TRANSFORMERS ALIENS IN DISGUISE - BOOK IV One by one the terrorist forces of StarWolf took to the air in aircraft forms...Kale, Zephyr, Romero, Lien-Da, Fiona, Al Negator, Slyly Zod & Panther Caruso, and vehicle forms...Drago, Sleuth, Tai, Simian, etc. FIONA: StarFox below, fire at will! Swooping down the fighter jets and helicopters unleashed a barrage of laser bullets & missiles that exploded about the Autobots who scrambled for cover then returned fire at their enemy. Simultaneously the vehicles morphed into mutant selves and exchanged fire with the StarFox warriors too. Lupe tried getting MewTwo on his feet. LUPE: Come on, get up! I can't leave you here. FOX: Time for reinforcements. He morphed briefly into Western Stars 4900 semi form then took aim with his power ring but before he could shoot however a familiar Fulcrum fighter jet screamed overhead to engage the enemy head-on. NINJARA: I got them, Fox. Yo, butt-heads, care to dance? Eat this! Her first shots hit Romero the SU-47 Berkut fighter jet sending him wobbling out of control. ROMERO: I'm hit! FIONA: Pull out! ROMERO: Negative, going down... ZOD: No! Too late as Romero collided into the AH-64 Apache Longbow form of Slyly Zod sending them crashing into the ground where they morphed back momentarily stunned. Angered at this assault, Fiona went after her former friend. FIONA: I'll make you pay for that! NINJARA: Yeah, give me your best shot. FIONA: You bet I will... Ninjara popped flares and executed hard-banked turns to defeat the missiles as Fiona tried staying on her 6:00 lining up for another missile shot. Just then the SU-30 Flanker form of Al Negator came roaring in to attack Ninjara head-on. AL: Look out, incoming... NINJARA: Ha, not yet you neighborhood bully. AL: Blast it, come back here! FIONA: Fine, you take her. NINJARA: Try and catch me, sucker! FOX: Ninjara, break right! I got this one. NINJARA: Roger! McCloud let loose with his power ring still in semi form as his light-magic impacted into Al's fighter jet form causing it to burst into flames & smoke then spiral out of control. AL: Aaaaaaugh! FOX: Bulls-eye... NINJARA: Perfect shot, yes! ZEPHYR: Come meet your fate, ex-Decepticon. KALE: Yeah, foolish mortal. PANTHER: You're doomed... NINJARA: Never! It is you who are going down...hard! She shot down Caruso then after tangling with Zephyr and Kale in a fierce dogfight downed Kale as McCloud took out Zephyr in the process. Simultaneously the other Decepticons were getting their ass kicked so to speak courtesy of the Autobots that is. Morphing back to normal self Fox narrowly avoided being tagged by Wolf's fusion cannon. FOX: Not close enough Wolf. He ripped loose an icy stalagmite and swung it like a sword knocking the cannon off O'Donnell's left or right shoulder as Wolf recoiled, wincing slightly then sneered. WOLF: Interesting choice of weapons, Fox. But two can play that game. He tore loose a stalagmite then both began bashing each other with their ice swords. Fox went down from a roundhouse kick and as Wolf sprang at him the Autobot leader spun his ice sword that bounced the Decepticon leader into the air over his body to crash face-first into the snow briefly stunned. On his palms & knees O'Donnell dropped his broken ice sword and turned to face McCloud standing behind him. WOLF: Well done Fox, but a pity you...lost! FOX: Duh? MewTwo on his feet stood directly behind Fox who did not notice he was there as Wolf commanded the alien warrior. WOLF: Destroy Fox McCloud and all the StarFox Autobots once and for all. MEWTWO: I take no more orders from you! I am a StarFox Autobot now! Shocked, Wolf could only stare in disbelief as MewTwo glared at him then lifted him into the air with its magic powers as he yelled in pain fighting to break free but to no avail. MewTwo threw Wolf who collided into Kate, Drago, Simian, Tai, Sleuth, Lien-Da, Kale, Zephyr, Romero, Panther, Al, Slyly knocking them all down like a row of dominos. Suddenly Fiona screamed down blasting away at her now ex-bodyguard. FIONA: You're doomed, MewTwo! MEWTWO: You forget, Fiona. I can transform too! He morphed into his disguise of MH-60 Blackhawk copter and took off after the vixen in black. MEWTWO: Time to even the score, friend! WILLY: Let her have it MewTwo! HIRO: Take her apart! BAYMAX: Oh no... FIONA: Where are you traitor, show yourself! MEWTWO: Here I am! FIONA: You shall pay for your treachery... BRUISER: They're going to crash! But at the last second the Blackhawk rolled clear its rotor-blades cutting into the Raptor's fuselage. Fiona screamed in pain as she crashed into the ground then morphed back into her normal self clutching at her wounds, face contorted in agony. DEAD-EYE: Shiver me timbers, mates! MewTwo's losing altitude. JENNY: What is he doing? WILLY: He's trying to crash-land. BUCKY: Uh-oh... MEWTWO: Just one last blast! The energy bolts & orbs exploded into a snowbank that turned into an avalanche as it crashed down upon the Blackhawk burying it completely as the StarFox warriors gasped in alarm with eyes wide. WILLY & HIRO: Nooooooo! BAYMAX: Oh dear, he killed himself... Moments later after the StarWolf clan was gone the StarFox clan stood before the resting place of MewTwo with Willy and Hiro crying as if they just lost a new friend, BayMax doing its best to comfort both boys saying crying was good to help wash away the pain of course. Sally held William from behind also crying too her face buried against his shoulder, Miriam doing the same with Hiro. FOX: He risked everything to save us and the Earth. ROCKET: The energy drain has been stopped at last. LUPE: The planet will heat up again in no time. ARIES: And the Decepticons are defeated as usual. HIRO: But MewTwo, he's gone. MIRIAM: I know, I'll miss him too. WILLY: He sacrificed himself to save our lives. SALLY: He did indeed perform a heroic deed. FOX: He won't be forgotten, he will live on forever within the magic. So long as freedom exists. We shall remember you MewTwo. ALL OF STARFOX: WE SHALL REMEMBER YOU... THE END OF CHAPTER 1 OF BOOK IV