"Home Again" by Rygar First draft - 7/31/10 Final draft – 8/15/10 SCENE 1 - THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION CAPTAIN BUCKY O'HARE is hard at work calibrating the control panel in the cockpit of his frigate. He spends an inordinate amount of time and energy making sure every detail is perfect. Focused determination characterizes his expression as he turns dials, adjusts knobs, and analyzes readouts. Finally, after minutes and hours have ticked by, Bucky relaxes. BUCKY There. Bucky stands up, taking a long breath in and out. He looks around, adjusting the chairs and other minor details until everything seems to be in neat, perfect order. BUCKY Everything's just right. Bucky pauses, then places his paw on Jenny's chair. He drums his fingers distractedly. BUCKY Yep. Bucky imagines a scenario of how things were years before, when he and his crew were just hitting their stride. He glances to his chair, picturing himself leading the charge against a battalion of toad double bubbles. Jenny, seated in the chair he's tapping, skillfully maneuvers the ship and keeps an eye on the sensors, as maser fire rings out from Deadeye's quarters. The far-off look in Bucky's eyes continues as he glances toward the entrance to the cockpit. He pictures Willy bounding up the ladder, sharing his brilliant plan to get them out of the mess they're in and solve the larger problem they're trying to tackle. With a sigh, Bucky jolts himself back to reality. He's not on a mission. His crew is not with him in the ship. Many of them aren't with him in spirit, either. And with Dogstar dead, the future looks frustratingly uncertain. BUCKY Just perfect ... (stops drumming his fingers) Right. SCENE 2 - CHAIRMAN'S OFFICE, UAC HEADQUARTERS VICE CHAIRMAN SANZER GRIFF sits in this office, reading over a short list of proposals for electing a new chairman. Two others stand in front of the desk -- LEW ABSHEN, the badger head of the UAC Election Committee, and SORIMA JADE, the wolf head of the UAC Policies and Procedures Committee. GRIFF So it looks like we have three options, if I'm reading this correctly. (beat) One, I can just assume the chairmanship itself until the next election. Sorima nods. GRIFF Thanks, but no thanks. I've had to do that twice now, with Harman and with Ziege, and I'm sick of it. (beat) Two, we can hold an emergency election, like we did with Dogstar. LEW While I don't necessarily care to turn such action into a precedent, given your unwillingness to fill the role of Chairman, I feel a quick resolution is the best option. GRIFF True, but we don't really have the funds for a huge general election right now. Not to speak ill of the dead, but Dogstar did not know his way around a budget. The military's doing great, but we're kind of strapped otherwise. SORIMA Well, that leaves us with the third option. GRIFF (rubbing his temples) Do we really want to draw the entire UAC into this? It will be a nightmare. SORIMA If you have any better suggestions, we are happy to hear them. But as it currently stands ... GRIFF I know, I know. (sighs) Fine. At the next meeting of the General Assembly, I will accept a call for nominations. I really hope we can find a way to maintain order throughout this process, but I can promise you, I won't be holding my breath. SCENE 3 - UNKNOWN PLANET This planet boasts plentiful, abundant flora that complements its thriving wildlife. Tall, verdant trees offer a variety of ripe fruits, while animals play in the grass and in a lake. Very few handmade structures dot the landscape, but there are some. One in particular, a makeshift hut perched high in the trees, is vibrating and humming slightly. An excited VOICE booms from within. VOICE I did it! The humming and vibrating stop briefly. VOICE It really works dis time! A high-pitched noise now emanates from the hut, gradually increasing in frequency. VOICE I'm finally goin' home! The noise reaches an ear-splitting crescendo, then abruptly ends. The hut vibrates again, but only momentarily. Then, all is quiet. The animals outside, not noticing anything unusual, play on. SCENE 4 - UAC INTELLIGENCE BASE, BETELGEUSIA ENGINEER WILLY DUWITT sits on the floor of his lab, his legs crossed and his eyes closed. He holds a pink Aldebaran spell gem in his hand, which helps him focus his powers. Hovering in the air above him is a Rubik's Cube that slowly twists and spins, seemingly solving itself move by move. Standing next to Willy, FIRST MATE JENNY keeps an eye on him and on the object of his focus, occasionally nodding in approval. A few beads of sweat form on Willy's forehead as he begins to struggle. WILLY This is so tiring ... JENNY Well, you picked a task that is both physically and mentally taxing. You've done well so far, but you mustn't overexert yourself. WILLY No, I can do it ... The Rubik's Cube is mostly solved now, as four of the six edges display only one color. A few twists and turns later, the toy is no closer to being solved. Taking deep breaths, Willy relents, and the object slowly floats to the ground. WILLY Maybe I should have picked something easier. It's been a while since I've used my powers. JENNY No, you chose perfectly. If you don't test the limits of your powers, you'll never find them. You'll never improve. WILLY I guess ... Placing the spell gem down on the ground, Willy wipes sweat from his brow as he picks up the Rubik's Cube and stares at it. He makes a few quick hand motions and solves the puzzle manually, completing his task. WILLY There. (beat) So what now? JENNY Actually, I think it's time for patrol. WILLY Oh. Willy pauses, concern evident on his face. JENNY What are you thinking? WILLY How weird is this going to be? Jenny looks down, unable to offer a suitable answer. WILLY I mean, even before what happened, you and I were both at odds with Bucky. And now ... I mean, obviously, it's not like he's the one who killed Dogstar, but ... JENNY We can't hold that against him. We ... already have enough to hold against him, I suppose. (beat) All we can really do is carry on. For our sake, for his sake, for the crew's sake, and