows tired. He's woken by the sudden entrance of PONCE, who bangs the door when he opens it. PONCE (running in, breathless) Tommy! Tommy! Wake up! TOMMY (grumbles, squinting at bright light from the hallway) What? PONCE Intel reports Assassin activity in the food district, Palace City. TOMMY (suddenly alert, sitting up) Any of ours? PONCE Yeah, one. A non-magic male. So far, there's only one that's been sighted, but ... TOMMY (getting up) ... they never work alone, I know. Get our forces mobilized. PONCE Already there. (beat) And Jenny's been spotted. TOMMY (stops, softly) What? PONCE Jenny's been spotted in the area. TOMMY (finishes dressing, sarcastic) Wonderful. Tommy and Ponce leave the room. SCENE 24 - SOUTHLAND STYLE, ALDEBARAN Jenny and the Assassination Sister are facing each other, tails lashing. Under the table behind Jenny, Felicia hides, while the male who was being attacked lies on the ground near the Assassination Sister's feet, unable to move. ASSASSINATION SISTER You are aiding a criminal, Sister, and unlawfully using your magic in the defense of said criminal. As his punishment is death, so, too, shall yours be. JENNY What was his crime then, Sister? What could he possibly have done that demands he be put to death? ASSASSINATION SISTER (grins evilly) He has run from his mistress's house, among other things. JENNY (shakes head) This is stupid. He ran away? That's it? Why don't you just take him back? ASSASSINATION SISTER (smirks) I have my orders. Saying nothing else, the Assassination Sister turns back to the male, who had been trying to crawl away. Reaching down, she grabs him by the neck, and her paw glows a sickly black-green. The male screams in agony, only for the sound to turn into a blood-filled gurgle. JENNY (starts forward) What are you doing? Stop! ASSASSINATION SISTER (gazing at Jenny, smirking cruelly) Stop? How sympathetic of you. Come make me. JENNY (draws near, gems begin to glow) This isn't the right thing to do, Sister. This isn't what our magic is meant for. Least of all yours, Healer. Jenny draws closer, hoping to talk the Assassination Sister down. But as Jenny draws near, the Assassin smiles evilly and drops the now lifeless male, swiping at Jenny with her claws bared. The green glow follows her paw. SCENE 25 - OUTSIDE SOUTHLAND STYLE Tommy and Ponce have disguised themselves, and the normal Aldebaran Police Force has arrived to pull innocent bystanders and the usual rubberneckers out of the way. TOMMY (head bowed to hide the glow of his gems, voice low) I can't get anything from the male inside. PONCE (standing next to Tommy, equally quiet) Think he's already dead? TOMMY I don't know, but let's find a way in, just in case. SCENE 26 - SOUTHLAND STYLE, ALDEBARAN As the Assassin's glowing paw draws near, Jenny ducks back, her own gems glowing intensely as she prepares a spell to subdue the Assassination Sister. However, the tingle of a familiar and unexpected magic catches her off guard. JENNY (suddenly distracted, eyes flicking to window, thinking) SCENE 27 - OUTSIDE SOUTHLAND STYLE Tommy and Ponce are moving through the crowd, working their way to the end of the block and around the back of the building. TOMMY (half-stumbles, turns to look over his shoulder) Jenny? PONCE (stops, looks at Tommy) What? SCENE 28 - SOUTHLAND STYLE, ALDEBARAN Seeing Jenny distracted, the Assassination Sister leans forward and, with a quick motion, grabs Jenny's throat with her paw. Jenny's paws come up to her throat as she begins to choke. SCENE 29 - OUTSIDE SOUTHLAND STYLE Tommy gasps, a paw going to his throat. PONCE (somewhat louder) What? TOMMY (shaking off the sensations, beginning to run) She's in trouble. Let's go. The two run and, in a short moment, burst through the back kitchen door, past the startled cooks, and into the main dining room. There, they find Jenny slowly forced to her knees by the Assassination Sister. At the sight, Tommy growls ferally and pulls a paw back, gems glittering brightly. ASSASSINATION SISTER (sensing Tommy's magic, looks up, laughs) Like a kitten to milk! It's good to see *that* particular theory proven right. PONCE (glance from Tommy to Assassin) You'd better drop her, if you know what's good for you. ASSASSINATION SISTER (forcibly hauls Jenny around before her) I'd like to see you try. The Assassination Sister laughs coldly, sending a chill up Jenny's spine, when Tommy's spell slowly filters away. ASSASSINATION SISTER That's what I thought. You for her, Abomination. Show us that you *truly* know your place, that only females are important. Tommy growls. SCENE 30 - OUTSIDE FELDSPAR PRISON, WARREN Bucky leaves Feldspar prison, having gotten no answers, and grabs a taxi. The cab stops in front of the O'Hare residence across town. He pays the driver, then walks up the walkway to the house and hesitates, not sure if he should knock or not. Not really feeling at home, he knocks. VOICE (from inside) Hang on! A moment later, the door opens to reveal Bucky's AUNT IRIS. AUNT IRIS (brightens) Bucky! BUCKY (smiles, ducks his chin slightly) Hi, Aunt Iris. AUNT IRIS (gives