TRANSFORMERS ALIENS IN DISGUISE - BOOK III In the blink of an eye the four Autobots and humans exited the gateway on Corneria but had the misfortune of materializing inside the castle of Belladonna! The witch whippet and Romero were just finishing storing away the ENERGON cubes when both heard the sound of the gateway opening and turned to see who it was. BELLADONNA: Autobots?!! ROCKET: Surprise! Your friendly neighborhood bounty hunter. JENNY: Oh great, we got the wrong address. BUCKY: Oops, not good. NINJARA: Hi... BELLADONNA: You... the one who betrayed Team StarWolf and joined Team StarFox instead! Without warning she lashed out with force lightning from both paw hands but Ninjara blocked them with a force shield conjured from her ring. William and Abigail cringed slightly from this assault when Bucky, Jenny and Rocket urged them to retreat as they opened fire on Belladonna making her turn her wrath on them and about to strike them down next. Romero hesitated briefly then tried stopping the enemy too. ROMERO: Taste my magic fools! BELLADONNA: You will never survive...ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! JENNY: Guess again, sore loser. It is you who is going down...hard. The witch cried out in rage and pain from the impact of Jenny's magic and was about to attack again when Ninjara intervened on her friends behalf. NINJARA: This should quiet you for awhile. She shot out a barrage of magic that splattered all over Belladonna and Romero like a glue substance causing them to get stuck in place unable to move. In the next instant the four Autobots dashed out of the dark castle and into the streets of Paradise City the capital of Corneria. At the same time Wolf was contacting reinforcements on his home planet in the form of mechanical winged creatures known as Bio Dreads (Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future) WOLF: Security on Corneria has been breached. Destroy all intruders with rain, acid rain! Acknowledging his orders the Sky Sentries took flight immediately. Meanwhile the quartet of Ninjara, Jenny, Bucky and Rocket made it to Dead-Eye's laboratory workshop which was part of Team StarFox's headquarters base on Corneria. BUCKY: We got to get inside to access Dead-Eye's lab. ABIGAIL: I'm trying my best to disarm the booby traps but it seems complicated. She had tried several combinations of numbers but was denied access each time. JENNY: Don't give up, I know you can do it. WILLY: There's one last sequence I can try. This time the access was accepted as the main door slid open. NINJARA: Yes, you did it! In a flash they were inside and just like that were inside the ace gunner's workshop. ROCKET: Now if I can remember what the magic ring recharging unit looked like. JENNY: I believe I've found it it is. She pointed it out to her friends. BUCKY: Well, that was fast enough. ROCKET: Now to get this back to Fox so we can restore his life magic to full strength again. ABIGAIL: What's that strange sound I hear? Something like rushing air caught her attention. They hurried outside to see what was making the sounds then glanced upwards. WILLY: What the heck?!! NINJARA: Bio Dreads! The servants of Belladonna. JENNY: Prepare to defend ourselves. All of a sudden the sky sentries unleashed a burst of acid rain onto the StarFox warriors. ROCKET: Good grief! Acid rain...don't let it touch you! NINJARA: Aaaaaugh! ABIGAIL: JENNY: I will shield you, get down. WILLY: Bucky! BUCKY: Don't worry partner. I won't let it harm you! Next the mutants tried protecting themselves as best they could yet the downpour was relentless. The stinging pain made them collapse onto palms and knees. NINJARA: We've failed,'s all over. ABIGAIL: No! Don't give up, not yet. The universe depends on us! ROCKET: I feel weak...can't concentrate. WILLY: No one is helpless as long as he-she has courage to keep on trying! Watching all this from his HQ back on Earth was Wolf and horde. WOLF: All over for them but for us it is just starting. Everything is going according to my plan, StarFox is without their mighty leader and four of their numbers have been vanquished on Corneria. FIONA: Then I suggest...we attack them now while we have the advantage. WOLF: For once, Fiona...we agree. And I shall lead the assault. The new age of StarWolf supremacy is about to begin. Then he took to the sky as his warriors followed close behind. While back on Corneria... BUCKY: Well, guys & gals. Do we quit or fight? NINJARA: Maybe I still, have some magic at least shield us a bit more. Another glowing shield formed around the four mutants and two humans. ABIGAIL: Hope it doesn't tire you out lady. NINJARA: That's what I'm counting on... ROCKET: And while it works, I'll take care of the witch's servants too! He carefully aimed his pulse rifle and blasted away with laser bullets into the sky scattering the Bio Dreads who flew away in all directions. Simultaneously the acid downpour ceased all-together. JENNY: Uh, that's better. I never did like rain in that form. BUCKY: Me too, dear. It's payback time. WILLY: Let's stop talking and save Fox. Transform and roll for his life! One by one the Autobots morphed into vehicles