The Cold Blood Coalition: A History By Andrew Norris NOTE: The author wishes to thank DJ Clawson for her kind permission to create this historical reconstruction. SCENE ONE Reptilia, Early 3223 The Planet Reptilia is a barren planet covered in a veil of thick slime, with some dry places here and there. Amidst these dry places include a large parliament building situated in a craggy part of the planet. INSIDE THE PARLIAMENT BUILDING... The structure has only recently been finished and the last workman is clearing his tools away before turning to leave. As he leaves, a LIZARD enters, dressed in a smart business suit. He gazes up at the richly- decorated ceiling while speaking to himself. LIZARD: (Mumbling) Let's see the UAC try and compete with this! I just hope the Empire doesn't stir up too much trouble among the other candidates of this pact. He moves into the centre of the building, which is a large forum beneath a massive glass dome, with several seats beneath it. Sitting in the seats include A SLEAZOSAUR, A TOAD, A BLUE-SKINNED LIZARD, A NEWT and A TURTLE, all wearing business suits with the exception of THE TOAD, who is wearing a militaristic uniform. THE LIZARD sits in a large chair overlooking the rest of the cabinet. LIZARD: (Clears throat) I hereby call the first assembly of the Cold Blood Coalition to order: President Cyra Occulme in the chair. Will all the representatives please introduce themselves? THE SLEAZOSAUR stands up, and seems rather menacing with his coat of blood-red scales. SLEAZOSAUR: Albert Potter, representative for Reptilia. As well as this, I wish to say how priveliged my people feel that the CBC should be established on our own planet. NEWT: (Grumbles) Don't brag about it, Potter! Do you know how much we fought to have the assembly on Aquantis? OCCULME: And who might you be, sir? NEWT: My name is Coppin; Anthid Coppin. I'm here to represent the Newts of Aquantis, and I'd also like to ask the President why we should trust the most untrustworthy species within the CBC? POTTER: (To Occulme) Sir, I feel we're deviating from the point. OCCULME: I quite agree, Mr. Potter. (Turns to Coppin) And I feel, Mr Coppin, that should you have anything against Reptilia, you speak of it in private so as not to disturb the cabinet. COPPIN sits back down and grumbles to himself. THE TOAD then stands up and looks about. TOAD: (Sinister, sleek voice) Now that is settled, perhaps I may be allowed to introduce myself. I am Lieutenant-Colonel Eardh Hulke, speaking on behalf of the Toad Empire, and hoping to create peace between the other races sitting here today. COPPIN leaps up again, obviously not finished yet. COPPIN: (Shouts) I object! Why should the Toad Empire have a say in this?! OCCULME: Coppin... COPPIN: It's blatantly obvious that KOMPLEX sent him to try and take over the Coalition and take over our planets! HULKE: (Offended) Excuse me, Coppin, but I will not have that! My duty while in here is as a politician, not some barbarian chieftain! OCCULME: I'm glad to hear it, Colonel, now may we please continue with the agenda? COPPIN: No! Not until we have proof that you're telling the truth! We Newts may be small, but at least we can stand up for each other! HULKE: Are you saying that this Coalition is just a way of getting you to complain further? COPPIN: No, it's a way to stop bureaucrats like you from... POTTER: (Shouts) ENOUGH! COPPIN and HULKE both look at POTTER, while PRESIDENT OCCULME mops his face from such a commotion. POTTER: (Quieter) Now, I feel that we still have yet to speak to the representative of the Turtles. COPPIN: Pah! Why should we hear from some frelling mammal-hugger? OCCULME: Keep that attitude up, Coppin, and I shall have to ask you to leave the cabinet. COPPIN sits down again, still not happy about what's going on, while THE TURTLE stands up. THE TURTLE speaks slowly in a slow-motion kind of voice. TURTLE: (Slowly) COPPIN: Hello! Sometime this century please! OCCULME glares icily at COPPIN, as if to deliver his final warning, and COPPIN unwillingly submits. TURTLE: As...I...was...saying...before...being...interrupted, t...Poddue...for...the...Turtles...of...Aquantis. After PODDUE has been introduced, THE BLUE LIZARD stands up and clears her throat. COPPIN: (Grumbles) Oh, great! Now we're going to hear what the women have to say! OCCULME has clearly had enough, and signals THE SERJEANT-AT-ARMS to take COPPIN from the building. OCCULME: (Calls) And you won't be allowed to return until it has been voted by the Assembly! (Turns to Lizard) I'm sorry about that, miss, err... BLUE LIZARD: Sharpe, sir. Tilly Sharpe for Saurion as well as the Samurai Lizards. OCCULME: Good, and now I feel we must address the matter