Bucky a big hug, pulls him into the house, calls out loudly) Jeffery! Jeffery! Look who's home! JEFFERY O'HARE, Bucky's cousin, a hare who could very well be Bucky's identical twin, walks in and smiles. JEFFERY Hey, Bucky. Long time no see. (grins) Don't need me to pretend I'm you again, do you? BUCKY (laughs) No, Jeff. But thanks for asking. AUNT IRIS (steps back, holding Bucky at arm's length and eyeing him) Great Mother! Don't they feed you in space? You're as skinny as a rabbit! Come inside and let me fix you a bowl of mashed carrots. Aunt Iris doesn't give Bucky a chance to say yes or no, simply dragging him into the kitchen, ushering him into a chair, and turning to the stove. Jeffery follows, grinning, and plops into a chair across from his cousin. JEFFERY It's good to be home, huh? BUCKY You have no idea. JEFFERY (smiles) How long you staying this time? BUCKY (sighs) Not long. My transport leaves in a few hours, and hanging out here is much better than hanging out at the terminal. JEFFERY Ain't *that* the truth. Too bad you can't stay longer, though. BUCKY Maybe next time. JEFFERY What brings you back to Warren, anyway? BUCKY Memories. (beat) Any chance I can check my voicemail on Genus? JEFFERY (stands to get the comm-link, smiles) You have to ask? SCENE 31 - SOUTHLAND STYLE, ALDEBARAN Tommy faces off against the Assassination Sister, while Jenny struggles to breathe in the feline's grasp. By Tommy's side, Ponce stands shocked, not sure what to do as the Assassin taunts his leader. From the window, a female OFFICER in a police uniform steps through and eyes the situation. PONCE (whispers) Oh, crap! FELICIA (still hidden under table) Oh, heavens! As tension mounts, Felicia, hidden under the table, looks about for a way to help Jenny. Spotting a stray fork across the room, the young cat bites her lower lip. She realizes she must use telekinesis, a relatively minor spell, with applications that extend beyond most of the other spells taught at the Academy. It is among the basics all Aldebarans must learn. Taking a breath, Felicia begins to weave her spell, using the will of her mind to weave energy into a force to wrap about the fork and lift it. OFFICER (shouting) Everyone, drop your weapons, dispel your magic, and take a step away from each other! Hearing the officer's voice, the Assassin sneers and looks over. This gives Tommy the chance he was waiting for, as the motion makes Jenny lower just a bit in the Assassin's grasp. A rich violet glow surrounds Tommy, and with as much skill as he can muster, he sends a bolt of magical energy speeding toward the Assassination Sister. The bolt catches her by surprise and staggers her, forcing her to lose her grip on Jenny. Jenny slumps to the ground, coughing deeply. Behind the Assassin, Felicia's fork begins to float waveringly, rising away from the floor. Tommy steps forward, ignoring the officer and pressing his attacks upon the Assassin. They aren't really enough to do much damage. While it's clear Tommy's raw power is incredible, he lacks finite control, and much of his power ripples away, unfocused. TOMMY (calling to Ponce as he advances) Get her out of here! PONCE (rushes to Jenny) Aye! The Assassination Sister turns away from Tommy, working on a protective shield to save her from his stinging blasts. As her mouth opens to take a breath for the spell, Felicia's fork is there. The Assassin's eyes widen in shock and pain as her own forward momentum, increased by Tommy's magical blasts, impales the soft palate of the back of her throat onto the fork. The Assassin gags once, chokes, and grabs at her throat with one paw. Using her other paw, she tries to grab the handle of the fork, to yank it out. Her gems flare -- a slimy green hue -- as her healing magic ripples through her. TOMMY (sees the Assassination Sister defeated, turns to help Jenny) Come on, Sis. JENNY (forced, between coughs) Felicia ... TOMMY (to Ponce) Get her. FELICIA (overhears, bolts from hiding spot) *Help*! PONCE (rushes after Felicia) Wait! OFFICER (moves to the Assassination Sister) Hold still, Sister. The officer reaches for her shoulder comm-unit to call in for a Healer when the Assassination Sister grabs her by the face. With a yank, the fork is pulled free, followed by a spray of bright red blood. The Assassin's claws dig into the officer's face. With gems glowing green, the Assassin seems to drain away the officer's life-energy, using it to heal herself. By the time she is done, and looks around, her prey has fled. ASSASSINATION SISTER (to self) Next time, traitors. SCENE 32 - AURA'S CHAMBERS, PALACE, ALDEBARAN Felicia is helping Jenny walk down the hall with a guard's assistance. Getting into Aura's room, Felicia and the guard lay Jenny down on the sofa while Aura starts to work. FELICIA (frightful, babbling) It was horrible! The males! They grabbed us and pulled us out of the restaurant. I'm sure they were trying to kidnap us, but the police found us and they ran away. I'm so glad they found us when they did. I don't know what would have happened. AURA (not looking up) Calmly, kitten. You