“Planet of the Olingo People” By Andrew Norris SCENE ONE - U.A.S. Phoenix, alongside the Righteous Indignation A small boarding-hatch has been connected to the frigate, and DASH DARING enters the frigate, accompanied by LT. VENUS. Both of them are wearing gas masks as LT. VENUS does a scan of the environment. VENUS: Air's good, we can breathe in here. They remove their gas masks, and check the ship. DASH moves up to the bridge, where he finds BUCKY and JENNY unconcious at the controls. Immediately, he calls down to VENUS for help. DASH: Up here, Venus! We're going to need to work fast! LATER... Aboard the saucer, BUCKY, JENNY, DEADEYE and the others have all been placed in glass tubes filled with translucent liquid. A small monitor hums quietly as it watches their pulses and so on. LT. VENUS watches over this machine whilst DASH stares out of the cockpit window. VENUS: It'll probably take another ten minutes before their memories of the last half-hour have been completely erased, Colonel. I just hope they don't wake up in that time. DASH: (firmly) I never would have thought 50 years ago that I'd be still be keeping that promise in the next century. VENUS: It isn't your fault, captain, but if they ever knew that the UAC had discovered their planet, they wouldn't hesitate to blow any spaceship from out of the sky, mammal or toad. DASH looks down at an orange-coloured planet that both ships are parked in orbit around, and his eyes narrow as faint memories return. DASH: Yes, fifty years ago... SCENE TWO - The Starchaser, somewhere in the Aniverse, 50 years previously DASH and LT. VENUS are on-board their spaceship "Starchaser", and are being chased by a horde of flying-saucers belonging to the Menkrites. Although they are few in number, the saucers are attacking the Starchaser at every possible angle, making matters difficult for DASH and VENUS. DASH: We've got to hold out just a little longer! We must get Dr. Barkov's secret weapon back to Warren! VENUS: (reads instruments) Our shields are failing fast, colonel! We've got only a few seconds before they fail completely! DASH: (sighs heavily) Then we've no choice, lieutenant. We'll have to deploy...the Magno Ray! A small beacon emerges on top of the Starchaser, and an electromagnetic pulse is omitted out at the saucers. Being constructed of metal and simple electronics, the saucers quickly malfunction, and their crews grow weak. The saucers pull away in defeat, leaving the Starchaser be. DASH: Phew! It worked! Their instruments were disrupted by the Magno Ray and just sent their ships haywire! Looks like our mission's accomplished, lieutenant, let's head for home! VENUS tries to do so, but the controls fail to respond. She looks up desperately at DASH as the ship slowly enters a crash-dive over a nearby planet. VENUS: The controls won't respond, Colonel! The damage from the saucers must've been greater then we thought! DASH: We're spinning into a dive. We'll have to make a forced landing on one of these planets and make the repairs! The Starchaser, which has been caught in the gravitational field of a nearby orange-coloured planet, continues it's course to the surface, but slowly levels out as VENUS regains control of the steering. SCENE THREE - Procles Major, somewhere in the Aniverse The Starchaser screams through the sky of this jungle planet, and crashes close to a shallow river, scaring away several strange tropical animals. DASH and LT. VENUS alight from their ship, and examine the surroundings. The entire planet resembles the Amazon Rainforest, but beyond a few tropical creatures, there doesn't seem to be anyone about. VENUS: What is this place? DASH: (calmer, to Venus) Procles Major, one of the few jungle-planets of the Aniverse that is reasonably hospitable. (claps hands once) Well, it looks like we can't expect to get any help from the locals. We'd best get to work, huh? VOICE: (firmly) Keep your hands where they are. DASH turns around slowly, and VENUS looks around the area to pinpoint the voice. Within moments, they are surrounded by a band of female OLINGOS dressed in skimpy leopardskin bikinis that make them look like jungle-women. All of them level their spears at the two off-worlders as their delegate speaks. OLINGO #1: (sharply) This