at hand regarding the recent liberation of the Beaver populous from Toad control at Crystal Peak. HULKE: (Sighs) The matter was...unfortunate, but I can assure you that their escape was not the fault of the Toads. PODDUE: (In a monotone) rategic...error? HULKE: I'm sorry, Mr. Poddue, but could you repeat that? SHARPE: He asked why the defences were so poor when Crystal Peak was still colonzied. HULKE: The UAC had never visited Crystal Peak, and we assumed that they never would. What defences we had were immediately crippled and are currently under repair. POTTER: And what of the officer in charge? HULKE: He has been dismissed from service by mighty KOMPLEX and the planet has recently been placed under the control of Air Marshals Frix and Frax. SHARPE: But how exactly does that benefit the Coalitions' own demand for crystal ion? I don't think that two new officers will persuade my people so easily that everything is returning to normal. HULKE: As I have just said; newer defences have been constructed and we are planning an Interplanetary Defence Shield similar to that on Kinear. PODDUE: (Mutters) HULKE: I heard that! SHARPE: Erm, I'm sorry to divulge from the point here, but what about a logo for the CBC? POTTER: Personally, I think we should cross that bridge when we come to it. OCCULME: (Clears throat) I agree, but I'm afraid that the meeting must be adjorned here. POTTER: Why? OCCULME: I've been told that the electricians need to finish off in the foyer, but they should be finished by the end of the week. I'll see you all then. As the group file out, OCCULME watches them all leave. Once they are gone, he pulls a bottle of liqueur from beneath his desk and takes a swig. OCCULME: (To himself) With a problem like Coppin, I'll need to go through this by the gallon once I select a Chancellor. SCENE TWO CBC Parliament, One week later PRESIDENT OCCULME is awaiting the members to return, and has finished the bottle throughout the week. All the loose wiring and incomplete construction has been repaired, and the place looks like a proper building. OCCULME: (Hiccups) Well, back to the Salt Mines. The assembly files in and gathers, but they need to wait for COUNCILLOR PODDUE to take his seat. After twenty minutes, he is seated and the meeting can begin. OCCULME: Now (hiccup), the main agenda today is the selec..(hiccup) selection of a Chancellor. I have (hiccup) I've been looking through all of your files, and it's hard to (hiccup) hard to decide. SHARPE: Are you alright, Mr. President? You've got quite a bad case of hiccups. OCCULME: Oh, it's nothing, it'll (hiccup) it'll wear off, just a bit of trapped wind. COUNCILLOR POTTER stands up and speaks to the cabinet. POTTER: Well, as Councillor Coppin is absent, I suggest that he be here for the decision on a Chancellor. HULKE: (Aggressively) I object! You saw what happened last week, he'll just stir up trouble again! Before POTTER can answer, COUNCILLOR PODDUE slowly stands up. PODDUE: (Monotonously) I...agree, .single...sentence. POTTER: That's as maybe Mr. Poddue, but he is still a Councillor nonetheless. OCCULME: Well, I feel (hiccup) feel that Coppin shouldn't return until the (hiccup) until the Chancellor has been appointed. HULKE: I second that, Mr. President! POTTER: (Hurt) Surely there has to be some good in him! Even we Sleazosaurs still have SOME compassion! PODDUE: I' OCCULME: Yes, well (hiccup) back to the agenda. The UAC have shown some (hiccup) shown some interest in us. But what (hiccup) what they think of us hasn't yet been said. SHARPE: Personally, I don't think they've any right to be poking into our business. If anything, we should be finding out about them. OCCULME: I'm glad you (hiccup) glad you mentioned that, Councillor Sharpe. Until a Treasurer (hiccup) can be found, I'll be acting as Treasurer for our fleet. PODDUE: Fleet? OCCULME: If you (hiccup) recall, Councillor, we will be placing (hiccup) placing funds into the Coalition to establish our own (hiccup) our own fleet. SHARPE: To rival the .S.P.A.C.E.? POTTER: Having said that, why doesn't Lieutenant-Colonel Hulke just loan us some of his Imperical warships? HULKE: Inasmuch as I'd like to, I'm a field officer, not an Air Force officer. I can provide funding certainly, but not spacecraft. PODDUE: (Narrows his eyes) ..Coalition? HULKE: (Sighs) Very well, I'll see what can be done. I shall also donate funding for an actual fleet, and not a division of the Empire. POTTER: And exactly what will our fleet consist of? SHARPE: I suggest something on the lines of a battleship. Remember that the .S.P.A.C.E. has three frigates, and we need to be seen as far more powerful. PODDUE: OCCULME: Very (hiccup) very well. If you could send your (hiccup) send your donations in cash to here tomorrow (hiccup) tomorrow morning and I'll get started on what we can get. HULKE: And the Chancellor? OCCULME: I still need (hiccup) need time to think. Meeting adjourned. They all leave, and OCCULME pulls the concealed bottle from his desk. Finding it empty, he smashes it hard into a wastebasket next to the desk. SCENE THREE CBC Parliament, Three weeks later PRESIDENT OCCULME is speaking to LT.