for the UAC's sake. Personal issues aside, we have to consider our professional duties. WILLY If you say so. (shrugs) At least I can stay in engineering. You'll be up in the cockpit with him. JENNY I'll manage. We had better get on our way. SCENE 5 - SECTOR ONE So far, this patrol has been uneventful. Bucky and Jenny sit idly in the cockpit, making occasional small talk but never building up a true conversation. Finally, Bucky builds up the nerve to say something he's been meaning to say. BUCKY You know, I never did thank you. JENNY For what? BUCKY For letting Willy use his powers in front of me. I mean, we all know I was aware of them, but for you to finally take that veil of secrecy down ... I guess it made me feel like less of an outsider. Jenny smiles, a soft smile that seems almost forced. JENNY Well, I've already told you everything. There's no reason to hide it from you anymore. Besides, if Aldebaran will ever take a full position in the UAC, then we should start taking these baby steps now. BUCKY Right. Suddenly, the ship shakes. Jenny, startled, watches as the sensors go haywire. BUCKY What? What happened? JENNY I don't know! I think we've been boarded! We gained some mass, and I'm registering ... BRUISER Brudder! The ship shakes again, though less violently and more rhythmically. Bucky and Jenny exchange glances, then dart down into the main bay. What they see shocks them. BRUISER, a huge grin on his face, is performing a complex dance with another male baboon. Though the other baboon is facing away from Bucky and Jenny, they immediately recognize who it is. BUCKY (in disbelief) Bruce?! ENGINEER BRUCE turns around after his dance ends. He is real and solid, not a transparent apparition like the last time he was seen onboard this ship. His face is beaming with excitement. BRUCE Bucky! Bruce runs up and crushes Bucky in a friendly hug. BRUCE It's so good to see youse guys! BUCKY Bruce! What ... where ... where did you come from?! How did you get here? BRUCE Oh man, I gots lots'a explainin' to do. But I wanna see everybody first. Jenny! You look great! JENNY (smiles) Thanks, Bruce. Forgive me, I'm just ... I wasn't expecting you. By now, AFC BLINKY has emerged and is approaching Bruce. BLINKY Friend Bruce, is that you? BRUCE Blinky! Hey, li'l' buddy! Long time no see! BLINKY Spectral readings indicate this is indeed Bruce. Not an imposter. Not a projection. BRUCE Yep, I'm me, all right! DEADEYE Well, shiver me timbers! GUNNER DEADEYE DUCK has stepped out of the gunner's chamber and into the main bay. He grins as he approaches Bruce. DEADEYE There ain't many things more satisfyin' than the return of an ol' matey ye didn't think ye'd see again! BRUCE Aw, Deadeye, that's sweet. BRUISER I still can't believe it! Bruce! My brudder is back! After all dese years! BRUCE (grinning) I missed all'a youse so much! WILLY What's all the commotion? Willy steps into the main bay and sees everyone focusing on Bruce. A few of them turn and look at Willy. BUCKY Oh, Willy. This ... this is Bruce. BRUCE (scratches his head) He looks kinda familiar. Is he ... a hairless baboon or somethin'? BRUISER Naw, brudder, dat's Willy. He's a human. Dey ain't from around here. BRUCE Ain't never heard of 'em. BRUISER Willy's a good guy. He's our ... (realizing) He's our engineer. But Bruce ... yer our engineer! An uncomfortable silence falls over the congregated group. Willy still seems a little confused. BRUCE Dat was years ago, brudder. I figgered youse guys had a new engineer an' everything by now. BRUISER But you came back, and now you can be part o' the crew again! WILLY I ... maybe I should step out? BUCKY No, Willy, that's OK. I think we all need to sit down and talk about this. SCENE 6 - WARNER ESTATE, WARREN FRITZ WARNER hovers over the oven in his kitchen, sporting a snappy apron over his ratty T-shirt. With a few deft moves, he finishes preparing blueberry pancakes. Setting them down on a plate, he drizzles them with butter and syrup, then carries the plate out of the room. Navigating through a large foyer and down an elaborate hallway, Fritz arrives at his destination and opens the door. In this cozy but poorly lit room sits KADAF WARNER, looking tired and haggard. He sits at a desk, trying to read. A tall black staff rests by his side. FRITZ Breakfast is up! I made your favorite. KADAF (sniffing the air) Chocolate chip is my favorite. Not blueberry. FRITZ (keeping patient) I made blueberry last week. Today is chocolate chip. Fritz sets the plate of pancakes on the desk in front of Kadaf. KADAF I'm not hungry. FRITZ Sure you are. Take a bite and see. Grumbling, Kadaf takes a bite of one of the pancakes. He chews for a minute, his face registering mild approval. KADAF You're getting better at these. FRITZ Thanks. KADAF But really, would it have killed you to use real butter? FRITZ (shrugs) I need to make a grocery run, I know. (beat) How you feeling? KADAF (shaking his head) As good as I'm ever going to. I'm never going to be at one hundred percent again, and you know it. FRITZ Well, at least you can walk in a straight line. That's progress. KADAF It still hurts me, though. It shouldn't hurt me. FRITZ Like you said. It's just the way things are going to be now. Kadaf sits in silence for a moment, taking another bite of pancake. Finally, he speaks. KADAF I know I don't show it so well, but I appreciate everything you've done for me. Rescuing me, taking care of me ... FRITZ It's really the least I could do. And besides, what are friends for, right? KADAF If it weren't for me, you'd probably still be Chairman. FRITZ And then that fake Bucky would have shot me in the head, and then I'd have a whole lot of explaining to do, wouldn't I? Kadaf just shrugs. Fritz pats him on the back, gently. FRITZ Everything worked out just fine. I'm in a good place. KADAF He's still out there, though. FRITZ Nuras? KADAF (nodding) And I have no idea what his game is. And you don't either. He's doing something weird this time. (beat) Are you ever going to take the initiative? FRITZ With as weird as he's been? I'd rather lay low and respond to