TRANSFORMERS ALIENS IN DISGUISE "Continued" Inside StarFox HQ William who by now was joined by his parents were listening to the radio as DuWitt Junior tuned to various stations trying to catch the latest weather report updates. DAVID: The sky is beginning to cloud over again. I would not be surprised if another storm was due to arrive. KRYSTAL: Uh, yup. It is starting to look nasty out there. JENNY: Oh dear... that's what I'm afraid of. SUSAN: There's nothing to be afraid of misses. As long as you take cover when storms hit you don't have to fear. JENNY: Easy for you to say ma'am. WILLY: Here we go! Quiet everybody. This is what everyone heard... RADIO: Here is the local weather outlook for the next 24 hours. Temperatures will stay the same, but a moist, warm air-stream from the west will move in later, with a strong possibility of showers and/or thunderstorms over the mountains. BUCKY: Showers or Thunderstorms? Why can't he make up his mind. DAVID: Sometimes the DJs don't get the predictions down just right on occasion when reporting weather info to their radio listeners. BUCKY: Oh, sorry I asked. WILLY: This is it! Another storm coming up. Well, she's coming on boys and she's coming on strong. SUSAN: ROCKET: What was that all about? SALLY: Beats me... WILLY: It's something Captain Billy Tine said to his crew aboard the Andrea Gail before they ran headlong into the worst storm of the century on their way back home but were lost at sea. SALLY & ROCKET: What?!! KEN: Great Scott! FALCO: What a weird planet this is. There's going to be another that's good news? FOX: If Dead-Eye's invention is ready for testing, let's not waste time. StarFox transform! In the blink of an eye the heroes of Corneria changed back into cars and trucks then the DuWitt family climbed aboard the PeterBilt 379 form of McCloud and were making their way back to the site of the lightning energy convertor. When they arrived storm clouds had begun to gather in the sky above. A few drops of rainwater fell onto the alien mutants. SALLY: At least we'll be safe under cover inside the cave. DEAD-EYE: Thundering typhoons! I would not do that if I were you lady. SALLY: Oh? Why not... WILLY: You could get electrocuted accidentally and die in seconds. SALLY: Sorry, so sorry I mentioned that. WILLY: Just don't want anything happening to you, that's all. Besides I think you're my perfect girlfriend to hangout with. SALLY: I am... you mean that? Cool! That made David and Susan gasp along with the Autobots but no one said anything for the moment. FOX: There's an overhang behind us. We'll be out of the storm but still able to see the mountain. LUPE: Everybody under cover immediately! MIMI: You heard her, let's move it out soldiers! Taking up their positions once under shelter that is McCloud nodded to Dead-Eye to proceed and the top gunner made magic gestures in the air as his light ring obeyed his commands. Slowly the slender mast of the lightning rod collector rose from the top of the mountain as everyone exclaimed "OH-AH" simultaneously. SUSAN: My goodness. I never seen anything like that. DAVID: Or me either. WILLY: Let's hope it works and does not fail. DEAD-EYE: Aye, mate. In the gathering gloom, no one noticed two shadowy figures silently slip into the cave entrance to the underground cavern - Ninjara and Fiona! Once inside the twin sisters paused to look around before their attentions were drawn to the machine in the center of the cavern. The dirt floor was paved with smooth plastic sheeting of sorts that surrounded the lightning energy convertor. From each corner of a head-high stone base there rose four smooth silver columns. Each supported silver globe spheres forming a square pattern that is and in the center of the square stood the energy convertor. NINJARA: So this is what Team StarFox was building. Whoever created it must be a genius. FIONA: Very impressive, I'm sure of it. NINJARA: So how should we destroy it? FIONA: It's not doing anything at the moment. It doesn't work! And Wolf thought it was a secret radio system. She broke out laughing as her sibling still scowling wondered what the heck was so funny when all of a sudden another angry voice boomed forth startling both vixens who froze in place like statues eyes wide in fright at first before spinning around to see - O'Donnell Senior himself confronting them, his daughter by his side a glowering look on her face. Behind them were the rest of the StarWolf terrorists. WOLF: Double crossing traitor! Against my orders, you would dare destroy this machine without unlocking its secrets first? FIONA: Because the StarFox Autobots dare to use it against us, that's why I insisted on destroying it! KATE: Ha! I doubt it very much lady. WOLF: That will be all my dear. Did I not hear you say it does nothing? Or was I mistaken instead. NINJARA: Hey, don't look at me, I didn't have anything to do with this scheme of hers. FIONA: Why you... WOLF: Fox has extended his antennae. We saw that as we came here without them detecting our presence. As he spoke the rest of the Decepticons gathered around the lightning energy convertor examining it from every angle so to speak. TAI: What an amazing piece of alien technology. DRAGO: Yeah, but how does it work. SIMIAN: I don't see where you turn it on or off. SLEUTH: Maybe it's automatic to switch itself online when incoming transmissions are being sent from CORNERIA. PANTHER: So I guess we wait until it comes online. LEON: Hope it doesn't take too long to wait. WOLF: At this very moment Team StarFox is about to send or receive transmissions from our home planet. If they have friends or allies coming to help them, I want to know. Then we will crush them all! Meanwhile back outside under the shelter of the overhang the Autobots and DuWitt family peered up at the mast as the storm came into sight. Lightning flashed among the thunderheads as it glared blue-white against the dark background. It also made bright reflections on the metal lattice of Dead-Eye's mast. SALLY: Very pretty I'm sure. When is it going to do something useful? DEAD-EYE: We must be patient and wait, do not rush Mother Nature at her handy work. ARI: Where did you hear that before? Oh, yeah...I get it. WILLY: You do? ARI: I believe one of the Big Hero 6 teenagers said that phrase. LUPE: Aaaaaaugh! SUSAN: What is it? DAVID: Look! It's working. With an earsplitting crash, a jagged fork of lightning shot down out of the thunderheads and impacted the tip of the mast. DEAD-EYE: Yes! BUCKY: Great Scott! It is working. KRYSTAL: Here comes another one. DAVID: Better shield your eyes if it's too bright to look at. SUSAN: Good thinking honey. WILLY: Me too, Mom. Even the other Autobots took that cue to protect their eyesight visions from being blinded. In a swift ripple of blue fire the lightning raced down the length of the mast to vanish into the mountain. Inside the cave at that same moment a powerful surge hurled the StarWolf Decepticons off their feet in every direction. Bodies crashed to the dirt floor face-down, on their backs or sides momentarily stunned from whatever force attacked them. There was a roaring in the air like a pride of lions on the hunt and from the center of the cavern there came a splutter and crackle as the energy convertor activated, came online to receive the lightning charge. The cavern was now illuminated by the blue-white light from the machine as the globe spheres pulsed brilliantly with energy. Slowly the mutants regained their footing. WOLF: So, it does nothing? It doesn't work? FIONA: Okay so I was too quick to judge it, huh! WOLF: What are they saying? What message are they transmitting? KATE: I cannot tell, father. Something is wrong, all I hear is static noises. As she spoke there came a loud hiss like angry snakes about to strike and a bullwhip crack. A long blue arc of electricity shot out of the machine and struck the rocky ceiling of the cave startling the Decepticons who froze in place. The electricity ran across the ceiling then down the walls. It glowed and flickered with the blue-white light as if it were alive. None of the StarWolf mutants dare get too close for fear of what might happen if they came into contact with the electricity. Yet they aimed their power rings in defensive postures should they be attacked without warning. At the same time Fiona attempted to destroy the machine as she intended on doing all along - she aimed her ring at one of the column pillars. FIONA: If this machine can be started, then it can also be stopped! NINJARA: Wait, don't do that! Right! Together then... WOLF: You fools! But too late as the vixen twins of Mimi LaFloo let forth a burst of dark magic into the column pillar simultaneously. Unfortunately it had the reverse opposite effect as the electricity bounced right back at the shocked-terrified Decepticons who tried shielding themselves in time. As the blue-white fire struck the glowing shields its impact knocked Ninjara and Fiona off-balance sending them crashing to the cave floor so they sprawled at the feet of Simian, Tai, Drago, Sleuth, Panther, Leon who gaped in astonishment. LEON: Whoa, a double knockout. PANTHER: Looks that way dude. SIMIAN: Duh, why did you do that ladies? DRAGO: They're not dead are they? SLEUTH: No, not yet at the moment. TAI: Foolish mortals. WOLF: This is an Autobot trap meant for us! StarWolf retreat! KATE: Everyone out of