TRANSFORMERS THE NEXT GENERATION There are exactly 1,000 people of all races...negro, white, asian, latino, hispanic all watching the free concert, and not a single one of them knows how much danger he-she is in. The music performed by the Stone Protectors is blaring, the crowd is cheering, and the sunset is glorious! It seems like a perfect autumn-winter night for Rock & Roll. That is when Willy DuWitt decides to call his parents letting them know he's ready to come home. WILLY: I better call Mom or Dad so they do not panic. SALLY: Of course, I'm ready to call it quits myself. WILLY: Mom, I'm on my way home. SUSAN: Thank god! Your father is on the way to save you from being harmed. WILLY: Huh? SUSAN: He just found out Team StarWolf are about to use a deadly device to drain the minds of terran people. SALLY: Great Scott! Are you sure? SUSAN: Yes, get out of there right now. See if you can find your father before it's too late. WILLY: Oops, not good. SALLY: Come on! Let's roll, but be cautious in case the Decepticons make their move against us. WILLY: You're the boss, boss. No sooner had they began to retreat from the area when suddenly the sky fills with fighter jet planes and helicopters zooming through the sky, alias an F-15 Eagle (Lien-Da), an SU-30 Flanker (Zephyr), an Dassault Rafale (Kale), an Eurofighter Typhoon (Romero), an MH-60 Blackhawk (Anubis) an SU-47 Berkut (Kate). Other StarWolf terrorists, including Zurg himself and the MonStars Pound, Bupkus, Blanko, Nawt and Bang appear on the heights overlooking the grounds below. Yet the people at the concert are staring at the bandstand, paying little or no attention whatsoever to anything amiss. Unfortunately it is Sally and Willy who sense danger via their power rings which alert them to the dark-side presence. WILLY: Uh-oh...dark-magic in the vicinity. SALLY: Aye, StarWolf still playing the role of the neighborhood bully as usual. Let's get ready to defend ourselves. WILLY: Yes ma'am! Both remove their light-saber hilts but do not activate the glowing blades just yet. At the same time the StarFox Autobots are ready. BUZZ: Don't transform yet. Wait until they are almost on top of us. DAVID: Aye, don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes. The Decepticons are getting closer... BUZZ: Now! Let them have it! At first glance, it appears the parking lot around the grounds has come alive in a matter of speaking. Bucky Hare, Jenny Cat, Bruiser Baboon, Miriam LeFleur, Ninjara, Fiona Fox, Sonia Hedgehog, Fara Phoenix, and Buzz Lightyear morph into their true forms and open up on the startled terrorist mutants with light-magic orbs and energy bolts thrown at the opposition forces. But the enemy is not so easily defeated. It had been their plan to set the parking lot on fire, trapping the earthlings so they could not escape before the Brain Drain device is activated. And now, with Team StarFox in the lot, Zurg likes this plan even more. ZURG: I'll not only have a whole new energy source, I can also destroy StarFox in a sea of flames too, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! He then summoned Anubis to carry out his assault and the jackal god did just that hurling green-yellow fireballs from his hands in rapid-fire succession that explode on impact among the parked vehicles in the lot that instantly burst aflame! Should Buzz order a retreat? Or should he stand his ground instead. BUZZ: StarFox, stand your ground. Do not let the flames harm the earth-people, use your magic to protect them. Zurg is mine! At his command his warriors cast forth glowing shields or barriers of energy from their rings that spread out in all directions preventing the spread of flames even further as the humans rush about in panic trying to evacuate the area. Igniting his green light-saber the Star Command leader rushes the emperor who sees him coming. ZURG: So we meet again Buzz Lightyear, for the last time. BUZZ: I won't let you use that device against innocent terran people Zurg! ZURG: Then try and stop me if you dare! Immediately both leaders engage in fierce combat trading death blows back and forth. Simultaneously both good and bad mutants start clashing with their own light-sabers in flaring colors of crimson red, sky blue, emerald green, etc. Among them are Sally and Willy fighting valiantly side by side as they duel against Zephyr and Kale. ZEPHYR: I'm going to enjoy taking you apart piece by piece. SALLY: Is that so? I doubt it comes in your own size to fit. They thrust and parry fiercely... KALE: There's no way you can defeat me, boy. WILLY: Guess again you alien butt-head. The magic is strong within me. He skillfully parries blows aimed his way as Kale attacks with high and low strikes but thanks to Sally's lessons the terran engineer prevents the War Claws terrorist from striking him down. Then he hits back with thrusts forcing Kale to defend himself in return. Not far away his father watches in shocked disbelief. DAVID: Oh my god! My son's using a light-saber like Luke Skywalker? Willy lands a Chuck Norris leaping roundhouse kick knocking Kale slightly off-balance then follows through with a force shove via his magic ring again reeling the War Claws mutant who fights to keep his footing. Vaulting over Kale's head to land behind him as the mutant whirls to face him...DuWitt Junior parries one thrust then another, twists the red saber around and upward, then executes a slash to the chest! Kale gasps with eyes wide, a strangled choked-off cry escapes his lips...he collapses to the ground dropping his saber that deactivates seconds later. Seeing her boyfriend wounded causes Zephyr to hesitate in her attack on Sally which cost her dearly. ZEPHYR: What?!! That was the