whatever he does. He'll make a mistake at some point. KADAF Yeah, but will that be before or after he's won? Fritz has no answer to this. He looks out the lone small window in this room, catching a glimpse of sunlight. FRITZ I'd better finish the rest of the pancakes. I guess I could use a bite to eat, too. Kadaf just nods as Fritz excuses himself from the room. Kadaf takes another bite, finishing the pancake. KADAF Now, my *real* favorite would be nicotine pancakes. You should get to work on figuring those out. SCENE 7 - BAR, ORWELL STATION Bucky, Bruiser, and Bruce sit at a booth in the corner of the bar. Bucky just has a glass of water, but Bruce is partaking in his first alcoholic beverage in many years, and Bruiser is matching him. BRUCE (taking a swig) Man, it's good t' be back. Weird, but good. BUCKY So tell me what happened. The last time I saw you, you were working on a teleportation machine, and the toads had something similar that interfered with it. BRUCE Yep, that's what happened. I never could get that thing to work. After a few months, I finally gave up on it. BRUISER You gave up tryin' to get back? BRUCE Just for a bit, brudder. Besides, I was in baboon heaven! There were lush jungles everywhere, and dese amazin' purple bananas, and shade, and sun ... Bruce gets a wistful look in his eye, just for a moment. BRUCE It was incredible, really. No words I c'n say would do it justice. (beat) I thought about stayin' there forever. It was temptin'. The other monkeys there, dey weren't too smart. I taught 'em a few things at first, but I figgered I didn't wanna spoil 'em. I didn't wanna act like I was da boss an' everyone had t' do like I did. BRUISER An' what made ya finally came back? BRUCE (taking another swig) Like I said, dey weren't too smart. Nice, and fun t' be around, but after a few years, things got boring. Dere was nobody to talk to, nobody t' debate with, nobody t' work on stuff with. BUCKY You got tired of it. BRUCE Yeah, I guess you could say dat. (beat) So I dug up dat ol' transporter machine and gave it anudder try. I dunno if the innerference from da toad machine had worn off, or what, but it wasn't too hard t' finally get it workin'. Bucky just nods in concord, taking occasional sips of water. BUCKY I guess ... after all these years, I just didn't think you'd ever come back. I thought you'd never be able to. BRUISER Not me! I never gave up hope! My brudder's the smartest baboon dere ever was! You've always been there t'help me! Bruiser pauses, remembering something. BRUISER Hey! Dat time I got poisoned an' went on my honor quest! Wuz dat really you? BRUCE Honor quest? ... (thinks) I did have a wild dream last year ... you an' me stopped a toad hyperspatial cannon. BRUISER (excited) Dat was it! Dat wuz no dream, brudder! It happened! BRUCE (smiling) Really? I can't remember much o' the details ... I do remember dat dream made me smile fer weeks afterward, though. BRUISER Aw, man, Bruce, it was so great! You and me made such a great team. Dat's why you gotta come back on board da ship! BRUCE (looks toward Bucky) But like we was sayin', youse already got an engineer. BRUISER But Willy's just' workin' in his lab now, right? BUCKY (fidgeting with the glass) Well, he does have a lab, but he requested to be back on the ship. I'd hate to have to turn him away. Besides, reinstating him was one of the last things Dogstar did as Chairman. BRUISER Aw, c'mon, Bucky! Bruce, ya gotta back me up here! BRUCE Well ... (takes a swig) I'd be lyin' if I said I didn't wanna fly wit' youse guys again ... (beat) But I didn't come back just t' mess things up and make things hard for yer current engineer. Whatever he is. BRUISER (looking crestfallen) C'mon, brudder ... BUCKY Look, I'll talk with Willy about it. I'll talk with the rest of the crew, too. You both know that having Bruce back on the ship would be an immense honor. But like he said, it's not that simple. Just give me a little while, OK? BRUISER (satisfied) Awright, Bucky, I guess I can't ask fer more'n dat. BRUCE (finishing his drink) Den it's settled! C'mon, bro, take me back home! I wanna see Betelgeusia again! Bruiser's face lights up. BRUISER O' course, how did I not think o' dat? Let's go! Bruiser and Bruce get up and bound out of the bar together. Bucky chuckles, simultaneously happy, amused, and concerned. His eyes catch sight of the two empty, and unpaid, mugs of alcohol. BUCKY (reaching for his wallet) Never fails. SCENE 8 - UAC GENERAL ASSEMBLY, GENUS Griff takes the stand in front of the Assembly, which is relatively quiet and respectful for a change. He has not addressed them since Dogstar's recent assassination. GRIFF Ladies and gentlemen of the UAC, thank you for making this meeting on such short notice. It gives me no pleasure to be up here, considering the circumstances, but I do what must be done. (beat) Those of you who have been here for a few years know that I have never aspired to be UAC Chairman, and today is no exception. The last time the position was vacant, we held a general election. However, my advisers and I have agreed that we simply do not have the time -- or the funds -- to undergo such an arduous undertaking. (beat) As you have all been briefed, I will be accepting nominations for our next UAC Chairman. They may be submitted privately or through a general address. At the end of this session, the names will be compiled, and a vote will be held. The winner, should he or she accept, shall become our next Chairman. Murmurs spread through the crowd, but no voice of dissent speaks up. GRIFF Very well, then. Anyone who wishes to submit a nomination may do so at one of the terminals set up at either end of the rear wall. Again, a general address will also suffice. Upon hearing this, SENATOR NURAS, the stocky kat representative from Terra, stands. NURAS That being so, may I address the Assembly? GRIFF (nodding) The room recognizes Senator Nuras and allows him to speak freely. NURAS Thank you kindly, Vice Chairman. (clearing his throat) Friends, I have not been a member of this body nearly as long as many of you have. Still, I