here now! With that the enemy mutants began running pell-mell back towards the cave entrance and safety to escape the deadly electricity. The air seemed alive with the energy as it seemed to be pursuing the fleeing terrorists trying to escape its wrath so to speak. By this time Fiona and Ninjara now on their feet too hurried to catch up to their fellow warriors...but the electricity had been to quick for the enemy forces. As they reached the opening which led to fresh air and safety, the flickering light shot across the archway, forming a curtain of energy. WOLF: Forward! Don't let this powerful force whatever it is defeat you. Let the dark-side protect you! With that they fought their way through the barrier yelling and shouting in pain even though their rings protected them from being electrocuted to death. Alas however their evil presence was spotted by the StarFox Autobots and DuWitt family who reacted in stun disbelief at the sight of the terrorists emerging into view. FOX: What the heck?!! Wolf and his horde, here! DAVID: What were they doing inside that cave? Did they not know it was dangerous? WILLY: Jumping giggiwatts! SUSAN: Oh no... KRYSTAL: Sounds like they are in great pain. ROCKET: Uh-huh...sure sounds like they're getting the shock of their lives too. Everyone continued to watch as the Decepticons flew away into the sky until gone from sight. TIGRESS: I thought I sensed an evil force lurking nearby but I was not too sure. KEN: Perhaps they mistook Dead-Eye's lightning energy convertor to be a mysterious radio transmitter. DEAD-EYE: Great Scott! BUCKY: Maybe Wolf was trying to unlock its hidden secrets. JENNY: Well they certainly got the message the hard way. Dead-Eye still surprised by what the enemy was doing with his secret invention made his way into the cave now that the lightning had ceased hitting the mast as the thunderstorm began to move away from the area to another part of the planet. In seconds he was back with the following good news. DEAD-EYE: The convertor worked as I programmed it to did indeed convert lightning into energy resources we can use for now. A big cheer went up from mutants and humans alike then pumping their fists up and down whooping it up until Fox silenced everyone. FOX: Well done Dead-Eye, your inventions always turn out excellent in the end. MIMI: I'll report this to the general and admiral so they too can learn of the good news. DAVID: How about we all head back to our place in the city and we'll celebrate your triumph over the enemy. SUSAN: We would be honored to have you Autobots as our special guests. SALLY: Ma'am, would be an honor to join you tonight. WILLY: Yes! Can't wait to have fun with my new girlfriend. SALLY: You and me forever William. My hero... WILLY: Good grief... McCloud instructed his gang to transform and return to base to rest up before accompanying the DuWitt family to their residence in the city for the so-called party they planned on bestowing upon them. In the next moment the heroes of CORNERIA were returning to HQ in car and truck forms with Acorn in her Solstice disguise transporting David, Susan and William to their home in style that is...then they were gone but Fox lingered for a moment staring at the site of the successful testing of Dead-Eye Duck's lightning energy convertor. The lattice mast had retreated back into the mountain now that the storm was gone leaving behind a clear sky and sun shining down upon all. FOX: Energy from the stars will one day help us return home to will also be our gift of goodwill to the people of Earth after we have left this world. MIMI: Sir? The general wishes to speak with you. FOX: Go ahead general. PEPPER: Well done my boy, an excellent job on the part of Dead-Eye that is and his secret invention. FOX: Thank you sir. Unfortunately it was Wolf and horde who interfered or intervened during the test run and got the shock of their lives. PEPPY: Oh my! Hope they didn't get too hurt. MIMI: I don't think they got hurt at all because of the dark-side protecting them of course. PEPPY: Of course, Captain. PEPPER: What is your next course of action Fox? FOX: Continue to protect this humanoid world from the Decepticons if or when they begin their quest of stealing energy resources. PEPPER: Good, very good. Keep up the good work as always and I look forward to seeing you again when you return home. PEPPY: May the magic protect you from evil my boy. MIMI: Yes sir! Back to base? FOX: Right...after you. MIMI: Nah, you're the leader here, not me. After you sir. FOX: As you wish. Transform and roll out! Then they morphed into PeterBilt 379 and Carbon Motors E7 Police Cruiser and drove back to their base. THE END OF CHAPTER 1