The Shadowed Ones Part 1 Author: Mad Cat Scene 1 Dark Beach, unknown planet The moon is full and its light shows a fallen tree near the water. A shadowy figure is sitting on the fallen tree looking and admiring the full moon. Another shadowy figure steps out of a dark portal. Male voice Report ..... Female voice It seems that the aniverse is in turmoil....... Male voice Is that all? Female voice (Moving closer to him) No turmoil I meant that the toads have finally conquered Genus.... Male voice (Staring at the stars) Hehehe....took them long enough..... Another shadowy appears stepping out of a blue portal Male voice Ah Ridley you have Ridley It seems that aldebaran has its own problems .... Vergil. Vergil (In a concern tone) Really?! Ridley It seems that some ex headmaster trying to get the throne by force. Vergil Don’t tell me is her again. Ridley Bingo.....and it seems that she is winning the conflict. Vergil (Angrily) That foolish female will get herself killed and our plans will go down the drain. Ridley (Ignoring Vergil and going next to the other shadowy figure) Hey Tatayanna how do you feel about this? Tatayanna (Concern) Don’t you even care about this? This is a very serious matter and you..... Ridley (Interrupting Tatayanna and in a calm voice) Of course I care this plan has been in motion even since they were all born. Tatayanna Then you know what will happen if any of them die...... Ridley (Nodding) Yes...... Vergil, approach them removing his hood. Vergil is a pale white cat with red blood eyes. He has a red gem on his forehead. Vergil I have done my waiting ....Ridley contact the others and tell them that our time has finally arrived. Ridley (Vowing) Yes, lord Vergil..... Ridley opens up a blue portal and disappears after she enters it. Vergil What are you waiting for Tatayana have done your report. Tatayanna (A little concern) Aren’t you worried about Mimi? Vergil Mimi unlike Cassie has friends in high places and also she can take care of herself. Tatayanna removes her cloak completely revealing to be a white vixen with blue eyes and wearing dark armor. Tatayanna (Getting angry) She’s as special as that stupid cat. Vergil (Smiling at her) Now, now don’t get steamed.....because you are going to watch over her.... Tatayanna (Confuse) Huh? ... What do you mean by ‘watch over’.......wait you don’t mean .... Vergil Exactly ....I did say that our time has finally come ....what better way than to show ourselves ‘in person’. Tatayanna (Concern) My lord, are you sure about this. I mean there still the matter with... Vergil (Looking at her seriously) I have have your objectives now go. Tatayanna (Taking a few steps back) Yes my lord... She opens a dark portal and goes trough it. leaving Vergil alone. Vergil (Looking at the stars and smiling) I hope the aniverse is ready for us, because is going to be one those rough rides. Scene 2 Planet Warren Ridley and another shadowy figure are on top of the emergency UAC Ridley So Marcellus what you have been up to... The shadowy figure completely removes its cloak revealing to be a black bull, with light brown eyes. He’s wearing a green armor. Marcellus (In a deep voice) That’s none of your business Ridley Ridley completely removes her own cloak revealing to be a blue frog with yellow yes and red marks on her body and wearing a blue armor. Ridley I was just asking, so don’t get angry for just a silly question. Marcellus We are here because Lord Vergil said its time right? Ridley Yes, it seems that civil war of aldebaran is about to start. Marcellus So Cassie pulls the trigger sooner than we expected. Ridley (Sighing) Yes it seems that way...any words on your beloved chosen? Marcellus (Stares with anger on his eyes) What did u say? Ridley (Smiling at him) just that I am bored..... Marcellus (Grinning) Why don’t you go and watch over your chosen? .... Ridley (Gasp) It seems that there is still hope on your humor. Marcellus You didn’t answer my question. Ridley (Smiling) Toadborg doesn’t need my assistance. Marcellus (A little concern) You fool! Toadborg is the most deluded of all the chosen ones and you of all animals know that. Sometimes I think you have flies on your head. Ridley (Ignoring Marcellus and looking at a pair of mosquitoes flying beside him) Look at them flying besides without a care in the world..... Ridley opens his mouth eating the mosquitoes with his tongue. Marcellus (Horrified) Ah man not in front of me.....frell! Ridley (Thinking and still ignoring Marcellus) I wonder how others are doing...... Scene 3 Planet Aldebaran Vergil is on the palace main hall with another shadowy figure. Many guards pass by. Vergil worst than I expected.......alexia are sure this a shortcut to the throne room? The shadowy figure removes its cloak revealing to be a cheetah with bright green eyes and wearing a yellow armor. Alexia (Looking around worried) Well this pillar is supposed to be here... Vergil (Concern) Oh my god!!!! Alexia (Dropping herself on the floor) Sorry lord Vergil...... Vergil (Sighing) Well it can be help...I almost forgot you are new to my organization. Alexia is still on the floor begging for forgiveness. Vergil (Sighing) Please stand up your embarrassing myself and the organization’s motto. Alexia gets up with confusion on her face. Vergil (Smiling) We don’t .....heh ...we never beg...not even for forgiveness. Alexia (With seriousness in her face) Yes Lord Vergil! Vergil Let’s go this place is getting hotter by the minute. Alexia (Vowing) Yes Lord Vergil! Scene 4 Planet Illira Screams can be hear on the background as a portal of fire opens showing a four armed black demon as it closes Four armed demon (Growling) At last, I am free..... hehehe it seems that the shadow ones are beginning to break the rules as it was foretold.....hehehe the time for me, the unspoken one has arrive. As the scene moves to the star screams in horror can be heard with an evil laugh afterwards. To be continued......