were very brave to stand up to renegades like that. FELICIA (looks at Jenny, who is barely breathing) Will she be OK? AURA Yes, if you'll help me. I found how to cure her illness. If this event didn't make it into something new, you and I can purge this together. Felicia looks shocked. FELICIA (unbelieving) Me? SCENE 33 - SPACEPORT, WARREN Hours later, Aunt Iris and Jeffery have accompanied Bucky to the spaceport to see him off. AUNT IRIS (hugs Bucky) It was so good to see you again, Bucky. You never visit us anymore. BUCKY (returns hug) I know. I've just been ... AUNT IRIS (interrupting softly, stepping back to look Bucky in the eye) ... busy. I know. (puts her paw on his cheek, smiles softly) Just don't forget about us while you're out saving the galaxy, OK? BUCKY (smiles weakly, averts eyes) Yes, ma'am. Aunt Iris smiles and tiptoes around to give Bucky a kiss on the cheek and a ruffle of his hair. It makes Bucky chuckle and roll his eyes, a bit embarrassed. JEFFERY (steps in to hug Bucky when Aunt Iris moves back) It was great to have you home, cousin. BUCKY (returns the hug, patting Jeffery on the back) Yeah. It was nice to be home again, for a while. JEFFERY (steps back) Guess we're not exciting enough, huh? BUCKY (laughs) That's not a bad thing. FEMALE VOICE (over comm) Flight 1473, departing Warren Interplanetary Spaceport for Genus, now boarding at Gate Ten. All passengers, please report to Gate Ten. BUCKY (looks up) That's me. JEFFERY (smiles) Take care, Bucky. BUCKY You too, Jeffery. AUNT IRIS Bye, darling. BUCKY (smiles) Bye, Aunt Iris. Bucky turns and makes his way to his public transport as Aunt Iris and Jeffery move to the observation deck. A few minutes later, the two watch as Bucky's transport powers its way into the clouds and off the planet. SCENE 34 - SPACEPORT, ALDEBARAN Aura, Felicia, and a handful of royal guards stand with Jenny as palace servants are getting Jenny's bags into the private transport that will be taking her back to Genus. FELICIA (hugs Jenny) It was so great to see you again, Master Jenny! JENNY (returns hug) Same here, Felicia. I had a lot of fun. FELICIA Yeah, though it was kinda weird, just hanging out with you, you know? JENNY (nods, smiles softly) Yes, I know. Jenny turns to Aura and bows. JENNY (straightening) Head Master, I cannot thank you enough. AURA (smiles) You're very welcome, Sister. I'm just glad I was able to help in the end. JENNY (smiles) Me too. I feel like myself again. AURA It was an honor to heal you, Master Sister. Have an uneventful trip home. JENNY Thank you. Jenny turns and boards the transport. FELICIA (stands on tiptoes, waving) Bye, Master Jenny! Bye! See you next time! Jenny waves once, then steps into the transport fully. The door closes behind her, and the ship takes off. SCENE 35 - CHAIRMAN WARNER'S OFFICE Chairman Warner is making a few comm calls before turning in for the day. He's sitting in his chair, obviously interested in the conversation he's having. FRITZ (into comm) Dr. Chadwell, good to hear from you. I've been waiting. Got any good news? Fritz waits and listens to the reply. FRITZ You're almost done with both of them? That's great news. The captains will be happy to hear it. (thinking) (into comm) Well, let me know when you guys are completely done. Good work. Fritz hangs up the comm, smiling. FRITZ And that's that. Fritz stands up, grabs his suit jacket from his chair, and reaches for his briefcase. SCENE 36 - SPACEPORT, GENUS Several hours later, Bucky stands expectantly as Jenny emerges from her just-docked transport ship. She gets out, smiles, and runs up to him. BUCKY (moves to Jenny, smiles) Looks like you're better already! How was your trip? JENNY (half-heartedly) It was all right. I'm just glad to be well again. BUCKY (squeezes her paw, happily) So you're cured? JENNY (smiles) Yes. (quickly) How's Willy? BUCKY I don't think anything's happened since we talked yesterday. JENNY So he's still asleep? Bucky nods. JENNY (sighs) Well, we'll keep hoping for the best, then. BUCKY Yeah. The two stand in silence for a moment. BUCKY I'm sure you've had a long day. Let's get home. I can drive you. JENNY I can get a cab, you know. BUCKY (smiles) I know. But I want to. JENNY (nods) OK. Paw in paw, the two walk to the spaceport's parking lot. SCENE 37 - JENNY'S APARTMENT, GENUS Jenny walks in alone after Bucky drops her off, and she closes the door behind her. She leans against it and closes her eyes. JENNY (sadly) I'm sorry, Willy. I ... I wish I'd been there for you. (sighs) You were right, Willy. I was blind. (opens here eyes, pushes herself away from the door) I think we have a lot to talk about when you wake up. Jenny moves to her meditation mat with determination, sits down, and begins to meditate. SCENE 38 - JAIL CELL, ALDEBARAN The cell is dark, lights out has been called, and yet Cassie still sits at her table, looking at her chessboard. Slowly, she reaches out and moves one of the pieces, getting it into position to strike another. She sits back, folding her paws on her lap. CASSIE (softly, grinning) Your move, prince-ling. THE END