TRANSFORMERS ALIENS IN DISGUISE - BOOK IV CHAPTER 3 Within the capital city on Corneria it was King Max, Admiral Peppy and General Pepper viewing another successful triumph over the forces of evil. MAX: Good job for the StarFox gang. My daughter did good too. PEPPY: Indeed they did throw a monkey wrench into Wolf's evil plans as always. PEPPER: I bet Belladonna is not too happy about all those failures. Must be throwing a temper tantrum. And sure enough inside the dark castle it was Belladonna hopping mad so to speak! BELLADONNA: Aaaaaah! Grrrrrmph... idiots, fools! They let those Autobots humiliate them again. Especially Fiona who thinks she has what it takes to prove herself a leader, eh? Ha, if she did become my apprentice I doubt she would obey my will then lead the troops to victory over our enemy. The witch whippet peered into her crystal ball as a means of spying on Earth in the Sol system and what she saw caught her attention right away. A familiar F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jet was escorting a GMC Vandura Van, black with red stripes on its sides and also airborne was a SU-30 Flanker fighter jet. All three appeared to be heading for an unknown destination. BELLADONNA: Hmmm...where are they going to? As she continued to watch she noticed two other vehicles following at a safe distance, one a green Chevy Suburban SUV, the other a Jeep Wrangler Sahara. BELLADONNA: Oops, not good. StarFox as usual. Meanwhile...the duo of Rocket Raccoon and Bruiser Baboon continued shadowing the enemy. BRUISER: Those aircraft look familiar. ROCKET: Team StarWolf to be exact. I recognize their dark-side forces anywhere. BRUISER: Hey, wait up for me! At the same time the two aircraft and GMC Van approached their target site. FIONA: Al, Simian, transform! One by one they morphed back into alien mutant selves standing outside a warehouse facility. AL: No worthless steel is going to be strong for us. FIONA: I'm in charge here and if I say it's strong enough, it is. SIMIAN: You're the boss. She nodded then used her dark-magic to force open the doors so to speak scattering the workers and staff inside who fled in panic at the sight of the hostile invaders. Once inside the StarWolf gang began helping themselves to the materials needed for the task Wolf assigned them to. AL: Nice working with you Fiona. BRUISER: Working? Looks more like stealing to me and I'm talking steel! FIONA: Back off you stupid ape! Bruiser deflected the fireballs of dark magic using his ring to throw up a shield about his person then retreated as Rocket leveled his pulse laser rifle. ROCKET: It's fighting time! Reach for the sky. SIMIAN: Bug off, lousy bounty hunter. ROCKET: Who are you calling lousy, butt-head! SIMIAN: Why you... FIONA: Enough! Retreat now. Once outside the vixen in black paused to sneer at her rivals then taunted them by saying. FIONA: Correction, StarFox. As far as you're concerned it's losing time. In the next instant she blasted laser bolts from her pulse rifle collapsing the roof of the warehouse down upon itself trapping Bruiser and Rocket inside the rubble then laughed evilly. FIONA: Now that is what I call bringing the house down, ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Then she, Al and Simian sped away into the distance as Rocket and Bruiser staggered out of the rubble pile glaring after their escaping foes. ROCKET: We're too late, those bullies got away. BRUISER: Banana oil! ROCKET: We better roll back to headquarters and report in. They transformed into vehicles and retraced their route back to StarFox HQ. Max, Peppy and Pepper had seen everything. PEPPY: Oh dear, those boys almost got buried alive. Thank goodness they got out. MAX: Those Decepticons, always like hurting innocent people. PEPPER: What did Al, Simian and Fiona want with those stolen beams anyway? This does not make sense. And back on Earth...McCloud upon hearing Bruiser and Rocket's report was also confused as well. FOX: What does StarWolf plan on doing with those steel beams anyway? Any ideas Bucky? BUCKY: Just one, Fox. Launch the spy satellite. HIRO: Aye-aye! Seconds later Nicole dispatched probes into the atmosphere to beam back video images of scenes. WASABI: If the Decepticons are cooking something up, we'll know it soon enough. FRED: Yeah, man. I wonder what's on the menu. WASABI: Not that kind of cooking. FRED: Oh, sorry. HONEY: StarWolf is always trying to make trouble for our world. GOGO: Uh-huh, like