distraction Sally needed. Jumping high she landed a Bruce Lee sidekick slamming the War Claws mutant onto her back momentarily stunned then flicked her saber out of her hands with her own weapon then leveled the blue blade inches in her face. SALLY: Surrender, yield! It is futile to resist. ZEPHYR: Fine, win for now. SALLY: Oooooooh! Instead of finishing her off with her saber, Acorn zaps Zephyr with a barrage of light-magic making her yell and shout in pain before lapsing into unconsciousness. Willy hurries to her side. WILLY: You okay? SALLY: Yes, and you? WILLY: Same as always. DAVID: Son! That was incredible, I saw everything. Way to go. WILLY: Mom said you were trying to rescue me. DAVID: Well it looks like you've handled yourself bravely at the moment. SALLY: That he did indeed doctor. Meanwhile the battle raged on between good and evil. Bucky again finds himself in another duel with Lien-Da who is not pleased at being humiliated the last time they faced off. LIEN-DA: This time I'm going to be the one who wounds you. BUCKY: Go ahead, strike me down with your anger...I won't even try to stop you. LIEN-DA: Be careful what you wish for or you might just get it. They clashed fiercely trading death blows against each other. But like before it was Bucky Hare who triumphed over his rival. Fiona and Ninjara fought together as the twins prevented Anubis from taking them down with his dark magic. Miriam, Jenny, Bruiser, Sonia, Fara, engaged the MonStars in combat using martial arts skills that not even the Mean Team could hope to defend themselves. Not far away the duel between Zurg and Buzz continued nonstop. ZURG: Now to end this once and for all. BUZZ: Not close enough Zurg. Here's some from me! Zurg staggers from the blast of light-magic hitting his shield even though some bolts sting him making him yell in pain. Siezing the advantage the Star Command leader aims a flying drop-kick only to be caught within the dark-magic of Zurg's powers. Laughing the emperor throws Lightyear like a football or basketball over the flaming parking lot to crash face-first near the bandstand. Zurg levitated back to his boots again as he takes aim with his fusion cannon but his daughter rushes to his side. KATE: Daddy, wait! Use the Brain Drain device. Now is your chance to seek revenge. ZURG: Right! The destruction of humanity and control of a whole new energy source will be my revenge against Team StarFox forever. Not far away it was Bucky and Jenny who witnessed the nightmare scene about to unfold. BUCKY: Great Scott, he's going to do it. JENNY: We can't let him use that device against humanity. The telepathic expert like Krystal before accelerates top speed in her Ferarri Italia 458 disguise and before Kate or Zurg can react or respond, she uses a spell that rips the Brain Drain unit out of Kate's hands as she gasps in surprise! KATE: No, he's got the device! ZURG: Idiot! Come back with that you wench! Jenny is going so fast she cannot keep from barreling into the flames around the concert. The only thing she can do is keep on going and hope to get through safely. JENNY: Shield me from the fire... Instantly a glowing halo surrounds her vehicle disguise. The heat is intense as vehicles explode everywhere. Jenny keeps on going and is about to pass harmlessly away when her tires burst from the heat! JENNY: Uh-oh... Before she can instruct her ring to repair her wheels so to speak, she skids to a stop near the bandstand where Buzz now regained consciousness is on his elbows and knees looking around. BUZZ: Huh, Jenny, what are you... The Brain Drain device! I can't let Zurg use it against humanity. ZURG: Give me back my device! Just like that the StarWolf leader snatches back the unit using his power ring to tear it away from Jenny who is unable to stop him because she is still in vehicle form. Buzz on his boots again noticed something he can use. BUZZ: Ah-ha, just what I need. Using the light-magic to obey his command he calls forth a series of heavy electric cables leading from the stage to the huge speakers spread out in the concert area to fly into his open hands. Next he makes a lasso out of the wires. Then whirls it over his head and drops it neatly over Zurg's helmet and upper torso area then pulls! ZURG: What?!! Aaaaaugh! He gets yanked off his boots by the strong tug as well by the electrical surge racing through his robotic body. Crashing onto his backside while being electrocuted he fought to break free but in the process drops the Brain Drain unit. When he struggled to get up he accidentally hit the unit with his fist or open palm destroying it. ZURG: Huuuuuuuuh! No, the Brain Drain's ruined. BUZZ: Oops, not good. Looks like you broke your own toy. Zurg regained his footing then ordered his minions to retreat as always as the forces of evil disappear into the horizon. As soon as they are gone the StarFox Autobots use their magic to put out the blaze before it could spread any further and cause more damage. At the same time the spectators give a standing ovation to the heroes of Corneria including the Stone Protectors as well. WILLY: We did it, another triumph over the forces of evil. DAVID: That we did my boy. SALLY: Congratulations my love, you proved yourself brave and worthy as a full fledge member of Team StarFox. WILLY: Ah, geez...enough already. DAVID: Come on, let's go home before your mother worries. SALLY: Ahem, leave that to me Professor. All aboard for the Acorn Express. Father and son laughed then climbed aboard the sports car as Acorn drove them back into the city. Soon after the rest of the StarFox gang left the scene also returning to their base. As for StarWolf it was another failed attempt of ruling the universe as usual. THE END