have followed the policies and politics of the UAC for many years now. Chairmen have come and gone, perhaps at a slightly more, shall we say, disquieting frequency than we would like. (beat) Considering this, I believe that the UAC and the Security Council could most benefit from a leader who promises stability. Who knows how to balance a budget while governing properly. Who can get the job done while pleasing the most people. (beat) And please hear me out when I say that I nominate Fritz Warner of Warren for the position of UAC Chairman. Murmurs, agitation, and even a few gasps of surprise jolt through the assembly. Nuras was expecting this, and he waits for the reaction to die down. Griff, surprised as anyone, tries to restore order. GRIFF (banging his gavel) Order! Order! Let the man speak ... no matter how unusual his nomination. NURAS (pleased) Most appreciated. (beat) Yes, in a way, Warner deserted us when we may have needed him most. But who can really blame him? Genus was enslaved, and the entire aniverse was in turmoil. Many of us would have fled to a safe house if we had one available. And had he remained with us, he would likely have been captured, as the rest of our esteemed Security Council unfortunately was. Tempers were understandably high when Genus was freed and Warner reappeared, and I cannot blame anyone for the proceedings that took place, but I do feel they may warrant ... re-examination. (beat) I refuse to speak ill of the dead, so let me simply say that Dogstar was a man of action. He knew that he was elected to win the war, and he devoted himself completely to the military as a result. Unfortunately, the war he knew was over. The toads elected instead to switch to a war of subterfuge, a war of subtlety. A war that Warner may well have been equipped to fight, had he the military might to do so. (beat) And what is Dogstar's legacy? An expanded military. At the expense of a stable budget, to be sure, but if Warner could do one thing, it was balance the budget. And if he could do another thing, it was make the most of what he had available. And now, if he could do a third thing? It may well be to win this war. The crowd is silent now, almost hypnotized by Nuras's persuasive argument, his booming voice, his odd charisma, and his smooth words. NURAS I have said my piece. You may rebuke me, or mock me, or even agree with me. All I ask is that you consider what I have said. Listen not to your gut reaction, but to the reaction in your heart. Warner is no traitor. In fact, he may be the only hope we've got. Nuras sits. A few sporadic bursts of applause attempt to get going but never gather muster. Instead, the crowd is largely silent. After a few tense moments, Griff approaches the microphone once more. GRIFF Thank you, Senator Nuras, for your thoughts. Would, ah, anyone else like to suggest a candidate through open address? While a few people shuffle along to submit nominations anonymously by machine, no one brings attention to themselves the way Nuras did. GRIFF Very well. In five more minutes, we will formulate a ballot and allow the Assembly to vote. Thank you all for your nominations and participation. Griff sits. Though he has managed not to show it, he internally feels a strange mix of anger, revulsion, curiosity, and hope. SCENE 9 – DEEP SPACE, NEAR BETELGEUSIA Bruce and Bruiser sit in the back seat of an interstellar taxi. The ferret DRIVER keeps quiet, not wanting to disturb his two very large military passengers. BRUCE So what's changed since I been gone, brudder? BRUISER You mean back home? Not a lot. Everybody still goes inta the armed forces, though it's a li'l' trickier'n it used ta be. BRUCE Why's dat? BRUISER Oh, right. Dem toads found a way to change their insides so's they ain't afraid a' berserker baboons no more. BRUCE (surprised) Really? Dat ... dat's big. Fer a lotta reasons. BRUISER Ya, well, sometimes it just means dey think dey can handle ya, and then bam! (slams his fist into his palm) One more croaked toad! Bruce chuckles. The driver, who jumped when Bruiser made the sudden noise, ducks down a little. BRUISER But yeah, when it happened, we was all kinds o' scared. Dat's actually why I started trainin' wit' dese. Bruiser points to the bandolier across his chest loaded up with explosives. BRUCE I wuz gonna ask you about dat. Now it makes sense. DRIVER Uh, we're here. Bruce and Bruiser look out the window, to see that they're just about to land outside a collection of huts on Betelgeusia. BRUISER Thanks! (reaches into his pocket) Here ya go. The driver blinks when he sees a UAC charge card in front of him. Not asking questions, he swipes it, then hands it back and quickly opens the rear doors. Bruce and Bruiser hop out and look around. The location allows them to take in a nice view of Betelgeusia's lush scenery. BRUCE (almost tearing up) Aw, man, it's good t'be home. I mean, dis ain't as beautiful as where I wuz, but still ... BRUISER Hey look, it's Mudder! MRS. B, the mother of Bruce and Bruiser, steps out from one of the huts. She runs up and manages to grab both her sons in a huge hug. MRS. B My boys! Bruce! Oh, Bruce, it's so good ta see ya! BRUCE Aw, Mudder, I missed you so much! The hug ends, and Bruce and Mrs. B do the same greeting dance that Bruce and Bruiser did earlier. MRS. B My boy never did miss a beat! BRUCE Aw, Mudder, you're such a sight fer sore eyes! How is everyone! How're my other brudders? MRS. B (smiling) Oh, I am so proud of my boys! You know how Bruiser there is. Basher just got promoted to Head Commando out on Rigel I. Blitzkrieg is still training recruits out on Asteroid Twelve, and Bonesaw is still in the Betelgeusian Home Guard. Bludgeon is a marine out in Sector Nine. And oh, I have got such a funny story for you about Browbeat ... BRUCE I wish I could see some of 'em. I just miss everybody. MRS. B I know they miss you too, and I'm sure you'll get to see 'em. (waves Bruce on) Come on, come inside! Mrs. B enters her home, and Bruce and Bruiser follow. Bruce looks around with nostalgic eyes as he takes in the view of where he grew up. BRUCE