world is the world of the Olingo People; it is forbidden for the sky demons to dwell upon it's sacred surface. DASH: It was not our intention to defile your lands, miss, our ship was out-of-control and we had no choice but to land here. OLINGO #1: We shall leave that for our queen to decide. Come! You must be taken before the Queen of the Olingo People! DASH and VENUS are reluctantly escorted away by the OLINGOS into the jungle. SCENE FOUR - The Olingo city, Procles Major The Olingo City is a large group of thatched buildings in a jungle clearing that has been hacked away to accomodate the extra buildings. At the centre of the city is a large roundhouse made from mud and wood. Several OLINGOS, mostly female with a handful of male slaves, go about their business until they see the procession escorting DASH and LT. VENUS arrive before the large roundhouse. Their leader looks at them before entering the roundhouse. OLINGO #1: You will wait here until you are summoned. She enters the roundhouse, leaving DASH and LT. VENUS look around them. All of the OLINGOS have stopped and are looking at the two as though they have never seen hares before. VENUS: (whispers to Dash) Where did all of these people come from, Dash? DASH: (whispers back) I'm not sure. Procles Major has wildlife, sure, but never a population like this! The OLINGO female returns from the roundhouse. OLINGO #1: The queen will see you, and hurry. She roughly pushes them inside the Roundhouse, where a large fire burns in the centre of the floor. A golden throne stands at the rear of the building on a raised platform, and on it rests the OLINGO QUEEN, who is considerably grey and tired, with baggy eyes and her arms trembling with arthritis. The OLINGO leader speaks to her with an air of reverence. OLINGO #1: O, great leader of the Olingo People, these are the two off- worlders who defiled our sacred land. What shall we do with them? QUEEN: (hoarsely) Leave them with me, Feena. I wish to speak with them alone. FEENA exits, and the OLINGO QUEEN delicately steps down from her throne and approaches DASH and VENUS calmly. QUEEN: (to Dash) Tell me, my good man, has Warren changed much these past years? DASH: You know of Warren...your Majesty? QUEEN: (waves a hand) No need for all that here, either of you. You see, we may look savages, but once, we were like anyone else in the Aniverse. Strong, wise, cunning... a race of genii. VENUS: But, what happened to all of you, and how did you end up here? QUEEN: Our original home, Maranon XII, was threatened by a space- plague, the same one that exterminated the communists on Rott. Our settlements on Maranon X and Maranon XI were also threatened, and so we decided to evacuate our three worlds and resettle elsewhere. There were 1,000 ships launched, of which only ours survived. VENUS: (shocked) What happened to the others? QUEEN: They never made it to the new homeworld. We were to resettle on Rigel II, but the plotted course took the fleet past a star that went supernova during the mass voyage. Our craft was suffering engine problems, and we never reached the star in time to be engulfed, but some space debris from one of the ruined ships caused us to crash-land here on Procles Major. (pause) The rest of the crew reverted to this tribal fashion, but as the ship's medic, I kept myself alive using life-expanding drugs. Eventually, the generations assumed that my age made me their leader, and so here I am. DASH: (confused) So, you're now trying to rebuild the society of the Olingos. I get it, but why haven't you tried to contact the other worlds? QUEEN: (firmly) On a jungle world, young man, technology can be a dangerous thing. Our weapons worked perfectly after the crash, but the wildlife began to fight back, and it was eventually decided that we would live like the noble savage: isolated, inward-looking, and caring for survival more than community. If we tried to contact another world, we would be put in zoo exhibitions in all of the civilised worlds. That is why we frown on off-worlders, but because you arrived here unintentionally, just as we did, then I shall release you on one sole condition... SCENE FIVE - U.A.S. Phoenix, over Procles Major, present The instruments indicate that the amnesia process is almost complete. During the time that has passed, LT. VENUS has moved alongside DASH and looks down on the planet with him. VENUS: Our ship was repaired, and we survived to deliver Dr. Barkov's weapon, on the condition that we tell no one and allow nobody to know about the Olingo People of Procles Major. DASH: (nods once) Yes, and even if their frail Queen has no doubt passed on, I still intend to uphold that condition as an officer and a gentleman. (sighs) But still, I would like to know what exactly Bucky and his friends were doing over Procles Major. Only, it's so far from the ordinary patrol routes, and beyond our little secret, there's not really much of interest around here... SCENE SIX - the Righteous Indignation, over Procles Major, a few hours previously The Righteous Indignation is in a fierce battle with some Toad Double- Bubbles, echoing the scene between the "Starchaser" and the Menkrite saucers. The shields are weakening, and on the bridge, BUCKY and JENNY are being flung about like ragdolls as the ship takes a beating. JENNY: (sternly) If we don't land soon, our shields will give out altogether! BUCKY: If we do give in, Jenny, then the Toads'll get their grubby hands on the planets around here, but why go out of the way for two measly planets? A heavy jolt knocks them about, as a Toad cruiser comes into view. The damaged Double Bubbles retreat to the safety of it's hangar, whilst the remainder stand fast with the protection of the Cruiser. SCENE SEVEN - Toad cruiser, over Procles Major TOAD AIR MARSHAL is overseeing the operation as FRIX and FRAX stand behind him. FRAX: Why are we fighting over the Procles system, Toad Air Marshal, sir? FRIX: Yeah, only two measly planets don't seem too much bother. AIR MARSHAL: I know that, you idiots! But there's a legend that says a race of mammals have dwelt there for centuries without anybody knowing! Just think of how much slave labour we could exploit from a planet like that! FRIX: But what about Procles Minor, Air Marshal? FRAX: Yeah, Procles Minor is just a puny little gas giant. AIR MARSHAL: (impatiently) I didn't say I was going to conquer BOTH planets, you idiots! The sooner I get Bucky O'Hare and his crew out of the way, the sooner I can get credit for this latest conquest! STORMTOAD #1: A scouting-party is ready to land on the planet, sir. AIR MARSHAL: Good. Get the Double-Bubbles to provide covering-fire for them as they land. I don't want that trigger-happy duck to get anywhere near them! The Double Bubbles fire on the Righteous as a Landing Craft travels down to the planet. DEADEYE successfully destroys the remaining Double Bubbles, but the Landing Craft succeeds in passing them. STORMTOAD #1: All of our Double Bubbles have been lost, sir. AIR MARSHAL: (grunts) No matter. The Righteous Indignation is too weak to be of much of a threat now, and the Landing Craft has cleared them. STORMTOAD #1: (nods) Yes, sir, but the Righteous Indignation is going after the Landing Craft. AIR MARSHAL: (nervously) Well, err, fall back or something, before he comes back! If we get any more casualties because of that persistent little rabbit, then K.O.M.P.L.E.X. won't hesitate to hang us out to dry! The STORMTOAD shrugs rather than argues, and obeying the cowardice of his superior, pilots the Cruiser slowly away. SCENE EIGHT - Over Procles Major Sure enough, the Righteous has gone into a freedive over the planet's surface, and is rapidly gaining on the Landing Craft as gravity sets in. The land appears before them, and the tribe of OLINGOS can be seen down below, watching the event. BUCKY: (shouts) Give 'em both barrels, Deadeye! DEADEYE fires, shooting the Landing Craft point blank. It explodes in a massive fireball, and JENNY pulls the Righteous out of the dive just seconds before the ship can hit the ground. As it flies away back into space, two OLINGOS watch as it leaves. OLINGO #2: The Sky Gods have vanquished the heathens! OLINGO #3: We have not seen any of the Sky Gods since the day that the one known as Dash the Daring visited our world. OLINGO #2: Do you think that we should inform Queen Freena? OLINGO #3: (shakes her head) No. Her faith is with the Gods of the Forest, she would see us as heretics were we to mention the Sky Gods. THE END