-COL. HULKE and COUNCILLORS SHARPE, POTTER and PODDUE. OCCULME: From all of your generous donations three weeks ago, the Cold Blood Fleet now has its' own craft. He shows them a photograph of what looks like a mammalian frigate, but is painted green and has a single-barrel maser cannon. SHARPE: President, I thought we were trying to avoid using frigates. OCCULME: I'm sorry, but the Sleazosaurs were quite pricy, especially since this Coalition was formed. All eyes fix on COUNCILLOR POTTER, who looks nervous. OCCULME (Continued) This ship, the Bellerophon, cost almost our entire funding. But our fleet has been given two Double-Bubbles, courtesy of Councillor Hulke. POTTER: Only two fighters? HULKE: (Apologetically) Sorry, but the Air Force were generous enough to give me even that! SHARPE: So, who pilots the Bellerophon? OCCULME: Several temporary Toad officers before we can establish military links. Commander Lytton, I think the name was. PODDUE: (Suspiciously) udden? HULKE: To make up for our poor Air Force, that's why. OCCULME: And because of the donations of two fighters and the crews for three ships, I hereby pronounce Lieutenant-Colonel Hulke as our new Chancellor. Everyone is suddenly shocked, and POTTER stands up. POTTER: (Spiteful) Coppin was right! You ARE trying to take over the Coalition, aren't you? HULKE: (Innocently) Excuse me, but I haven't bribed or threatened anyone! And how dare you accuse me of attempting a coup d'etat! SHARPE: Hulke. SHARPE pulls out a six-pack of liqueur hidden in OCCULMES' desk, with the Toad skull-and-crossbones marked on the plastic casing. SHARPE: (To Hulke) And you say you haven't bribed anyone? PODDUE: You'! HULKE is slowly increasing in anger, and places a hand on his holster. HULKE: OK, back off mammal lover! PODDUE: (Offended) Say...that...again. HULKE: Mammal lover! That's what all you Turtles are! PODDUE runs towards HULKE, albeit very slowly, as if to ram him. HULKE steps aside while PODDUE continues to run towards a wall, but stops before he can hit it. HULKE: I don't have time for this. I could be fighting on behalf of the Empire rather than say here. He turns to leave, but OCCULME becomes nervous. OCCULME: (Shouts) Are you saying you're just going to leave me to clean up YOUR mess, Hulke? HULKE: Why not? It's far easier to take over planets with an invasion fleet rather than political turmoil, isn't it? He leaves, and all eyes suddenly turn on OCCULME. SHARPE: You were going to let us be taken over by the Toads? OCCULME: (Nervously) Well, you see... POTTER: While you just lapped about in your crates of booze? OCCULME: I have a skin condition, my body needs lots of... PODDUE: OCCULME: How did you know? PODDUE picks up the photo and shakes off some powdery substance on the top and it turns out to be just a painting made to look like a photo. SHARPE: And you gave away all of that funding to the Empire just so you wouldn't get hurt. (Shrieks) OUR MONEY, CYRA!!! OCCULME says nothing, but shys away in a corner. POTTER: As of this moment, I am not in the Cold Blood Coalition and never was! He walks off, while PODDUE and SHARPE look at him. PODDUE: (Limps away) rders! SHARPE stays a moment to look at OCCULME before walking away. SHARPE: (To Occulme) Goodbye, scum. I hope you rot. PRESIDENT OCCULME is left all alone in the building, and OCCULME doesn't even look up when he hears faint screaming from outside, but only when LT.-COL. HULKE returns. OCCULME: (Shivers) It's dead, Hulke...the Coalition is dead. HULKE: (Slyly) Well, it's your fault, but you needn't worry. I've something here to cheer you up. OCCULME: It's not more drink, is it? HULKE shakes his head, and in a split-second, shoots OCCULME through the head, and carries the drinks-crate with him. Once he is a safe distance away, he blows up the building with three hand-grenades. HULKE: I can't let good liqueur go to waste now, can I? I'm sure my fellow officers can think of a better use for this. He walks towards a Toad Cruiser which takes off, once he's inside. Around the cruiser are the salin bodies of SHARPE, PODDUE and POTTER, whom HULKE has killed previously. As the Cruiser flies off, the CBC building is left to smoulder and burn to the ground, marking the end of the short-lived Cold Blood Coalition. THE END