Aw, it's like nothin' ever changed! MRS. B Well, Bruiser told me you were comin', so I fixed up the place just how you remembered it. BRUCE (picking up his old backpack) Aw, Mudder, you shouldn't have. MRS. B Of course I should have. Oh, and you just wait. I've got a special surprise for you out back! Mrs. B makes her way through the house. Bruce follows, stopping every few seconds to admire a forgotten relic of his younger days. Finally, they step outside. Bruce's jaw falls open. BRUCE It's ... it's my old Banana Runner! A small and worn but intact orange frigate sits out in the backyard, open panels exposing its guts and inner wiring. It resembles a generic UAC frigate. Bruce steps up to it, running his hand along the hull in awe. BRUCE I don't believe it. I didn't never think I was gonna see dis again! MRS. B It's been in storage fer so long now. But I just had to get it out for you. Bruce grins as he inspects the exterior of the ship in front of him. BRUCE (tapping the hull) I bet I could get dis thing spaceworthy if I wanted! MRS. B I knew you'd want one of your old projects to work on. BRUCE Aw, Mudder! Bruce gives Mrs. B another hug. BRUCE (wiping a tear from his eye) Now look what ya made me do. Berserker baboons ain't s'posed ta cry ... BRUISER I won't tell nobody. (grins) Well, 'cept fer Bonesaw. MRS. B You play nice with your brudder! He's been through a lot. (smiles) Now both of you come back inside. I've got a banana feast in the oven. BRUISER (rubs his stomach) Oh, boy! Bruiser and Bruce begin to follow Mrs. B back inside their home. While Bruce makes his way indoors, Bruiser pauses for a moment, taking another look at the Banana Runner. He rubs his chin in thought. BRUISER Hmm. SCENE 10 - UNKNOWN Somewhere, a mammal comm sits on a desk furnished with a lamp and several paper organizers. The surroundings are vague but appear nice -- a carpet, a window with blinds that match the carpet, a spacious amount of room. No one is milling about, though the vague sounds of a pen writing on paper can be heard. The comm goes off. The pen stops writing in response, as if frozen in mid-sentence. A series of numbers appears on the front of the comm, apparently identifying the caller. A few more beeps go off, but the comm is not answered. Finally, the comm deactivates. A sigh can be heard from nearby, and a bead of sweat falls onto the desk. The pen resumes writing. SCENE 11 - COMMAND ROOM, THE TOAD HOMEWORLD TOADBORG stands at a computer terminal, receiving an update from KOMPLEX. KOMPLEX (irritated) Zaysen still is not answering his communicator. TOADBORG Perhaps he is dead or incapacitated. KOMPLEX Perhaps. Or perhaps he is simply avoiding us. TOADBORG I also considered this possibility. How should we proceed? KOMPLEX Have your efforts to contact Krug been successful? TOADBORG Indeed they have. KOMPLEX Then instruct him to do as much damage as he and his men are capable of. If feasible, I also recommend they pay our dear covert operative a visit. An instructive, and possibly painful, visit. TOADBORG A delightful plan, Oh Mighty KOMPLEX. It shall be done. SCENE 12 - COCKPIT, THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION Bucky and Jenny sit in their chairs, concerned looks on their faces. Willy sits on the floor, looking up at them. Deadeye and Blinky stand toward the rear of the frigate. BUCKY I still can't believe this happened. I never thought I'd get to see Bruce again. I hate to admit it, but I'd almost stopped thinking about him. JENNY Maybe it was easier that way. BUCKY Maybe. But now I have to deal with this. WILLY Well, you heard him. He didn't expect to be your engineer again. BUCKY That's true. But that doesn't mean he wasn't secretly hoping to be. And Bruiser is pushing it pretty hard. DEADEYE Ach, can ye blame him, Cap'n? Bruiser joined the crew 'cause Bruce was an inspiration to 'im. Now that he's back, o' course he's gonna wanna work with 'im. WILLY I mean, I suppose I could just go back to working in my lab. (eyes Bucky) But if I have the choice, I want to stay. I am a part of this crew, and I need to be here, for so many reasons. BUCKY (nods) So the question is, how do we handle this? WILLY Well ... would anyone here rather have Bruce as the engineer than me? BUCKY (blurting it out) No. Everyone turns and looks at Bucky, who composes himself. BUCKY I mean, you all know Bruce is one of my best friends. But ... he's just not part of this crew anymore. Willy's been through so much more with us than Bruce has. And things have changed since Bruce left. The UAC is different, the war is different. Even the photon accelerator is different. (beat) But that's just my opinion. Deadeye? Deadeye shifts his weight, leaning against the cabin. DEADEYE Ach ... Willy's a fellow Canard, but Bruce ... (eyeing Willy) I respectfully abstain, Cap'n. BUCKY (nods) Nobody can fault you for that. Blinky? Any thoughts? BLINKY This humble android must disclose that former Engineer Bruce contributed to many of Blinky's programming routines, including a loyalty module. Despite deep kinship with friend Willy, self has no choice but to side with Bruce. BUCKY Hmm. I don't know if that counts as a vote. (beat) Not that we're voting, really. Jenny? JENNY I just ... we can't just cast Willy out. BUCKY So we turn Bruce away? No one responds. Bucky bites his lip. BUCKY If push comes to shove ... I think we do. SCENE 13 - THE WARNER ESTATE, WARREN Fritz sits at a desk in his room, carefully gluing matchsticks together. He has put hours of work into building a miniature matchstick replica of the Statue of Liberty. It's hard to tell what is frustrating him more -- the almost imperceptible errors he's making, or the glue slowly matting down the fur on his fingers. FRITZ (to himself) Lousy French. Why'd they have to use so many matches? As he works, the comm in his pocket goes off. Startled, some matches slip and get glued to his paws. He tried to shake them off but is unsuccessful. Resigned, he answers the comm, several matchsticks dangling from his fingers. FRITZ (into comm) Hello? GRIFF (over comm) Hello, Fritz. FRITZ (surprised) Griff? How do you even have this number? GRIFF It was the same as the combination you set to get into your office. FRITZ (blinks) Oh, right. So you just dialed the combination in the hopes it would call me? GRIFF No, you told me it was the same. When we had the combination changed. FRITZ Oh. GRIFF Is this a bad time? FRITZ No, no. Just ... going a little stir-crazy, that's all. GRIFF Hmm. Well, could I perhaps interest you in coming out of seclusion? FRITZ I'm rather enjoying it, actually. Sure, counting all the chandeliers in this place gets dull after a while, but ... GRIFF Do you want to be Chairman again? FRITZ ... if you decide to instead count the number of crystals on each, you can take the average, and then ... what? GRIFF I know this is unorthodox, but we held a vote today in the General Assembly. You were elected Chairman by a wide margin. Fritz's mouth hangs slightly open for a few seconds. He then composes himself and responds. FRITZ It's a bit early for April Fool's, isn't it, Griff? Not that you even have April around here, but ... GRIFF Fritz, this is not a joke. Everything went through the proper channels. If you want the job back, you've got it. FRITZ And why would I even want the job? I'm happily retired. GRIFF You loved that job, Fritz, and I can tell you're losing it just staying at home all day. FRITZ Does everyone still bicker at each other? GRIFF Of course. But with what happened to Dogstar, I think you've got a grace period to work with. FRITZ How's the military doing? GRIFF More cash flow than it could ever need. We can win this war if we can just adapt to fighting the toads on their new terms. FRITZ How's the rest of the budget? GRIFF They chose you for a reason, Fritz. FRITZ Uh-huh. Who chose me? Specifically, who nominated me? GRIFF Senator Nuras. The new guy. From Terra. This was the answer Fritz was secretly expecting, but hearing it still hits him in the gut. FRITZ Did he say why? GRIFF He gave a nice little speech. He's clearly a big fan of yours. FRITZ Right. When do I have to give you my decision by? GRIFF Tomorrow would be nice. FRITZ Tomorrow. Got it. Let me go talk to Kadaf about it. (beat) You doing OK? How're the wife and kids? GRIFF A pawful, as always. We're doing great. FRITZ Glad to hear it. I'll call you back. Fritz shuts off the comm and puts it down. He picks the matchsticks out of his fur as he ponders this development. He looks at his nearly completed handiwork, standing majestically, its mission clear with its shining torch and emblematic crown. Fritz shakes his head. FRITZ This should be good. Fritz leaves his room and heads over to Kadaf's room. He knocks on the door, then steps in before Kadaf can properly respond. The duck is lying in bed, reading a different book. KADAF (looking up) What now? FRITZ You wanna go work for the UAC again? KADAF What, they got a janitorial position open or something? FRITZ A Chairman position. Griff just called. They're offering it to me. KADAF (putting the book down) What? FRITZ I can't believe it, either. Fritz and Kadaf look at each other, reading each other's faces and, by extension, each other's thoughts. KADAF You want to. I know you do. FRITZ Yeah, but I'm not sure that you want to. KADAF Me? You're the wounded one. FRITZ We're both wounded. KADAF How's your paw? Fritz tries to close his right paw. It makes it three-fourths of the way. FRITZ Close enough. KADAF For all those documents you'll have to sign? FRITZ (shrugs) I'll get a stamp. KADAF (eying Fritz) What are you not telling me? FRITZ It was Nuras's idea. He nominated me. Whether he manipulated the Assembly to vote for me or it happened naturally, I don't know. But he's up to something. KADAF (frowns) Well. If he's up to something, and it's going to involve you no matter what, would you rather be here or there when it becomes something you have to deal with? FRITZ I'd rather have him stab me in the front this time, instead of in the back again. KADAF Can't argue with that. (beat) You looking forward to seeing Mimi again? FRITZ (closing his eyes) Good point. Crap. KADAF I just want to make sure you remember everything you might be getting into. FRITZ The sign of a true friend, right? Fritz sits down on the bed, just to Kadaf's side. FRITZ Is this the right thing to do? KADAF (shrugs) It's the thing to do. Fritz turns these words over in his head, not offering a response out loud. SCENE 14 – TAXI STAND, GENUS Bucky waits at this taxi stand a few hundred yards from UAC Headquarters, expecting Bruiser and Bruce to arrive at any moment. He watches businessmen, families, and tourists step in and out of interstellar taxis, being whisked to or from other planets. Finally, out of the corner of his eye, Bucky spots Bruce and Bruiser lumbering out of a cab. He walks up, waving. BUCKY Bruce, Bruiser. How was home? BRUCE Aw, it was great. Thanks fer askin'. BRUISER Yeah, we had a good time. BUCKY Glad to hear it. You guys still want a lift to your place? BRUISER We can just get a local taxi ... BRUCE Naw, I'm sick'a dose cramped things. I wanna ride in the Righteous again. BRUISER OK, brudder, if you say so. Bucky takes them to where the Righteous is parked. All three climb in, and Bucky begins to climb up to the cockpit when Bruiser stops him. BRUISER So, uh, Bucky ... what did youse guys decide? BUCKY About Bruce? BRUISER Yeah. Sighing, Bucky lets go of the ladder and turns around to face Bruce and Bruiser. The answer is clearly visible on his face as he talks. BUCKY We talked about it for a while, and, well ... Willy's just too much a part of this team now. It's hard for me to say that, Bruce, because you're one of the best friends I ever had. I would love to have you flying with us. But ... the Righteous has moved on. Things have changed. BRUCE (nodding) I unnerstand. I figgered dat's what you was gonna say anyway. BRUISER Dat's OK, Bucky. BUCKY and BRUCE (surprised) Huh? BRUISER Yep, I got my own idea. You an' me should form our own team, brudder! BRUCE (confused) Whaddaya mean, Bruiser? BRUISER Think about it! You got the brains an' the brawn. I got the bombs