neighborhood bullies who get away with everything. HIRO: Once Nicole pinpoints the source, we'll find a way to stop it. And somewhere within the country of Mexico for example...the StarWolf Decepticons were standing amid the ruins of a lost ancient civilization consisting of stone & brick buildings & temples most of them collapsed or partly collapsed, others covered in vines and foliage. Wolf and his horde were standing before a temple structure as his daughter spoke. KATE: The legends are true father. Hidden inside this temple is a powerful crystal that gets its power source from the planet's core. WOLF: Then if what you say is true, dear. I shall be master of the Crystal of Power. He used force lightning to blast open the door and made his way into the temple's interior accompanied by Drago, Sleuth, Tai, Slyly, Kale, Romero, Zephyr, and so forth. Carefully they navigated their way through the ante-chambers and corridors avoiding booby-traps meant to deter intruders or treasure hunters from stealing anything until entering a large chamber of sorts. In the center stood an ancient alter with an enormous crystal set atop a pedestal that hummed and glowed as though alive. WOLF: Amazing... He removed the crystal from the pedestal but as he did a burst of flame shot straight into the air striking the rocky ceiling above making his warriors cringe-flinch slightly but O'Donnell Senior laughed evilly. Then moments later atop the roof of the temple he awaited as Fiona, Al and Simian approached with a barrel frame to be attached to his ultimate weapon. WOLF: Fiona, I'm sure it was no trouble on your part to steal enough steel beams to build the barrel. FIONA: It will serve! All of a sudden a surge of power knocked her off-balance that she fell onto her butt momentarily stunned. WOLF: Oh, forgive me Fiona, you did an excellent job. For now the power of Earth's core will serve StarWolf's cause. And back inside StarFox headquarters... HONEY: Nicole has detected an unusual energy reading in the Mexican jungles. GOGO: What could be in there? NICOLE: My sensors detect a powerful sorce of energy coming from these ruins. FRED: Whoa...not good. At the same time LaserBeak on sky patrol caught sight of a probe and reported to its leader. WOLF: It seems we have an intruder...but not for long. All of a sudden he activated the turbo cannon releasing a powerful blast of laser skyward and in the blink of an eye the probe vanished in an enormous explosion! WASABI: Holy s***! HIRO: What the h***?!! BAYMAX: Did something just blow up? FOX: What in blazes caused that blast? KRYSTAL: Yes, what was that? NICOLE: I'm afraid I do not know, whatever it was destroyed the probe before it could locate the source. SALLY: I got a bad feeling about this. KEN: You said it lady. MIRIAM: Perhaps we should investigate at once. Maybe it had something to do with StarWolf activity. NICOLE: That could be might be O'Donnell and company up to no good again. FOX: Very well, I shall organize an expedition to Mexico. Meanwhile Dead-Eye and Lupe have returned to the Artic Circle to rescue an old friend. Hiro, his friends and BayMax knew who he meant...MewTwo! At precisely that same moment at the North Pole it was Lupe Wolf and Dead-Eye Duck digging away into the icy surfaces to locate and rescue the alien warrior. LUPE: Keep digging, he's got to be down there. My ring tells me so. DEAD-EYE: Blistering barnacles! This cold is starting to make me feel hypothermia already! Just then a portion of ice gave way breaking apart into various sections exposing an ice-covered MH-60 Blackhawk. DEAD-EYE: Bingo! LUPE: It's MewTwo... The four-armed ex-pirate smuggler and ace gunner used his laser pistols & rifles simultaneously to melt away the ice until the entire copter was free of its curse. Lupe addressed it. LUPE: MewTwo, are you still alive? Can you transform? MEWTWO: I, I think so... In seconds the alien bodyguard of Fiona Fox regained its normal form then stood tall and proud so to speak as it addressed its new friends. MEWTWO: Thanks, Doc. I just about had it with the deep freeze treatment. LUPE: Then get back to StarFox headquarters. Fox needs you to take Aries and Bruiser and fly to Mexico. She quickly explained the details and MewTwo complied, morphing to Blackhawk copter form again and zooming away into the sky followed moments later by Lupe and Dead-Eye who made it to HQ where upon reaching base they teamed up with McCloud and Big Hero 6. TO BE CONTINUED...