BUCKY O'HARE TRANSFORMERS by Scott Oliverson alias Space Ace PLOT: Bucky and the Autobots wage war against Triax and the Decepticons with the fate of the universe hanging in the balance... CHAPTER 1 Our story takes place on a planet known as Earth in the Sol system. Bucky O'Hare the hero of the universe stands before his assembled warriors as he speaks to them. BUCKY: This new planet of unknown origin is rich with sources of energy but the Decepticons know this too. So we must find them and stop them. Rocket! ROCKET: Right here Bucky! BUCKY: Scout the area, see if you can locate the Decepticons. ROCKET: Just turn me loose Bucky and I'll sniff them out. JUDY: I'm going too! I want to boot those terrorist mutants good. BUCKY: Easy Judy, just find them. We'll deal with them later. Soon after the Zootopia Lieutenant police officer and bounty hunter transformed into Ford Explorer SUV in the colors of Jurassic Park and Nissan GT-R Police Cruiser then drove away to begin searching for the enemy. That left Bucky, Jenny Cat, Sally Acorn, Lupe Wolf, Aries Ram, Dead-Eye Duck, Nick Wilde and Monkey Kahn time to construct a makeshift headquarters out of building materials and tools from their crashed spaceship Righteous Indignation. At the same time the forces of evil led by Triax Kahn had found a suitable area to build a fortress of their own. TRIAX: We'll set up here this will serve as our base of operations. Kale, prepare blueprints for a new starship Fiona, convert the area for construction. FIONA: What about building materials? TRIAX: Use your imagination... FIONA: Well any ideas? KALE: How about there... FIONA: Great! I'll need help. KALE: Al, I believe this is a job for you. AL: No sweat, dude. FIONA: Let's do it! Then the trio of terrorist mutants took off to scavange whatever materials they could find so it could be used to build the Decepticon base. Fiona was determined as ever to replace Triax Kahn as leader of the Decepticons believing it was her destiny in a way of speaking that she could achieve victory over her enemy. FIONA: Someday I'll be giving the orders, Al. You'll do what I say. AL: Ha, don't make me laugh. Triax cannot be beaten even if you dare try to topple him from power. FIONA: Everyone has a weakness, you only need to expose or exploit it to your advantage. AL: Not Triax... FIONA: We shall see. KALE: That I would like to see happen...if it does happen or not. Once they found what they needed the three returned to the site Kahn chose for his fortress and construction began immediately. In the meantime Rocket and Judy were still searching for the enemy's whereabouts. ROCKET: Sure is alot different than Warren out here. JUDY: Well don't fall in love with it cause we won't be staying that long. ROCKET: You smell something? JUDY: No... ROCKET: I do, I think we just found the Decepticons. Follow me. JUDY: I got your back covered. In seconds the two were peering from hiding places as they watched the terrorist mutants build their headquarters with Triax overseeing the work in progress. ROCKET: I was right, they are here too on this mysterious planet. JUDY: What are they doing? ROCKET: Let's find out. Moments later this is what was heard between Triax and his bodyguard. TRIAX: I will plunder this planet and steal its precious resources. KALE: We can concentrate the energy into Energon cubes and store them in our new starship. TRIAX: How ironic. By leading us to this planet the Autobots have sealed their own doom. That is when Judy Hops decided to take out Kahn on the spot. She unlimbered her pulse laser rifle and focused on her target. ROCKET: Judy! What are you doing? JUDY: I got Triax dead center in my viewfinder. A burst of laser bullets exploded against the superstructure shocking the Decepticons that they reacted immediately! TRIAX: Who could be shooting at us?!! ZEPHYR: Who even knows we're here. FIONA: The Autobots... TRIAX: Impossible... FIONA: Who else would dare take you out? Kahn decided to find out for himself ordering Kale to send LaserBeak to deal with the enemy and soon enough an alien bird-creature took flight. ROCKET: Now you done it! JUDY: Oops, not good. Let's burn rubber! Both transformed back into vehicles and sped off as LaserBeak caught sight of the fleeing autos and gave chase. JUDY: What is that thing up there? ROCKET: I don't know but we can't seem to shake it! JUDY: Let's split up, it can't follow both of us! ROCKET: Right, at least one of us will get back to Bucky. Accelerators down! The two friends veered in opposite directions and at first LaserBeak seemed confused as to who it should continue chasing before making up its mind and going after the bounty hunter. Judy made it back in record time informing Bucky of the discovery of Decepticon HQ but chased away in the end and was told to go back and assist Raccoon taking Lupe with her. By the time both caught up with Rocket they found him morphed back to mutant self, lying unconscious in the dirt. LUPE: Where did you get shot? ROCKET: I think it's my, my buttocks that got stung. LUPE: I'll check...there, all healed. JUDY: I'm sorry, it's my fault. I should not have fired on Triax. ROCKET: Ah-ha, you should not have missed, eh? JUDY: Yeah, right. LUPE: Let's get back to base before anything else happens. Once safely at HQ and after Bucky was told about Triax's evil plans...the Autobot leader decided to stop his rival once and for all. BUCKY: Autobots, transform and roll out. One by one the heroes of Warren magically changed into cars and trucks then followed their leader disguised as Peterbilt Series 379 to intercept the villains of Warren. TO BE CONTINUED...