an' the brawn. We even got a ship. I know ya can get th' Banana Runner up an' runnin' in no time. BUCKY (unsettled) So, wait. Are you resigning, Bruiser? BRUISER If it means I get to work wit' my favorite brudder, yeah. BRUCE Banana oil! Bruiser, dese guys need you! You been on this ship twice as long as I ever was! BRUISER I don't care, Bruce. Dey're my friends, but yer my family! An dat's way more important. BRUCE But what would we do? BRUISER Help out th' UAC. Help out individual folks in trouble. Do our own thing. Dere's lotsa opportunities out dere if ya know there t' look. BRUCE (scratching his chin) Maybe ... BRUISER Aw, c'mon, brudder. What else are ya gonna do? Bruce thinks for a moment. Bucky is frozen, wanting to protest, but knowing it won't do any good. This is a situation he has backed himself into. A pit forms in Bucky's stomach as Bruce looks up and starts to speak. BRUCE Awright, I'll do it. BRUISER (excited) Aw! Dat's my brudder! BUCKY (exhaling) I ... I guess there's not really anything to say. BRUISER Aw, Cap'n, I'm gonna miss all youse guys. But ya unnerstand, right? BUCKY I can't really blame you, no. (sticks out his paw) It was good working with you, Bruiser. BRUISER (shaking Bucky's paw) You'll always be my Cap'n, Bucky. (salutes) Thanks fer bein' so cool about dis. BUCKY Right. BRUCE Now Bruiser, if dis don't work out, promise me you'll join up wit' Bucky again. BRUISER If he'll have me, sure. BUCKY I'd say you've always got a spot on this ship, Bruiser, but that's unfair considering the circumstances. So we'll just see where time leads us. BRUISER (nodding) Thanks, Cap'n. BUCKY (glum) Uh, you guys still need a ride? BRUCE Heh. I guess we do. Thanks, Bucky. I'm so glad I got t' see you again. BUCKY (nods) Yeah. Likewise. Bucky climbs into the cockpit. Without saying a word, he activates the controls. The pit in his stomach growing, he brings the Righteous into takeoff. SCENE 15 - UAC INTELLIGENCE BASE, BETELGEUSIA Willy sits working in his lab. Various metallic boxes are sitting on his desk, some with wiring exposed. The blueprints Jenny retrieved from Aldebaran weeks ago are stretched out on the desk, and Willy frequently consults them. At first, Willy doesn't notice when his comm blinks. Finally, he snaps out of his work-induced trance, and he answers it. WILLY (into comm) Engineer DuWitt. JENNY (over comm) So formal, are we now, Willy? WILLY Oh, hey, Jenny. I was just, you know, playing it safe. JENNY I guess having a last name does afford a few luxuries. (beat) I wanted to let you know that I spoke with Bucky, and he told Bruce that we're keeping you on the ship. WILLY Oh. How'd he take it? JENNY Apparently, he and Bruiser are going to form their own two-man team. WILLY Wait, so Bruiser's leaving the ship? JENNY (her voice tinged with sadness) That's what it sounds like. WILLY Aw, man. I'm trying not to feel guilty about this, but with Bruiser leaving because of it ... JENNY Don't blame yourself, Willy. WILLY No. No, I don't blame myself. I'm through with that. I earned my spot on this team, and I deserve to be here. That doesn't mean I can't feel bad about this whole mess with Bruce, but I'm not going to feel sorry for it or take responsibility for it. JENNY Sounds like you've done some growing up, Willy. WILLY War does that to you, I guess? Sometimes I feel like I'm just pretending to be mature and responsible. JENNY Well, you've got me fooled. WILLY One down, everyone else to go. (beat) Oh, I was gonna tell you. I've made some progress in building from these blueprint designs you brought from Aldebaran. JENNY The old warp machines? WILLY Yep. It took me a while because I had to do some special treatments to the metal. It gives them some really interesting properties. Remind me to show you the next time you're here. JENNY I'd love to see it. Thanks, Willy. WILLY No problem. Bye, Jenny. Willy hangs up. He sits for a minute, then returns to work, refusing to feel bad about the situation. SCENE 16 – TERRA EMBASSY, GENUS The next day, Fritz, wearing one of his many nice suits, steps into the Terra Embassy, located a few blocks from UAC Headquarters, with the other embassies. The RECEPTIONIST, a hare who is clearly not from Terra, looks up. RECEPTIONIST (blinking) Ch-chairman Warner? I don't ... I don't understand. FRITZ You and me both. Is Senator Nuras in? RECEPTIONIST He is, but I think he's on a conference call. FRITZ Tell him I want to see him. Obedient, the receptionist presses a button on her desk. RECEPTIONIST (into comm) Fritz Warner to see you, sir. It takes Nuras but a second to respond. NURAS (over comm) Delightful. Send him in. The receptionist shrugs and points Fritz to a room at the end of the hallway. FRITZ Thanks, miss. Fritz walks slowly down the hallway, the spring absent from his step. He knocks, then swings open the closed door. Sitting at his desk, with a welcoming grin on his face, is Senator Nuras. NURAS Chairman, what an honor to see you. Please, do sit. FRITZ Don't mind if I do. Fritz begins to sit, the door wide open behind him. NURAS If you wouldn't mind closing the door, please. It gets so drafty in here. FRITZ Right, of course. Fritz closes the door, then sits down. NURAS So have you chosen to reaccept your old position? FRITZ Tentatively, yes, I have. NURAS Wonderful! The UAC is better off for it. FRITZ And what about you? How are you better off? NURAS Well, whatever benefits the UAC benefits Terra. And that benefits me. FRITZ (eyeing Nuras) You know what I mean. Why did you nominate me? Nuras leans forward over his desk, a wicked gleam in his eye. NURAS Why, to keep you distracted, of course. Now that the UAC is set up to be more receptive to you, you'll be busier than ever. FRITZ But why do you want to keep me busy? I don't know what kind of game you're playing. NURAS And you never will. (grins) It's so much more fun that way. FRITZ Well then, what if I don't accept the position? What if I stay at home, gathering my strength and clearing my mind? NURAS You mean sitting around, watching paint dry and grass grow? And I do mean literally. (beat) I figure