and fighter jet form with Abby climbing into the cockpit of the Fulcrum and William inside the Camaro. They raced back full speed towards the dark castle where Belladonna was trying to free herself and Romero from the trap they were in at the moment. BELLADONNA: Don't strain yourself, I'll set us free. ROMERO: Uh, we got company. BELLADONNA: What? They're back! Ooooooooh! This time they won't escape me, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! NINJARA: Sorry but we got to run, former boss of mine...ta-tah! She was quickly followed by Rocket, Jenny and Bucky seconds later as the witch screamed in anger fists shaking. Once again the StarFox warriors crossed over the space bridge back to Earth exiting from the gateway successfully. ABIGAIL: Whew, that was a close shave the main said to the barber. NINJARA: You got that right test pilot. WILLY: But we still got to get this device to McCloud. How fast can you go Bucky. BUCKY: Hold onto your lunch box! Back inside headquarters things looked grim. McCloud lay motionless on the operating table as though asleep. Robert, Hiro, GoGo, Honey, Wasabi and Fred feared the worst had happened, that Fox had died and there was no one else to fill his shoes so to speak. HIRO: No way, Fox can't be dead. FRED: It cannot be...not the great and mighty McCloud. NICOLE: Alert! Team StarWolf attacking headquarters... KRYSTAL: Oh no. Without my husband leading us, we're no match for them. GOGO: No way! He would want us to go for it no matter the odds. HONEY: Are you with us, or do we fight them ourselves? ROBERT: You can't be serious... KEN: No, she's right. We must do this for our leader. StarFox transform! One by one the Autobots morphed into vehicle forms. LUPE: BayMax and I will stay here to guard Fox. WASABI: Let's go beat down those butt-heads! SALLY: Roll for it! Once outside they awaited the oncoming villains. And sure enough here they came. HIRO: All right, let them have it! The StarFox warriors blasted away with their laser guns at the same time the StarWolf warriors returned fire and the battle was soon joined. In the midst of the brawling four more familiar figures rushed on the scene. Bucky in his Camaro form skidded to a stop with William yelling from the driver's seat. WILLY: Hiro, I got it! HIRO: You got the unit? WILLY: Yeah, hope it's not too late, get in! Together they sped into the base surprising both Lupe, BayMax and Professor Callaghan. ROBERT: What-the? WILLY: Here, the power ring recharger unit. LUPE: Excellent, good work! Okay, now to restore Fox's life magic. BAYMAX: Vital signs stabilizing...power levels returning to normal levels. HIRO: Yes! He's waking up. Fox stirred then opened his eyes to look around in confusion at first. After William explained everything that happened McCloud glowered. FOX: It's time to show Wolf he's not going to win so easily against me. ROBERT: Go teach that bully a lesson he'll never forget. FOX: I intend on doing that sir. In seconds he was on his way to confront his rival yet again. Back outside the Decepticons stood gloating over the fallen bodies of the Autobots believing they had bested them at last including Wolf himself. WOLF: We are victorious. Is there anyone in the universe who dares oppose me. FOX: There is one, Wolf. I challenge you! The shocked Decepticons stared with mouths open and eyes wide in disbelief - not to mention the Autobots too. ARIES: Fox, he's alive? DEAD-EYE: Shiver me timbers, mates! KEN: Our leader's back. WASABI-FRED-GOGO-HONEY: FIONA: He accepted the challenge, leader. The battle code requires you two engage in combat, alone. FOX: Then it's the two of us as always. Wolf nodded then lashed out with his dark-side magic but Fox countered with his light-side magic as both leaders clashed fiercely. However it was O'Donnell who got the worst of the brawling and called for assistance yet Fiona turned him down. WOLF: I've used too much magic against StarFox, I need assistance! FIONA: How unfortunate. If you cannot fight your opponent yourself you are not fit to be our leader, I am the only suitable leader anyway. That angered Wolf to the point where he lost control of his emotions and it cost him badly. In the end he wound up face-down on the ground with McCloud looming over him. FOX: Wolf, do you yield. WOLF: I yield only for now because I can no longer continue this brawl. FIONA: Retreat! And take our leader back for medical treatment. In an instant they were gone as the Autobots cheered the return of their leader once again. Abigail, her father, and Big Hero 6 watched the departure of the evil mutants. ABIGAIL: I guess that takes care of Team StarWolf. WILLY: For the moment at least. We scored another win over those bullies. GOGO: But they will be back as always. HONEY: Right and we will be ready to face them off as always. WASABI: Big Hero 6 and Team StarFox will save the day. FRED: Here-here! HIRO: They'll be back, I just know it. ROBERT: We have a long way to go in order to destroy those alien terrorists. BAYMAX: I quite agree, sir...the good news is that Fox is once again leading his gang and everything is going to be all right. THE END OF CHAPTER 1 OF BOOK III