either way, you're going to go crazy. This way, I just get to watch it happen in public. An introspective look appears on Fritz's face. He thinks for a second, then nods slowly. FRITZ So basically, you've got me right where you want me. (beat) And I've got you right where I want you. So that makes us even. NURAS (chuckling) Right where you want me? You have no plan at all. That was the worst bluff I've ever heard. FRITZ Well, you just go right on thinking it was a bluff. Suits me just fine. (stands up) Good day, Senator. NURAS (nods) Chairman. Fritz sees himself out, closing the door behind him. He tries to look unaffected as he walks down the hallway. FRITZ (under his breath) That was totally a bluff. SCENE 17 - GENUS BUCKY So basically, I've screwed everything up. Bucky sits in a large leather chair that looks comfortable, even though he doesn't. He's dressed in plainclothes and talking slowly, as if he's deliberating over the choice of each word he uses. BUCKY I screwed things up with Jenny. I screwed things up with Mimi. I *really* screwed things up with Willy. Even Dogstar. I mean, obviously I don't blame myself for the assassination, but our relationship was really deteriorating even before that. The room is large and comfortable. Pictures of nature scenery line the walls. A window lets in sunlight and shows the pleasant scene of a grassy hill. BUCKY I didn't realize how bad things had gotten. The invasion of Genus put us all on edge, and I admit that I had a hard time dealing with everything that was going on. But now that I stop and think about it, some things were a problem even before. The room is still and quiet. There are two other leather chairs in the room. One is empty. The other has someone sitting in it, facing Bucky. BUCKY Jenny ... Jenny and I were in love, but we weren't communicating. We were dating. We weren't planning anything. Maybe we both knew how hard it would be to build an actual life together, so we didn't try. But her people and her culture ... it was a big, scary thing to worry about, so I let it go. More than I should have. Bucky fidgets in his chair. BUCKY And Willy. I honestly don't want to talk much about Willy. It goes without saying I wasn't a good father figure to him. Mostly because of the things I *didn't* do. But what I did on the Toad Homeworld was inexcusable. I wasn't in my right mind. I barely even remember it happening. It all feels like a bad dream. But it was me, and I have to take responsibility for it. Bucky sighs and closes his eyes. BUCKY But you know the worst part? (beat) The worst part was when I realized how badly everything was messed up. When I realized how deeply I had damaged all these relationships. Bucky picks at a thread on his shirt, almost absent-mindedly. BUCKY It was when I was tied up in my closet. When that imposter came in and gloated to me about what he was going to do and about how fun it would be. His voice was so full of hatred, so full of frustration. It was like a monster talking to me -- a monster with my own face. And I looked at him, and I listened. And what struck me wasn't how different we were. Bucky pauses and collects himself. BUCKY It was how similar we were. (beat) This toad comes in and pretends to be me, and all I can think about it how it's almost like looking in a mirror. And not just because of how he looked. It was how he was acting. I actually saw myself in him. It made me realize that I'd almost been acting the way he was. I mean -- Great Mother, I hate to say it, but -- what if I'd gotten mad at Dogstar again and snapped like I did on the Toad Homeworld? Bucky looks down, his ears drooping. BUCKY I'm not saying I would have tried to assassinate him myself, but ... you see what I'm saying. The wolf psychiatrist sitting opposite Bucky leans forward slightly. DR. LURIE has a calm expression on his face. LURIE I do. BUCKY And it took a toad pretending to be me and killing one of my oldest friends to realize all this. LURIE At least you realized it eventually. BUCKY Yeah. Better late than never, right? (beat) It could have gotten worse. I'm glad it didn't. Bucky sighs again and rubs his paw on the leather upholstery. BUCKY This atmosphere really does help you collect your thoughts. I had been thinking all this for a little while, but I wasn't really able to articulate it, to put it all together until now. LURIE Well, recognition is the first step. What do you do now? Bucky laughs, just a little, just once. BUCKY Fix it, right? But how? I've done so many horrible things. Hell, I even ruined an old relationship yesterday, one that wasn't even in my mind as something I'd possibly have to deal with. But it's like it summarizes everything wrong I've done. (beat) I've damaged these relationships with the people most important to me. I don't know how deep I gouged in these wounds. I don't know what I can fix. LURIE Well, you have to try, right? BUCKY Yeah. Yeah, I do. I just ... (shakes his head) I don't even know where to start. Sitting here and talking is one thing, but I don't know how I should go about repairing everything. LURIE Maybe you should focus on one person at a time. BUCKY Heh. You want me to start with Willy, I take it? LURIE Not necessarily, no. I think Willy will come to forgive you, in time. You have at least two options that I can think of. You could repair the relationship you feel is the least damaged. This would be the easiest, and it would give you confidence to forge ahead in this endeavor. Or you could try to repair the relationship that means the most to you, that would be the biggest relief to fix. Bucky sits and thinks about this. BUCKY Jenny. LURIE I'm guessing she falls under the latter category. BUCKY She does. But none of this matters if Jenny stays mad at me. If I can't get Jenny back, then I don't care about Mimi, or Bruce, or Dogstar, or Willy. (beat) I can't live without her. I can't be happy without her. Heck, I can barely pilot my ship without her. (beat) I love her, and I need her. LURIE Then I wish you luck, Captain O'Hare. BUCKY That's good, because boy, am I going to need it. THE END